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2023 NFL Offseason thread


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You're a dummy if you're not excited for an all-timer coming to your team.


Terrell Owens slummed in on the Bills for a season, and it was awesome.

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1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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45 minutes ago, FiddySicks said:

I kind of find this to be a nutzo take. Aaron Rodgers is for sure an annoying handful, and I can totally understand not liking him. But to stop rooting for a team because of him? Seems masochistic to crazy levels. This is still a four time MVP who’s got a better resume than any jets QB ever and is jointing a team that’s on the verge of being legitimately competitive. I don’t get it. 

I saw some of this with Bucs fans when Brady signed. Seems really silly. I HATED Brady to the point where I stopped watching football for a stretch because of him. But when he came to my sorry ass team? I gritted my teeth, watched him lead them to a Super Bowl win, and gained a new found appreciation for him. Granted, the attitudes are different (and I get Rodgers comes with more baggage. Sort of), but this is still an all time great. Why check out now? You’re really gonna suffer through that much dysfunctional Jets football and miss out on the potential reward? Like I said, silly. 


this isn't about Rodgers as a person, although I also think he's a legitimately reprehensible person. it's about the Jets having multiple options and taking the one that blows up in their face every single time. you know where their strengths were last season before falling apart? the rushing game and defense. the only reason they didn't make the playoffs, aside from injuries, was that they'd somehow assembled the most bad quarterbacks under one roof I've ever seen. all they really needed was just a decent QB. someone baggage-free and not too old who could take a relative backseat and guide the team without completely prolapsing. someone like, say, Derek Carr. who was tied to the Jets! but, since this is the Jets, they went for the ancient primadonna instead.


why should I have any reason to believe this won't end up exactly like Favre's stint did? why should I continue to support a team that takes the worse option over and over again without giving any indication they'll ever prove me wrong? I'd love it if they did! I really would! but there's a reason this team hasn't won a Super Bowl since the Beatles were still together. and I really, genuinely don't think adding a dude who'll probably retire after one season and move on to appearing on Tucker Carlson is going to change that.


also, the Bucs had won a title in this century pre-Brady. that's not a "sorry-ass team" as far as I'm concerned.

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On 3/15/2023 at 1:10 PM, JerseyJimmy said:


this isn't about Rodgers as a person, although I also think he's a legitimately reprehensible person. it's about the Jets having multiple options and taking the one that blows up in their face every single time. you know where their strengths were last season before falling apart? the rushing game and defense. the only reason they didn't make the playoffs, aside from injuries, was that they'd somehow assembled the most bad quarterbacks under one roof I've ever seen. all they really needed was just a decent QB. someone baggage-free and not too old who could take a relative backseat and guide the team without completely prolapsing. someone like, say, Derek Carr. who was tied to the Jets! but, since this is the Jets, they went for the ancient primadonna instead.


why should I have any reason to believe this won't end up exactly like Favre's stint did? why should I continue to support a team that takes the worse option over and over again without giving any indication they'll ever prove me wrong? I'd love it if they did! I really would! but there's a reason this team hasn't won a Super Bowl since the Beatles were still together. and I really, genuinely don't think adding a dude who'll probably retire after one season and move on to appearing on Tucker Carlson is going to change that.


also, the Bucs had won a title in this century pre-Brady. that's not a "sorry-ass team" as far as I'm concerned.

I'm a die hard Lions fan. This is the team, that no matter what has made one bad decision after another. I have had many thoughts about leaving fpr another. But I have stuck around no matter what. Just because they're adding Aaron Rodgers doesn't mean you abandon ship. However if you do Abondon ship and it works out in he nd for them and it leads to a Super Bowl. I don't want to see you jumping back on saying yay thats my team. You ride or die through the mistakes or you were really never a fan at all.

