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cards unis coming


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Looks a lot less like the Falcons now, doesn't it?

It's amazing how a couple yellow lines make that jersey look so much better



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What they did:


What they should have done:


Looks a lot less like the Falcons now, doesn't it?

not much. the stripes are actually different than the Falcons stripes. and there is some piping down the side that the Falcons don't do. oh yeah and for the guy who was talking baout the Falcon's black Uni's and hwow they look bad. I agree I love the red ones and the White ones they wear now.

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I agree with you guys that a touch of yellow would have made a world of difference. That said, I like these much better than the Falcons uni's, and when you consider the helmets being so different, they won't be that similar on the field.

One thing I really like is the black side striping, especially on the all-red unis like the one below.


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Yeah... talk about underwhelming.

I expected something like this. The only uniform combo I like are the red jersey/white pants combo


That number font is weird. I think they shouln't have done a block number font for that.


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Anyone notice the incredible difference in the pants' piping/stripe when you compare McCown's set to Shipp's? To me, it looks like the pants are identical lengths (Shipp's pants may be a tad shorter), but McCown's piping is much longer.

The red/red with the white helmet is still horrendous. Used tampons galore.

The red/white, white/white are the best IMO.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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What they did:


What they should have done:


Looks a lot less like the Falcons now, doesn't it?

Nice change that would look even better if the yellow piping ran along the edge of the sleeve stripes as well.

I really tried to be positive in looking at them, but overall, they're just hideous. As someone pointed out, the designer put together a nice collection of all the features that suck on other teams' uni's.

And when they play Atlanta, it'll look like the Falcons playing themselves.


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Sorry if I missed a previous post/thread about the Cardinals' logo - the bird head itself - but they've obviously changed that to a more "fierce" (and IMHO more cartoonish) look.  At least it's just a tweak and not the complete disaster of a redesign that the Falcons undertook.    From this classy bird...


To this goofy thing that looks as if it's falling over forwards...


Of course, all this is coming from a Saints fan...    ^_^

<_< Don't worry, the Saints' logo will change when they move to L.A...

Oh, like the Jazz changed their name when they went to Utah?

Anyway, the Saints aren't going anywhere.


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And when they play Atlanta, it'll look like the Falcons playing themselves.

Not really. The Falcons do have completely different helmets and have much more black in the uniforms.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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Anyone notice the incredible difference in the pants' piping/stripe when you compare McCown's set to Shipp's? To me, it looks like the pants are identical lengths (Shipp's pants may be a tad shorter), but McCown's piping is much longer.

Last I checked, McCown was taller than Shipp and I think that's what's making it different, that and it looks to me like Shipp has his socks up higher.

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I do like the new uniforms. So what if the white unis looks like a hybrid of the Bills/Falcons/Bengals (Call them the Billcongals)? The only problem I have is the pant stripes. It looks weird. The revoluntionary part of the jersey is in the fabric, which is what I really expected (kinda like how the Bobcats jerseys came about)

The white "flag" stripe motif on the sleeve is quite interesting. I think the placement was deliberate. I think it's placed so that it's noticeable when a fan wears it, but not distracting when worn in full gear. I don't think they should have had yellow anywhere . I think the subtle addition of black is enough of an improvement, yet still keep with tradition of their red/white scheme. The only place yellow should appear is on their logo.

The red top/white pants is by far the best combination.

I saw, I came, I left.

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One person on the azcardinals.com message boards said the flag in the sleeves makes it look like an old Japanese flag rather than a tribute to the Arizona flag. Very true.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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I'm guessing the whole "revolutionary" part of this was supposed to be the fabric and its breathability.

I like them. I think the addition of some yellow in the trim would have made them much better, but I think they're pretty good.

It's where I sit.

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