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HFBoards Bad Comment Aggregator Thread

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Actually I haven't done much reading over there recently. I generally only read the History of Hockey section, because I consider that the best part of the website. The loonies get flushed out over there by the people who actually know what they're talking about.

Same handle here and there. I think I was on a "Memorable NHL Busts" kick when I was last there, so my avatar should still be that of Pavel Brendl when he was with the Flyers.


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"The List" belongs here.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Everytime I'm going to read the Business of Hockey board, this is going to become a


as such. This apparently got deleted but I posted this last night on EDSBS because I always point out to the college football fans that it's like NDNation and TexAgs had a baby in hockey. Guy posts this in the ratings thread

Tonight’s game was boring as sin. It’s probably better for the NHL to not have too many people watch that one. People tuning into their 1st hockey game will think hockey is complete crap.

Some other guy responds to this with the Michael Jordan laughing .gif and some other point, which gets mod edited with this (emphasis mine)

MODS: We’re hear to discuss facts, not opinions on why ratings might not be so bad. I’d rather here *guy who made first post's* opinions than have this thread cluttered with this trash.


Twitter: @RyanMcD29

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I feel like only two things should be changed in order to improve offensive numbers and player safety.

1) The NHL should impose strict rules on the types of materials that equipment manufacturers can use - namely, restrict harder materials like plastics.

How this helps: By restricting the hardness of materials, players should be entering bodychecking situations with more caution as there will be more force felt between both parties. There should be enough cushioning to protect the players, but not enough that the player should feel 'invincible' in their equipment. This should create more "respect" into playing physically against your opponent. Furthermore, this will increase scoring as players will be more hesitant to drop down and block the puck with their body and more quality shots should be getting through to the goaltender to create scoring chances.

He wants the players safer... so he wants the equipment less safe?

2) Limit shot-blocking to defensemen only.

How this helps: Increases scoring chances in theory as there will be no more of the "six goaltenders on the ice" style of play. I am not trying to shun team defensive play but when all the players on the team are more dedicated towards blocking the puck over playing the puck, it makes for less entertaining hockey and less defensive strategic play overall.

So then Gregory Campbell would have broken his leg and received a penalty for not being a defenceman?


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He wants the players safer... so he wants the equipment less safe?

There is actually a logic to that - many people, myself included, believe that the sense of invincibility in a polycarbonate football helmet has allowed players to play more recklessly. By scaling down that protection, and making them feel all the small hits more, they'll play better fundamental football and cause fewer injuries to themselves and their opponents.

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Some hockey equipment could stand to be softer: I'm thinking the shoulder pads and elbow pads. You don't hit anyone with your shin pads, so it shouldn't matter if they are plastic or not.

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But hey, when they discuss other sports, we get a whole conspiracy that the Giants created every single problem and relocation to happen in MLB since the 1950s! Even the creation of Astrotruf!


No offense to anyone who's a Giants fan, but the Giants are responsible for so much of baseball's franchise screwups in the last six decades.

#1 - The NY Giants were going to move to Minnesota in 1958, but the Brooklyn Dodgers were told they couldn't move to Los Angeles without a "travel partner" in California with them. So the Dodgers brokered the Giants to San Francisco deal. San Francisco had to be convinced to take them, and it only happened because the 49ers needed a new stadium.

#2 - Their departure from New York to SF instead of MIN left two pissed off cities: NY and MIN.

Minnesota courted the Washington Senators, so baseball expanded with the new Washington Senators (who later moved to Texas) and Los Angeles Angels (and their six name changes). Also the Mets (my favorite team and everyone's subject of jokes and ridicule) and Houston Astros (Astroturf is indirectly the Giants fault, too). And the Seattle Pilots, who moved to Milwaukee (giving us Selig!).

#3 - The Giants owner (who had to be coaxed into buying the team remember) sold the team in the 1970s to Molson, to move to Toronto. MLB saw how strong the Oakland As were, and realized ONE team in a market that big, with an owner that crazy, would be devastating for the game. So they blocked the sale. MLB expanded again to appease the pissed off Molson family (hello Toronto and Seattle Mariners). MLB found a guy to buy the team and keep them in San Fran.

#4 - That same owner MLB found later sold the Giants in 1993 to move to Tampa! MLB blocked that sale, too. For the same reason as before. That led Tampa - who built their stadium because the White Sox used them for leverage to get a new stadium in 1989 - to sic their politicians on MLB's anti-trust exemption. MLB quickly formed a committee to consider expansion, headed by Tampa resident George Steinbrenner, and the White Sox owner who almost moved there. Tampa got a team and Congress backed off.

… but they needed another team to join them for an even number. The White Sox owner asked his friend Jerry Colangelo to own the Phoenix team. But Colangelo wanted an NL team because it's cheaper with no DH and rivalries with the Dodgers/Padres were more attractive. So now MLB accidentally had 15-teams in each league.

#5 - Which created INTERLEAGUE PLAY! The Brewers moved to the NL because year-round interleague was too drastic, but the owners saw dollar signs and kept limited interleague, which is totally unfair because the rules aren't the same and some teams play really good teams six times (Mets vs Yankees) and some teams play really and teams six times (STL vs KC).

