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Rite of Spring '14: Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?


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The 2012 Rangers compared to this Rangers team are like night and day.

Also needed 7 games in rounds 1-2, yet they FEEL a bit more fresh.

Then again, these Habs and those Devils are very different and of course Tokarski/Brodeur is a big different.

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Sorry, but I don't buy the whole "if your team is successful, you aren't allowed to complain about them" bit.

I buy it hook line and sinker. You can complain, but you'll sound like a spoiled baby and I'll have no sympathy for what you're going through.

It's like complaining that the car your parents gave you isn't the right color while the rest of us don't even have cars.

Imagine if players took that approach - "well, we won last year so who cares what happens this year?" Isn't the goal of each season to win a championship? As fans, aren't we supposed to root for our teams to win it all every season?

Also, I don't think anyone is asking for sympathy.

EDIT: This is a good topic for BASS. You should be on the show this week. We can debate this. Could be fun.




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Sorry, but I don't buy the whole "if your team is successful, you aren't allowed to complain about them" bit.

I buy it hook line and sinker. You can complain, but you'll sound like a spoiled baby and I'll have no sympathy for what you're going through.

It's like complaining that the car your parents gave you isn't the right color while the rest of us don't even have cars.

Imagine if players took that approach - "well, we won last year so who cares what happens this year?" Isn't the goal of each season to win a championship? As fans, aren't we supposed to root for our teams to win it all every season?

Also, I don't think anyone is asking for sympathy.

EDIT: This is a good topic for BASS. You should be on the show this week. We can debate this. Could be fun.

Thanks for the invite, but I am slammed this week. I'll sit in whenever you guys will have me though.

I don't think the players think that way, but we're not players and to expect a championship every season is unreasonable. A fan of an oft-winning team can complain or do whatever he/she wants when things don't go their team's way, but I will still think they're behaving like a spoiled baby.


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Chrome isn't allowing me to choose quotes to respond to, but to answer Ice_Cap's question, I'm a lifelong resident of the city and even though I still resent them for 2010, I could at least be somewhat happy for the few people I knew who seemed to be genuine Hawks fans in the past before the recent success. However, the more they succeed, it begins to stroke the ego of the new fans who don't remember having to endure Craig Hartsburg as a coach. How else am I supposed to treat a fan who has no perspective and no context in terms of recent success? There's no appreciation there. There's no heartbreak, no close calls, no growing into fandom over the years and really appreciating it when they finally break through. There's no history there and that's what separates us as sports nerds from many of the casual fans I see huddling around the flat screens during game nights. Once the Hawks are gone, they forget by the next day and move on. But many of us here analyze that stuff and it takes us a bit longer before we realize that it's just sport.

By the way, I'm not singling out CS85 just because I hate his team. I called out Dbadefense on a similar idiotic post he made, lamenting how his Kings were doomed to have only one Cup because of this era of Hawks dominance. Really, bro? Talk to Cleveland and then tell me how much you "suffer" as a fan.

"And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday." 

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Chrome isn't allowing me to choose quotes to respond to, but to answer Ice_Cap's question, I'm a lifelong resident of the city and even though I still resent them for 2010, I could at least be somewhat happy for the few people I knew who seemed to be genuine Hawks fans in the past before the recent success. However, the more they succeed, it begins to stroke the ego of the new fans who don't remember having to endure Craig Hartsburg as a coach. How else am I supposed to treat a fan who has no perspective and no context in terms of recent success? There's no appreciation there. There's no heartbreak, no close calls, no growing into fandom over the years and really appreciating it when they finally break through. There's no history there and that's what separates us as sports nerds from many of the casual fans I see huddling around the flat screens during game nights. Once the Hawks are gone, they forget by the next day and move on. But many of us here analyze that stuff and it takes us a bit longer before we realize that it's just sport.

By the way, I'm not singling out CS85 just because I hate his team. I called out Dbadefense on a similar idiotic post he made, lamenting how his Kings were doomed to have only one Cup because of this era of Hawks dominance. Really, bro? Talk to Cleveland and then tell me how much you "suffer" as a fan.

Just curious, why do you resent them for 2010? Were you a Flyers fan?

I was actually cheering for the Hawks in 2010 but it was against the Flyers so that's not saying a whole lot. As much as I'm annoyed by some of CS85 posts I'll at least give him some credit for being civil in response to my barbs. Though it kind of sucked the fun out of it. Way to go you dick :P

Huge game tonight, go Habs!

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Chrome isn't allowing me to choose quotes to respond to, but to answer Ice_Cap's question, I'm a lifelong resident of the city and even though I still resent them for 2010, I could at least be somewhat happy for the few people I knew who seemed to be genuine Hawks fans in the past before the recent success. However, the more they succeed, it begins to stroke the ego of the new fans who don't remember having to endure Craig Hartsburg as a coach. How else am I supposed to treat a fan who has no perspective and no context in terms of recent success? There's no appreciation there. There's no heartbreak, no close calls, no growing into fandom over the years and really appreciating it when they finally break through. There's no history there and that's what separates us as sports nerds from many of the casual fans I see huddling around the flat screens during game nights. Once the Hawks are gone, they forget by the next day and move on. But many of us here analyze that stuff and it takes us a bit longer before we realize that it's just sport.

