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Rite of Spring '15: exhume our idols! bury our friends!


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Yeah, Winnipeg's not racist at all. My, how quickly we forget the articles on the "Atlanta tyoe of player".

Also: http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/welcome-to-winnipeg-where-canadas-racism-problem-is-at-its-worst/

As for the corporate fealty, co-opting the national anthem to give a compulsory shout-out to ownership ranks up there.

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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Yeah, Winnipeg's not racist at all. My, how quickly we forget the articles on the "Atlanta tyoe of player".

Also: http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/welcome-to-winnipeg-where-canadas-racism-problem-is-at-its-worst/

As for the corporate fealty, co-opting the national anthem to give a compulsory shout-out to ownership ranks up there.

But they waited sooooooooooo long and wore matching shirts!
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Seriously, where is all this coming from? I understand being on the wrong side of a scrappy underdog love story, but some of this vitriol, I don't get it.

I get Perry. I get Kesler. I get Getzlaf to an extent (sure he can get whiny now and again, but is he really on the same hate level as the other two?). But to throw that all on the Ducks as a team or as a franchise like I've seen, it's just caught me off guard a little.

I guess we're just not used to it? We've built up Shark hate and massive recent Kings hate, but it's weird having the shoe on the other foot.

Anyway, assuming CalGary closes it down, it'll be the same script over again (plus Jonas Hiller in net. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Juicy.). So whatever. Guess the only thing to do is embrace it.

Later 0-8 Thrashers.

Quack quack, mother :censored: ers.



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Yeah, Winnipeg's not racist at all. My, how quickly we forget the articles on the "Atlanta tyoe of player".

Also: http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/welcome-to-winnipeg-where-canadas-racism-problem-is-at-its-worst/

As for the corporate fealty, co-opting the national anthem to give a compulsory shout-out to ownership ranks up there.

But they waited sooooooooooo long and wore matching shirts!




Google's fun ;)

Seriously, where is all this coming from? I understand being on the wrong side of a scrappy underdog love story, but some of this vitriol, I don't get it.

You kind of answered it yourself. I get not being used to being in that situation, but it is what it is. I really don't see Ducks hate becoming a "thing," it's just a by-product of a specific set of circumstances.

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The indie darlings have fallen. I haven't seen hipsters this upset since Godspeed You Black Emperor broke up. Now we can focus on actual hockey instead of acting out small-town fantasies by gawking at the cute little fans and their white shirts.

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I don't get the Duck hate either. I mean, this isn't like when Detroit was DETROIT and they loomed over the West as an almighty goliath. Guess Getzlaf/Perry/Kesler rub some people the wrong way. Another possible factor- no sentimental hero in Teemu for others to rally behind ala last year.

Fun fact- Anaheim is the only playoff team not named Chicago from the West to win a Cup since the lockout (Detroit 2008? That was in the West, not the East)

I don't mind them- if anything, I want Bruce Boudreau to finally make a deep playoff run and get the monkey off his back.

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I don't get the Duck hate either. I mean, this isn't like when Detroit was DETROIT and they loomed over the West as an almighty goliath. Guess Getzlaf/Perry/Kesler rub some people the wrong way. Another possible factor- no sentimental hero in Teemu for others to rally behind ala last year.

Fun fact- Anaheim is the only playoff team not named Chicago from the West to win a Cup since the lockout (Detroit 2008? That was in the West, not the East)

I don't mind them- if anything, I want Bruce Boudreau to finally make a deep playoff run and get the monkey off his back.

I guess it's because you don't live in So Cal and you don't have to deal with them and their fans on a daily basis, and you root for a team in the opposite conference on the other side of the country. If you did, you might feel differently.

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Kind of hockey related but not:

Metallica concert will be the final event ever held at Colisee Pepsi on September 14th. Two days later on September 16th a Metallica concert will be the first ever event held at Centre Videotron.

That's what they're going to call it? That's a pretty bad name for an arena. I was hoping it would be called Labatt Centre or something like that.

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Kind of hockey related but not:

Metallica concert will be the final event ever held at Colisee Pepsi on September 14th. Two days later on September 16th a Metallica concert will be the first ever event held at Centre Videotron.

