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NFL Fight songs and other things


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What fight songs, traditions, etc. does your favorite football team have?

The steelers have the song "Pittsburghs going to the superbowl" a.k.a. "here we go" and the infamous terrible towel {a myron cope origonal}. And lets not forget the chant every Pittsburger knows "here we go steelers, here we go!"

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Bear Down, Chicago Bears.

Make every play clear the way to victory!

Bear Down, Chicago Bears.

Put up a fight with a might so fearlessly!

We'll never forget the way you thrilled the nation,

With your T formation.

Bear Down, Chicago Bears.

And let them know why you're wearing the crown.

You're the pride and joy,

of Illinois

Chicago Bears, Bear Down!

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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Fly, Eagles Fly

On the road to victory

Fight, Eagles, Fight

Score a touchdown 1, 2, 3

Hit 'em low

Hit 'em high

And watch our Eagles fly

Fly Eagles Fly

On the road to victory


Sung before the game, when the Eagles score a touchdown or a huge game winning FG (Like when they beat the Pack in OT in 2003).

We sung this about 20 times at a bar across from Seahawks Stadium after watching the Eagles beat the 'Hawks in 2002. The bouncer had to come over and tell the 30 or so loud Eagles fans to stop. Classic moment.

Bring back the Whale!

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The Bengals have the "Who Dey" chant, that you are required to say when you greet another Bengals fan. Also, after every Bengals touchdown, the "Bengals Growl" fight song is played. It's pretty cool to have most of the stadium singing along.

don't forget that they love to play Welcome to the jungle by Guns and Roses. they play that song pretty much anytime football isn't actually being played.


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"Skol Vikings" is very cool. I've loved that song since I was a kid.

But weren't they trying to get away from "Skol Vikings" when they moved into the Metrodome and had some other song playing whenever the Vikes scored?

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after the chiefs score a td, they chant. were gonna beat the hell out of you, you , you , you, you, you....while they are pointing at the other team..

is it true that the redskins have the only marching band??

I just wanna do hoodrat things with my friends.

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"Skol Vikings" is very cool. I've loved that song since I was a kid.

But weren't they trying to get away from "Skol Vikings" when they moved into the Metrodome and had some other song playing whenever the Vikes scored?

Hmm, im not sure about that, I never heard it thats for sure.

I still hear Skol Vikings from time to time in various places. Especially on one of those "Tailgators" commercials.

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CFA- Fargo Bobcats

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Not really a fight song or anything big. But I think the only thing unique to Denver is the "In-com-plete!' chant after each of the opponents incomplete passes. Sounds pretty sweet.

**edit -- Apparently they do have a fight song...

Hail mighty Broncos. . . pride of the West,

Like the mountains towering high. . . over all the rest.

(and it says the rest is incomplete)

I've never heard it, though!


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Not really a fight song or anything big.  But I think the only thing unique to Denver is the "In-com-plete!' chant after each of the opponents incomplete passes.  Sounds pretty sweet.

really? i was expecting the backstreet boys.

Anyhow, the steelers also have two other fight songs not on that site that was posted here. They have, as i mentioned, "here we go" the lyrics change every season with the change of players, but the most famous line is "pittsburgh's going to the super bowl" Also, a locoal radio station's {96.1 KISS} morning show had hines ward on the show and made up their own version of "peanut butter jelly time" and renamed it "pittsburgh steeler time"

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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The Bengals have the "Who Dey" chant, that you are required to say when you greet another Bengals fan.  Also, after every Bengals touchdown, the "Bengals Growl" fight song is played.  It's pretty cool to have most of the stadium singing along.

don't forget that they love to play Welcome to the jungle by Guns and Roses. they play that song pretty much anytime football isn't actually being played.

Yeah, that too. But, for some reason a lot of NFL teams play that song as well. I watched a Patriots game one time and they were playing it before the kickoff. That just doesn't make sense. (hahaha, right when I typed that, I could hear them playing that in the background of the Pats-Jags game on TV)

The Bengals also play Eye of the Tiger too. Speaking of that, between quarters of a Bengals game a couple weeks ago, they had the guys that do the "Real Men of Genius" things on the radio (the singer was the lead singer of Survivor). They did one about what you learn from Bengals fans. It was pretty damn funny.

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The Ravens always have had a marching band. I'm not sure if any other teams have that. At the new Baltimore Sports Museum they have a display of all the marching bands uniforms, dating back to the Baltimore Colts and CFL Stallions.

I do have a quick question about another team. I got DirecTV Sunday Ticket for the first time this season. I've been watching alot of Packers games since they were my favorite team before the Ravens came to town. They always seemed to play the same song after every Packer touchdown. Does anyone know what the song is? Also, if there is a story behind why they've been playing it (if they have been for years)?

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