By the way, I'm not singling out CS85 just because I hate his team. I called out Dbadefense on a similar idiotic post he made, lamenting how his Kings were doomed to have only one Cup because of this era of Hawks dominance. Really, bro? Talk to Cleveland and then tell me how much you "suffer" as a fan.

This is a touchy subject. I would consider myself a hybrid bandwagoner, in that I followed the Blackhawks for about 6 or 7 years without truly dedicating myself to the sport of hockey and thus becoming a fan until, hey hey, 2009. What a coincidence that I would become a diehard fan of the Blackhawks and hockey in general right when the team exploded into relevancy.

To compensate for my ignorance on the past I've read a book or two and done various *Internet Research, but that's obviously not going to compare. Success breeds bandwagoning - there is nothing else to argue here, and if you're going to be a bitter nemesis of bandwagoners, you gotta take the good with the bad. For every 200 ignorant jerkoff flakes and Pinkhats that roam the UC there's perhaps an equal amount of fans that spawn a genuine rooted interest that will take hold for years, if not the rest of their lives.

When I sit here and bitch and moan about the Blackhawks woefully not winning two straight cups, it's more that I want them to make the most of this incredibly unique timeframe where the pieces are in place to capitalize. Obviously it's not remotely fair to cry about it considering many teams are perennially out of the playoffs even, but that's just how it goes. Fans are human, and 99% of us complain.

And Morgo, we've been through this so many times that it's not really fun anymore. With Cujo's dumb ass it's a fresh and new kind of loathing, so my unrelenting anguish towards that buffoon are, during the heat of battle, unyielding.

* - googling crap

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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I still don't see why Blackhawks fans aren't allowed to have any emotional reaction to games this year. We're acting entitled if we celebrate or spoiled if we're pissed off because they're not playing well. What's the point in watching this year if we can't get emotionally invested in games? Most of us aren't going around acting like the Hawks deserve to win, we just get pissed off when they play poorly and get down in a series that they are fully capable of winning.


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And Morgo, we've been through this so many times that it's not really fun anymore. With Cujo's dumb ass it's a fresh and new kind of loathing, so my unrelenting anguish towards that buffoon are, during the heat of battle, unyielding.

* - googling crap

Up and down the block more times than one of the Godfather's Red Light Specials :P

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Chrome isn't allowing me to choose quotes to respond to, but to answer Ice_Cap's question, I'm a lifelong resident of the city and even though I still resent them for 2010, I could at least be somewhat happy for the few people I knew who seemed to be genuine Hawks fans in the past before the recent success. However, the more they succeed, it begins to stroke the ego of the new fans who don't remember having to endure Craig Hartsburg as a coach. How else am I supposed to treat a fan who has no perspective and no context in terms of recent success? There's no appreciation there. There's no heartbreak, no close calls, no growing into fandom over the years and really appreciating it when they finally break through. There's no history there and that's what separates us as sports nerds from many of the casual fans I see huddling around the flat screens during game nights. Once the Hawks are gone, they forget by the next day and move on. But many of us here analyze that stuff and it takes us a bit longer before we realize that it's just sport.

By the way, I'm not singling out CS85 just because I hate his team. I called out Dbadefense on a similar idiotic post he made, lamenting how his Kings were doomed to have only one Cup because of this era of Hawks dominance. Really, bro? Talk to Cleveland and then tell me how much you "suffer" as a fan.

What I'm getting at is that your anti-Hawks attitude seems...contrarian-esque. It also seems like you're bitter about 2010 because you latched onto the Sharks and for a good while they seemed closer to a Cup then the 'Hawks and times were good lording that over hapless 'Hawks fans. Then 2010 happens, after years of the Sharks choking, and boom. Every 'Hawks fan is a whiny baby and the team is evil to you.

Now I don't care about who you want to root for, but if Andy and dba can be called out then so can Alex Houston.

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To be fair if he lives in Chicago he's practically immersed in toolboxes and pinkhats, which could sour anyone.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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At this stage the ratings don't mean as much being in year 2 of a 10 year contract and the league on stable ground after the post-lockout stretch, but NBC and whatnot would probably want Chicago-Rangers more. Even though LA's the #2 market, Chicago at #3 draws the needle more locally. The Kings do have a very good and loyal fanbase, but it doesn't come close to the Blackhawks Fever that's hit the Windy City these past 5 seasons.


Twitter: @RyanMcD29

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To be fair if he lives in Chicago he's practically immersed in toolboxes and pinkhats, which could sour anyone.

Honestly, towards the end of Dollar Bill's reign, I was surprised there were any remaining Hawks fans. That kind of mismanaging a team often leads to things like Glendale. I can actually empathize with and respect Hawks fans of that era who stuck through it.

(That doesn't mean I have to like the recent results, damnit.)

