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Now Big Ben is like most Steeler fans, toothless.

Please shut up. I mean, you have the right to say whatever you want, but I am just trying to help you out here. You are easily sliding into the number 1 "classless CCSLC member" spot.

And jigga, I know I am not involved in any beef you may or may not have with Branden but why go around calling people out on a "Holier-Than-Thou" attitude? Honestly, you are doing exactly what you are calling people out on man.

Beyond all of that, I just heard on ESPN that one of their informants have said that the knee injuries to Ben are not as serious as previously reported.

Still, I hope Ben can recover and not miss any games because of this. Just sucks that all of us have to learn our lesson the hard way sometimes.


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And jigga, I know I am not involved in any beef you may or may not have with Branden but why go around calling people out on a "Holier-Than-Thou" attitude? Honestly, you are doing exactly what you are calling people out on man.

Easy, he has a history of playing the role (by the way, I have NO beef with Braden).

You called me out for calling him out. That's fine, but don't even say I'm doing the same thing as Braden. Just because I called him out doesn't mean that I am acting holier-than-thou. I don't belittle others to make myself look better or attempt to tell others how to act. I call the bull :censored:ters on their bull :censored:. It's a message board, I can't point my fingers at anyone, or talk :censored: about people under my breath, so I call people out. A lot of other people here don't do it, you are entititled to your opinion, but please allow me that same courtesy.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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This is shocking to say the least.

Now, I would of came in and acted oh so immature about this after what Roethlisberger did in the Super Bowl against my Seahawks. But, I remember that he wasn't only a winner in the NFL, but a winner in college as well. I remeber his days at Miami (Ohio) and what he did for the RedHawks.

And it's not just Big Ben here. We all know about Kellen Winslow's motorcycle accident and then there's the case of Jay Williams, who was drafted by the Bulls. These should prove one point: Just because they don't wear a helmet doesn't mean you have to even though we all see people not wear helmets just about most of the time (I'm not sure if Iowa has a helmet law, but I think they don't. I know a few places that do)


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Clearly in a case like this, Ben had the misfortune of encountering an elderly driver who decided to violate right-of-way laws. Yes, a helmet might have helped matters, but when someone up and turns in front of you, something's going to happen. He didn't violate any law from the sound of it, so let's get off of the "what an idiot" bandwagon.

That said, I pray that he recovers fully, and only hope that such an accomplished career, which is saying something since it's only 2 seasons long, won't be cut short by an unfortunate chain of events such as this.


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Nobody has a right to wish an end to someone's career just because he made a mistake.

I don't wish he ended his career because he wrecked his bike. I wish he stopped playing because he plays for my favorite team's biggest rival.

I hope he recovers. I just hope he never wears a Steelers jersey again.

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Nobody has a right to wish an end to someone's career just because he made a mistake.

I don't wish he ended his career because he wrecked his bike. I wish he stopped playing because he plays for my favorite team's biggest rival.

You sure picked an appropriate name on these boards.

I also hope he recovers, for obvious reasons.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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to bad this didn't happen before the superbowl :D

seriously though i hope he returns and has a great career but right now he shouldn't be mad at anybody but himself. The reports say that his knees arn't seriously hurt and if he wore a helmet he wouldn't have lost almost all his teeth and the other head injuries he suffered. And it seems like just yesterday i saw him on deal or no deal smiling.

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he shouldn't be mad at anybody but himself.

How about the person that pulled out right in front of him when they didn't have the right of way.

I once had a car but I crashed it. I once had a guitar but I smashed it. I once, wait where am I going with this?

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Nobody has a right to wish an end to someone's career just because he made a mistake.

I don't wish he ended his career because he wrecked his bike. I wish he stopped playing because he plays for my favorite team's biggest rival.

I hope he recovers. I just hope he never wears a Steelers jersey again.

I thought you were talking about this Member, BigBen5.

So, it's not him, it's a football player.

Glad to see everyone's all right. Even if a little shaken up.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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If there's anything silly about this whole thing, it's the local reaction to it.

I arrived in Pittsburgh today for a week with my in-laws and the Ben story dominated the entire local news broadcasts. Not just the top story -- THE WHOLE FRIGGIN' SHOW.

Making it even more insane, there are nutty fans camped outside the hospital in town where he's being treated. This is Pope-like treatment for a professional quarterback.