That's what they're going to call it? That's a pretty bad name for an arena. I was hoping it would be called Labatt Centre or something like that.

Considering Quebecor (owner of Videotron) paid $63M for the naming rights over 20 years, there was no way they'd name it something other than Centre Vidéotron.

Four times IHL Nielson Cup Champions - Montréal Shamrocks (2008-2009 // 2009-2010 // 2012-2013 // 2014-2015)

Five times TNFF Confederation Cup Champions - Yellowknife Eagles (2009 CC VI // 2010 CC VII // 2015 CC XII // 2017 CC XIV // 2018 CC XV)

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Oh hey it's my first post in an NHL thread all season long. How ya'll doing?

Hate to be the ones to spoil Winnipeg's run, but, oh well. One thing I don't like coming out of this series is the Ducks yet again doing the thing where they let one in early and then bounce back. The just-barely-qualified Jets may be the exception but that won't work against every team. It's already bitten the Ducks in the tail feathers before and I can only hope it doesn't happen again this time around. That is, assuming they haven't already improved in that area this season in general. I wouldn't know, only because I've been out of the loop all year. Being eight hours ahead and not being able to watch games semi-regularly anymore does that to you.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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Ducks hate? Short answer: Die and be a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Long answer? Look around the west. No San Jose black armor to mock. No .500 Kings to sneak in and steal a Cup. The Red Wings moved east. No one considers the Blues a threat to win the Cup because, well, they've never won the Cup. Minnesota seems to have North Stars sentimentality attached to it.

Other than the Blackhawks, the Ducks are the closest thing to Cup royalty in the west this year, and people tend to root for underdogs... or at least new blood.

And a Canadian team vs. a Sun Belt team? No contest. Short of the Canucks, folks around here are going to lean Canadian. Heck, I'd like to see a Canadian team win again. So unless Nashville comes along, you might be in the minority for a while.

Personally, I generally have no problems with anyone in the west winning this year, but if I had to pick beyond my rooting interests, I'd go with some team that never did it before.

Just one casual fan's 2 cents.

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I was cheering hard for the Jets, and am kinda pissed at the Ducks right now...

But I'm still cheering for you against Calgary/Vancouver. No hard feelings, Ducks fans.


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Short of the Canucks, folks around here are going to lean Canadian.

That the CCSLC leans heavily northern with the exception of the Canucks makes me smile.

But they waited sooooooooooo long and wore matching shirts!

The indie darlings have fallen. I haven't seen hipsters this upset since Godspeed You Black Emperor broke up. Now we can focus on actual hockey instead of acting out small-town fantasies by gawking at the cute little fans and their white shirts.

Maybe this is why people don't like Ducks/southern fans. And we're supposed to be the smug ones.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Quack quack, mother :censored: ers.

"Stop quacking, Gordon."

On September 20, 2012 at 0:50 AM, 'CS85 said:

It's like watching the hellish undead creakily shuffling their way out of the flames of a liposuction clinic dumpster fire.

On February 19, 2012 at 9:30 AM, 'pianoknight said:

Story B: Red Wings go undefeated and score 100 goals in every game. They also beat a team comprised of Godzilla, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, 2 Power Rangers and Betty White. Oh, and they played in the middle of Iraq on a military base. In the sand. With no ice. Santa gave them special sand-skates that allowed them to play in shorts and t-shirts in 115 degree weather. Jesus, Zeus and Buddha watched from the sidelines and ate cotton candy.

POTD 5/24/12, POTD 2/26/17


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The only Canadien team I will never root for is Montreal.

So Go Flames Go

I'm cheering for the Habs in the East this year, seeing how Ottawa is being bag of flaming human poop.

I <3 Carey Price

EDIT: I would much rather see the Canucks come back and win, but, looks like itll be the flames.


Formerly known as DiePerske

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Nobody outside of Socal cares about the Ducks... Hell, after watching their coma inducing cup victory in 07, it's pretty clear most of Socal doesn't care either. Factor in Getzlaf, Perry, Kesler and some truly awful uniforms and the question isn't why they became the top heel, but rather, what took them so long

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