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POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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I don't mind Andy's complaining about a Blackhawks loss. Although, he does go a bit overboard with his complaining. Zack complains after most Ducks losses too, but he at least has the sense to keep his complaints to one post.

What bothersome (and it's become an epidemic around here....started by Lights Out, continued by CS85, and now many are doing it) is this jumping-the-gun negativity towards your own team. As soon as the opponent scores, the doom-and-gloom begins. It's like you're either looking for sympathy or you're wanting to be a "See, I told you my team wasn't good enough to win this game/championship!" foreshadow'er. And it's happened so many times where Mr. Negative makes a post, and two hours later, his team is victorious. In that aspect, it looks foolish. What's more bothersome are the "I'm pleasantly surprised my team won the game, because they played so poorly for a part of the game" posts.

Can't you folks just appreciate a victory and not take losing so seriously?

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They've forgotten the ghost of Dollar Bill.

Half of them have even forgotten what it's like to be a Cubs fan, it seems.

That's the drawback about using the moniker "fan" to describe any person who walks through the gates, be it the old man wearing a cap from 40 years ago, anxiously awaiting his first pennant, to the drunken college kid who just learned who the roster was that season but claimed he was "always a fan." No, all fandom is not created equal and I would argue until I'm six feet under that it isn't.

Chrome isn't allowing me to choose quotes to respond to, but to answer Ice_Cap's question, I'm a lifelong resident of the city and even though I still resent them for 2010, I could at least be somewhat happy for the few people I knew who seemed to be genuine Hawks fans in the past before the recent success. However, the more they succeed, it begins to stroke the ego of the new fans who don't remember having to endure Craig Hartsburg as a coach. How else am I supposed to treat a fan who has no perspective and no context in terms of recent success? There's no appreciation there. There's no heartbreak, no close calls, no growing into fandom over the years and really appreciating it when they finally break through. There's no history there and that's what separates us as sports nerds from many of the casual fans I see huddling around the flat screens during game nights. Once the Hawks are gone, they forget by the next day and move on. But many of us here analyze that stuff and it takes us a bit longer before we realize that it's just sport.

By the way, I'm not singling out CS85 just because I hate his team. I called out Dbadefense on a similar idiotic post he made, lamenting how his Kings were doomed to have only one Cup because of this era of Hawks dominance. Really, bro? Talk to Cleveland and then tell me how much you "suffer" as a fan.

What I'm getting at is that your anti-Hawks attitude seems...contrarian-esque. It also seems like you're bitter about 2010 because you latched onto the Sharks and for a good while they seemed closer to a Cup then the 'Hawks and times were good lording that over hapless 'Hawks fans. Then 2010 happens, after years of the Sharks choking, and boom. Every 'Hawks fan is a whiny baby and the team is evil to you.

Now I don't care about who you want to root for, but if Andy and dba can be called out then so can Alex Houston.

Funny thing is it's hard to lord anything over someone's head when they don't even care about the thing you're holding in the first place. Only one person I knew during my high school and college years would actually talk hockey. Who was that? The guy who actually played on the high school hockey team. No family, no friends, nothing. So you end up learning pretty quick there's no joy in having a supposed "superiority complex" in something that nobody cares about. Besides, what was I lording? The mere chance at a championship versus a team who actually did it before? I'm pretty stupid, I'll give you that, but come on now.

As for the 2010 bitterness, it's pretty simple. The local fans got to gloat they denied my team the chance to move on and I really believed they could've beaten Philly. If San Jose had lost to Detroit, it still would've been annoying seeing Chicago win, but at least there would've been one less bullet in the chamber of that sports fan who decides to hem and haw at me for wearing Sharks gear. Shoot, I was chided three different times about liking an out of town team during these playoffs when I didn't even say anything about hockey. So I apologize to the prosecution if those people make it harder for me to feel bad when their team starts to not get all the breaks. Yes, some of their fans are whiny babies. Evil? Eh....maybe...Native Americans do like their cursed burial grounds after all...

A good thing to keep in mind is online forums are composed of mixed company. Many cheer for teams who suck most of the time. So when one of you complains about a team who's actually won a couple times recently, many people here are going to criticize you for it. Simple as that. Sure, CS85 can keep doing it, but can he cry foul when someone tells him to piss off? Sure. Maybe. Who cares?

To be fair if he lives in Chicago he's practically immersed in toolboxes and pinkhats, which could sour anyone.

Worse yet, he's related to them.

"And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday." 

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So you're saying if people chide me for being a Blackhawks spoiled ass goblin that I should simply present my Cubs Fan Card?

Also in a strange coincidence (or maybe not) I was a Sharks "fan" as a kid (re: I owned a few shirts and a jacket) because they were new and their look was badass.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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Um, there's a flood of vulcanized rubber entering the twine in Montreal...

Starting Second period it was 2-1, MTL.

Goal: MTL (3-1)

Goal: MTL (4-1)

Goal: NYR (4-2)

Goal: NYR (4-3)

Goal: NYR (4-4)

Goal: MTL (5-4)

All in, let's say 12-15 minute span. Only in the second period...



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