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15 minutes ago, JerseyJimmy said:


this isn't about Rodgers as a person, although I also think he's a legitimately reprehensible person. it's about the Jets having multiple options and taking the one that blows up in their face every single time. you know where their strengths were last season before falling apart? the rushing game and defense. the only reason they didn't make the playoffs, aside from injuries, was that they'd somehow assembled the most bad quarterbacks under one roof I've ever seen. all they really needed was just a decent QB. someone baggage-free and not too old who could take a relative backseat and guide the team without completely prolapsing. someone like, say, Derek Carr. who was tied to the Jets! but, since this is the Jets, they went for the ancient primadonna instead.


why should I have any reason to believe this won't end up exactly like Favre's stint did? why should I continue to support a team that takes the worse option over and over again without giving any indication they'll ever prove me wrong? I'd love it if they did! I really would! but there's a reason this team hasn't won a Super Bowl since the Beatles were still together. and I really, genuinely don't think adding a dude who'll probably retire after one season and move on to appearing on Tucker Carlson is going to change that.


also, the Bucs had won a title in this century pre-Brady. that's not a "sorry-ass team" as far as I'm concerned.

Oof, yeah. This is got to be some form of bad, long term PTSD, because calling Derek Carr a better option than Aaron Rodgers is flatline absurd. And I say that as a big Derek Carr fan and defender, too. “Prolapsing” (god, that’s such a gross word 😂) is MUCH more likely to come from Carr than it ever would from Aaron Rodgers, who is probably one of the best ever in terms of preventing something like that from happening.

Like, I really do think that people are taking some of his weirdness, and the way the media has overblown it, as overshadowing just how damn good the dude is, even at 39. I don’t like Aaron Rodgers, either. I defended him for a long time and the past few years he’s just gotten too much for me with the off the field stuff. But that still doesn’t mean I can’t recognize just how good he really is on the field. I for one would be over the moon if my team were to end up with him under center. 


It’s really simple. The Jets went out and made this move because he is the very best option they could’ve possibly gotten. I get the hesitation, both when it comes to him and the Jets usual futility. But really, try to enjoy this one. It’s probably going to work out on the field so much better than you’re used to. 

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On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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14 minutes ago, Gary said:

However if you do Abondon ship and it works out in he nd for them and it leads to a Super Bowl. I don't want to see you jumping back on saying yay thats my team. You ride or die through the mistakes or you were really never a fan at all.


actually, I think I can personally decide whether or not I'm a fan of a team or not. I'll do whatever's healthiest for me.

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24 minutes ago, FiddySicks said:

Oof, yeah. This is got to be some form of bad, long term PTSD, because calling Derek Carr a better option than Aaron Rodgers is flatline absurd. And I say that as a big Derek Carr fan and defender, too. “Prolapsing” (god, that’s such a gross word 😂) is MUCH more likely to come from Carr than it ever would from Aaron Rodgers, who is probably one of the best ever in terms of preventing something like that from happening.

Like, I really do think that people are taking some of his weirdness, and the way the media has overblown it, as overshadowing just how damn good the dude is, even at 39. I don’t like Aaron Rodgers, either. I defended him for a long time and the past few years he’s just gotten too much for me with the off the field stuff. But that still doesn’t mean I can’t recognize just how good he really is on the field. I for one would be over the moon if my team were to end up with him under center. 


It’s really simple. The Jets went out and made this move because he is the very best option they could’ve possibly gotten. I get the hesitation, both when it comes to him and the Jets usual futility. But really, try to enjoy this one. It’s probably going to work out on the field so much better than you’re used to. 

There is logic to that statement, though. If you have a team that is supposed to be based on running and defense, you don't want to have Steve Spurrier coach it (because he'll admittedly want to 'pitch the rock cause it was so nice out there') or possibly Aaron Rodgers, because he will check out of called runs because he wants to throw.

I cheer for the uniform and colors, not the player wearing them. He was/is an odd duck, but he used to be MY odd duck. Now? Let's see if we suck under Love or not. I have no real feelings toward Rodgers, because he isn't (almost) on my team any longer.

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It's where I sit.