#6 - And that paved the way for interleague acceptance and Houston being forced into the AL West this season.

All because of the stupid Giants, who refuse to return the favor and have a clause in their territory rights no one else in MLB has! Now the Giants, with Oakland trapped playing baseball in a football stadium hell hole, are powerful and winning titles, while idiot Giants fans talk trash to the Dodgers fans (because they were told they hated each other when the teams arrived in 1958) while not realizing the Dodgers are the only reason they have a team in the first place.


Twitter: @RyanMcD29

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This whole thread is a gold mine. They're talking about 32 teams.


Jesus Christ stop with the bloody timezones already. Alright Detroit and Columbus fans listen up. This is a league with regional support. That means the bulk of its teams are going to be concentrated in one region, much of which is on the East Coast. For scheduling balance, certain outliers may have to move to the Western Conference, and by certain outliers I mean Detroit and Columbus. My advice for you is this. Watch as much as you can of the 4-8 West Coast games your teams will play each season, and go to sleep rest assured that if anything significant happens in the remainder of the game it will be properly youtubed or gifed for your perusal next morning. Alternatively tivo the remainder of the game and watch the end of it the next day while self imposing an information blackout. "But the water cooler rams80!" Shut up and get back to work; you aren't being paid to discuss sports with work buddies. "But the twitters rams80!" Avoiding social media once in a while is good for you.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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But hey, when they discuss other sports, we get a whole conspiracy that the Giants created every single problem and relocation to happen in MLB since the 1950s! Even the creation of Astrotruf!

You mean it wasn't the Jews? :D


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This whole thread is a gold mine. They're talking about 32 teams.


"Good sports cities makes good NHL cities. Thats it"

"My guess is Coyotes to Seattle, both expansion teams in the US (pick 2 of Houston, Portland, Vegas, Atlanta), next team after that that goes belly-up is a candidate for QC"

"FYI: 4 cold weather teams have moved and only one warm weather team moved in the last 20 years. Do you have access to the league finances?? How do you know who is making or losing money?"

"There SHOULD be a general framework for a 32- and 36-team league; with variations for combinations of: Quebec, Seattle, Houston, GTA2/Hamilton, Portland, Salt Lake City, Oklahoma City, Kansas City, Las Vegas, etc being added."



Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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The infamous "eenok" from the Anaheim board:

Originally Posted by eenok viewpost.gif

hello fellow landsman who said superVatanen should practise in the AHL..hello!

why should he..play anymore in AHL...why!? please dont answer ill sort out for ya..thanks for setting me on dude!

Yes, BIG yes..Vatanen IS ready for the NHL.its not gonna be any "let him try always we can send him back to the AHL if hes not ready"..of course Vatanen is well known by anaheim superheads..he was only in AHL to play while NHL was off.. he didnt have to hammer super lot of points allright? still got some 25 just while surfing abit.

let me tell you oooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee more time...this guy is amazing and hes gonna be bout best player in every game...why? he scates more and faster than any...with just this in mind and hell of a game understanding hes gonna be HUGE..

so enjoy the game..sing along and clap your hands..soon theres gonna be lots of guys,sons and mothers in THE ARENA w VAtanen-shirts lurking the game even more enthusiastic!

hes gonna change anaheims defens very heavily VERY SOON.trust me. anaheims defense have NOT BEEN GOOD for ages ..

no vatanen tonight? ans still the team killers sbisa and lydman plays! ridiculous!



no danger at all having sbisa,lydman trying to learn shooting in the games and having all kinds of trouble in own zoun. please let vatanen free!

I dont know if the headbrains of anaheim understand that hiller is no good.last season they tried on and on and on w it and failed. fasth is stabile and for sure lets around 2 goals/game.stabile! cant go on and on and on hiller and let goals like this.

vatanen must in the game, for keerole. these 2 players must have keeroles

EENOK/Finland, IL

is mascot job free at HONDA? really interested if so. can talk tricky and have a dance at pretty cheerleaders. of course young boys and girls also welcome , have a hugging parties..but this only while properly duck covered. ..share words, like to have work at HONDA and see lots of southern californian sun.laff.gif

EENOK/IL, Finland

might think everyboty is moviestar there. i took some time watching ads at craigs of rooms at peoples homes. can come really cheap but would need own entrance , own kitchen, own livingroom own wide screen for ducks games etc. also kind of little dirty w putting clothes allower an very often need to let out smelling farths so ...an also other things so dont think of the oppornity to pick up at the rent room method.

if anyboty know of room w plenty of privacy etc? thanks


hello thread EENOK here not in inglewood anymore or other CA location but here home yeah @ Finland ok.

havent seen this board so mucho last times sorry. still i say: if vatanen not playing playoff EENOK defnettley not watching game. alright! so ...have missed me ? i feel quckley looking here ive been badly missing. am i right or am i imaginating?laff.gif

vatanen is kee for team. no big words here just knowlegde. if vatanen not playing anaheim walk out of playoff easyly . for sure. remember. EENOK said.


also: having any contacts w industry of hollywoodfilm? while in inglewood a great movie idea popped up suddenly. it is own experienced. a true story so to say. EENOK SPIELBERG maybe winky.gif

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