If he comes out without any threats to his playing career, the churches here will be filled on Sunday with locals giving thanks.

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It's a shame that someone gets into a serious accident and all that some of you can think of is the fact that he might not play this season cause of it.


My thoughts go out to him and his family. I hope he learns from the mistake of not wearing a helmet. He's fortunate to get a 2nd chance.

I see Captain Holier-Than-Thou has returned. Are you overstressed again, Braden? I thought you were over that.

I am as relaxed as my avatar pic, Greg. You know that I have no problem with you.

But I have the upmost disrespect for these children here who are yapping, hoping he won't play because of this.

Pardon me for acting "holier-than-thou". I'm just disgusted.


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Yeah. Im a Big BENGALS fan, and like most Bengals fans, think the Steelers suck, but when something serious like this happens, you dont trash talk someone getting hurt. Thats why you applaud someone when they get hurt as they walk off to the locker room. You show some sympathy. Then you get right back to cheering against your opponent and hope that he will be ok.

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And jigga, I know I am not involved in any beef you may or may not have with Branden but why go around calling people out on a "Holier-Than-Thou" attitude? Honestly, you are doing exactly what you are calling people out on man.

Easy, he has a history of playing the role (by the way, I have NO beef with Braden).

You called me out for calling him out. That's fine, but don't even say I'm doing the same thing as Braden. Just because I called him out doesn't mean that I am acting holier-than-thou. I don't belittle others to make myself look better or attempt to tell others how to act. I call the bull :censored:ters on their bull :censored:. It's a message board, I can't point my fingers at anyone, or talk :censored: about people under my breath, so I call people out. A lot of other people here don't do it, you are entititled to your opinion, but please allow me that same courtesy.

I hear what you are saying. I realize I did exactly what I said you were doing. And that could go on and on. I just know that I have had a problem with doing things that I call people out on myself and I appreciate when someone points that out to me when I don't see it. Many times I have no idea that I am being a hypocrite and it?s nice to get a heads up. It just seems that through a few of your posts the last few days you are out on a hunt to get those attitudes to stop, and I agree there is no need to have that kind of attitude around here, but I just felt you were having the same kind of attitude. I see that I was wrong though. So I apologize and I hope you realize my real intent.


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Regardless of what the driver did, Ben should have worn a helmet. It may or may not be the law, but you must to responsible for your actions. To me, it's not necessarily about whose fault it is, it's about what you could have done to prevent a serious injury and that includes wearing a helmet. By the same reasoning, it's also why we wear seat belts, right? Even if Ben was being very cautious, anything could happen out of the blue, which is what happened here.

Falling of a bike while you are moving is not a great feeling. Last summer, I fell off my bicycle while making a sharp turn down a hill (lesson to everyone, always make sure your brakes function properly) Thankfully, I didn't hit my head, but my shoulder was bruised for weeks.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Well thats why you do wear a helmet you never know what can happen on the road and its why you wear a seatbelt too. I say if he misses the season he should give back this years salary becuase he was disobbeying team rules and if I were teh Steelers I would put no motrcycles in his contract.



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Look, guys. I understand how much you hate the Steelers. But that still doesn't give you any right AT ALL to wish an end to someones career. Neither should you call someone an idiot, or a dumbass for making a mistake. Its not right to applaud the injury of another player, like many of you are, that's childish and uncivilized. Its just plain wrong to wish an end to a mans career along with his and many peoples dreams. And blasting someone for making a mistake is just as bad. If they made it over and over and never learned, then, yeah i understand. But, he made one mistake and paid for it. To tell the truth, a lot of his injuries couldn't have been avoided, helmet or not. We've ALL made stupid mistakes before. We've all paid for one or another the hard way and NONE of us have a right to blast someone for making a mistake, especially only ONCE. Sure, what he did was careless, but, he's obviously learned his lesson and he'll obviously never do it again. I cant say I've never done any of the stuff you guys are, I have. But never to anything this serious. I'm not trying to be "Holier-Than-Thou". I know I'm only 13 and still have a lot to learn in life, but, if there's one thing Ive learned so far is that it is wrong to wish a man's quality of life to basically go down the :censored: hole. If you do that, people wont respect you. And they'll do the same thing if something happens to you.

I don't mean to insult anyone. I don't mean to act higher up than anyone. I just cant stand seeing anyone get blasted like this for something this serious mostly out of pure dislike for his team.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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