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7 minutes ago, Sec19Row53 said:

There is logic to that statement, though. If you have a team that is supposed to be based on running and defense, you don't want to have Steve Spurrier coach it (because he'll admittedly want to 'pitch the rock cause it was so nice out there') or possibly Aaron Rodgers, because he will check out of called runs because he wants to throw.


Agreed. I don't think anybody is saying Carr is a better QB than Rodgers, but what you can't argue with is that the Jets could've had Carr with zero compensation, and could at least hope to have their QB situation settled for the foreseeable future.  Instead, they're probably going to have to trade a crazy amount of quality players and/or high draft picks for a guy that's going to be doing this exact same "look at me" dance in approximately 11 months. 


They better load up and go for broke this season (and does this instantly make them better than KC and Cincy? I have my doubts) because the shelf life on this seems short.

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Tough to see Zeke go as he's one of my favorite Cowboy players ever, but the writing has been on the wall for a few years now. Due to a combination of age, injuries and general wear and tear from playing RB in the NFL, he lost his speed and explosiveness that made him one of the league's best backs in his first 3 years. He's been steadily declining since 2018 and coupled with the emergence of Pollard being one of the league's most explosive backs, I think we all saw this coming. There's a chance he comes back for the vet minimum, but that's unlikely at this point.


In terms of his statistics, he ends his Cowboys' career as the 3rd best back in franchise history. We'll always have that spectacular 2016 season (and the "what could have been" from that year). 

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Cowboys - Lakers - LAFC - USMNT - LA Rams - LA Kings - NUFC 

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54 minutes ago, JerseyJimmy said:


actually, I think I can personally decide whether or not I'm a fan of a team or not. I'll do whatever's healthiest for me.

Just saying jumping fandom because of one player or person isn't a true fan imho. You ride or you die. Besides I absolutely hate Aaron Rodgers, but if it was between him and Carr? I'm taking Rodgers every day of the week

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1 hour ago, Gary said:

Just saying jumping fandom because of one player or person isn't a true fan imho. You ride or you die. Besides I absolutely hate Aaron Rodgers, but if it was between him and Carr? I'm taking Rodgers every day of the week

Really? Because I'm a Browns fan that gave up my season seats over Watson. So, yeah. I still want the Browns to win, but I won't be paying for it as long as he's on the team.

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2 hours ago, Gary said:

Just saying jumping fandom because of one player or person isn't a true fan imho. You ride or you die. Besides I absolutely hate Aaron Rodgers, but if it was between him and Carr? I'm taking Rodgers every day of the week


Mannn...I used to think that way, but then I was like "bump that". I rode with the Bucs from the time I first saw a football game (probably somewhere around 5 or 6 years old) right up through and until the whole Greg Schiano episode wherein I finally just said "bump it" and got off the bus before it and the driver killed me. (That they for reasons unknown to mankind chose to cosplay as alarm clocks in the seasons that followed was just a hilarious coincidence.) 


Now I will say I've stuck it out with the Jaguars all these years (although during my sojourns in both Indy and Nashville it mayyy have been more Colts/Snatit than Jags for a time when they played each other), but even with that, I'm more a casual observer of the sport than überfan like I used to be with the Buccaneers growing up. I will say that my three-year sojourn up in the Dakotas seemed to spark a resurgence in my black and teal fandom, though, due to a/ hometown ties and n/ the number of random Jags fans living up here (and I still don't know how the heck THAT happened).


TL;DR: like who you wanna like. Or don't. Ain't no rules to fandom; just don't go killing yourself—or going full-on Tnak-rage mode—over no doggone sports team. *hat drop*

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*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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Oh and while we're speaking of the Jags and tangentially about Tennessee—and I 100% saw this coming—the Snatit done snatched Arden Key from Jacksonville.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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3 hours ago, FiddySicks said:

as overshadowing just how damn good the dude is, even at 39.


Is he really that good though?  Dude's been made out to be a Mt. Rushmore kind  of guy, but he's been to one Super Bowl, and that was over a decade ago.  True legends can find a way to get there even with mediocre talent, and he's had better-than-mediocre talent for a lot of his career.  He's simply not a threat in the playoffs when the competition is better, and while I may be proven wrong, his career is going to end on a very sad note.


