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Defining "Sport"


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OK, so I very much like coming up with definitions for esoteric terms, or preferences. I like to have a simple rule to apply various things to, that determines their classification.

Lets do "Sport"

I will try and come up with a one sentance definition, apply various games, sports, etc to it, and see if it checks out. If you think it can be tweaked, feel free.


Sport = "A competitive activity that requires agility and physical exertion."

Basketball, check. Baseball, Check.

Anyone want to ammend??

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I agree with that definition. And by those terms, NASCAR racing would be included.

But what about something like swimming? It is definitely athletic. And it can be competitive, like in the Olympics. But it can also be done without competition. So where does it fall? Or do we have to distinguish between recreational swimming and competitive swimming?


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But what about something like swimming? It is definitely athletic. And it can be competitive, like in the Olympics. But it can also be done without competition. So where does it fall? Or do we have to distinguish between recreational swimming and competitive swimming?

That's a good question, MJR. I want to say that, in a competitive situation like the Olympics, then something like swimming is a sport, but outside of that, it is either recreation or training for said sport. But then again, when you're training, you're still competing against the clock, so that sort of throws that out the window.

If I can take a stab at adding to payno's definition ... "A competitive activity or game, under a specific set of rules, that requires physical exertion as well as other physical attributes, such as but not limited to agility, stamina, strength, speed, skill and accuracy."

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Like art or beauty, sport is in the eye of the beholder. So if you think it's a sport then it's a sport. It's all subjective anyway so no matter what definiton we come up with there will always be someone who argues against it. And yeah NASCAR is definitely a sport. :D




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If DirtyCurty measures his post count against other people's post counts (see: competitive activity), and raising that post count means having to move his fingers across a keyboard(see: physical exertion), does Internet Message Boarding get counted as a sport?




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If DirtyCurty measures his post count against other people's post counts (see: competitive activity), and raising that post count means having to move his fingers across a keyboard(see: physical exertion), does Internet Message Boarding get counted as a sport?

I was probably too broad in my earlier post. Let me rephrase it. If you think Bowling is a sport then to you it's a sport. If you think Curling, NASCAR, Fishing, is a sport etc... If you believe that your sport (i.e. Bowling, NASCAR, etc...) is a sport then you are going to think that no matter what anyone else tells you.

A perfect example. Is snowboarding a sport? How about The X games? Figure Skating? Gymnastics? They are all competitive and require physical exertion yet the winner is chosen by subjective judging. Sports or not? I would say no because the participants do not determine the winner. I bet there are plenty of folks here who would argue otherwise.




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If DirtyCurty measures his post count against other people's post counts (see: competitive activity), and raising that post count means having to move his fingers across a keyboard(see: physical exertion), does Internet Message Boarding get counted as a sport?

Calm yourself, hoss.

I truly hope you don't consider bitching and complaining a sport, because that's honestly all I ever see you do on here.


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Poker. It's a card game. Not a sport.

So get it off ESPN.

also scrabble, and the spelling bee.....

and arm wrestling, thats a game you play in the classroom in grade 6

i dont have a definition on 'Sport' but i can tell you what is not a sport......and then could name heaps of sports


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If DirtyCurty measures his post count against other people's post counts (see: competitive activity), and raising that post count means having to move his fingers across a keyboard(see: physical exertion), does Internet Message Boarding get counted as a sport?

Calm yourself, hoss.

I truly hope you don't consider bitching and complaining a sport, because that's honestly all I ever see you do on here.



I don't speak for democrats, democrats don't speak for me.

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If DirtyCurty measures his post count against other people's post counts (see: competitive activity), and raising that post count means having to move his fingers across a keyboard(see: physical exertion), does Internet Message Boarding get counted as a sport?

Calm yourself, hoss.

I truly hope you don't consider bitching and complaining a sport, because that's honestly all I ever see you do on here.

DirtyCurty = Tank jr. :rolleyes:


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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If DirtyCurty measures his post count against other people's post counts (see: competitive activity), and raising that post count means having to move his fingers across a keyboard(see: physical exertion), does Internet Message Boarding get counted as a sport?

Calm yourself, hoss.

I truly hope you don't consider bitching and complaining a sport, because that's honestly all I ever see you do on here.

DirtyCurty = Tank jr. :rolleyes:

Edit: When I first saw this, it said +, not =. The + makes it funnier.




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