2 hours ago, Rockstar Matt said:

Tough to see Zeke go as he's one of my favorite Cowboy players ever, but the writing has been on the wall for a few years now. Due to a combination of age, injuries and general wear and tear from playing RB in the NFL, he lost his speed and explosiveness that made him one of the league's best backs in his first 3 years. He's been steadily declining since 2018 and coupled with the emergence of Pollard being one of the league's most explosive backs, I think we all saw this coming. There's a chance he comes back for the vet minimum, but that's unlikely at this point.


In terms of his statistics, he ends his Cowboys' career as the 3rd best back in franchise history. We'll always have that spectacular 2016 season (and the "what could have been" from that year). 


Using a top pick on a RB is simply asinine.  I said it then, I said it with Barkley, and I'll say it anytime any dumb team does it.  If you're drafting in the top 10, chances are you're not a good team and don't have the luxury to be picking a RB who's career will likely be winding down by the time you are good.  I read some stat that there's a very low number of RBs who have been productive into their second contracts.  They're more/less fungible, and the main differentiating factor is whether they can catch or not, and whether they're "power" backs or not.


Elliot will end up like Lesean McCoy - maybe winning a Super Bowl, but as a backup on a team with a starter that's an otherwise unremarkable guy.

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9 minutes ago, BBTV said:


Is he really that good though?  Dude's been made out to be a Mt. Rushmore kind  of guy, but he's been to one Super Bowl, and that was over a decade ago.  True legends can find a way to get there even with mediocre talent, and he's had better-than-mediocre talent for a lot of his career.  He's simply not a threat in the playoffs when the competition is better, and while I may be proven wrong, his career is going to end on a very sad note.



Using a top pick on a RB is simply asinine.  I said it then, I said it with Barkley, and I'll say it anytime any dumb team does it.  If you're drafting in the top 10, chances are you're not a good team and don't have the luxury to be picking a RB who's career will likely be winding down by the time you are good.  I read some stat that there's a very low number of RBs who have been productive into their second contracts.  They're more/less fungible, and the main differentiating factor is whether they can catch or not, and whether they're "power" backs or not.


Elliot will end up like Lesean McCoy - maybe winning a Super Bowl, but as a backup on a team with a starter that's an otherwise unremarkable guy.

Dan Marino would like a word with you

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It's where I sit.

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Just now, DCarp1231 said:

@BBTV Philly has been losing guys left and right. How are you feeling?


Not too bent about it.  Knew it was gonna happen - that's what happens when your QB goes from $1.5M to probably $50M.  It's certainly not ideal, and the defense will absolutely be weaker - but I expect the offense to be better, so maybe it nets out.


Hargrave is the biggest loss by far.  Pleasantly surprised they were able to bring Bradbury back, even if it meant an unexpected breakup with Slay.  Losing their LBs is meh - they're good, but replaceable.  We'll see if Nakobe Dean was really the draft steal that many thought he was, and if Jordan Davis is anything but a fat tub of goo that stuffed the middle for Georgia.  Marcus Epps was a good starter, and I really didn't expect to lose him, but he's not special.


The Miles Sanders loss is also meh.  Kenny Gainwell had replaced him by the end, and he's a fumble machine and simply not reliable.  Seamalu was really good, but they have in-house replacements.


CJGJ is key.  They need to bring him back.


But the thing with them is that they had the best roster in NFL last year, and a lot of it was very late additions.  They brought Bradbury in pretty late in the game, CJGJ in August, and some guys during the season.  They have two 1st round picks and enough financial flexibility to sign some of this year's guys who get cut with one year left on their deal and want to "prove it".  They'll probably find some idiot team like the Saints to rob of picks again, which only adds to their flexibility.  They're still far and away the top team in the East, and IMO still in the top 3 of the NFC, even losing the players and their coordinators.


"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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