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The Apprentice: CCSLC Edition


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Contest time!



Let me welcome everyone to the The Apprentice: CCLSC Edition. I?ve had this idea floating around in my head for some time, so I?m really interested in seeing how it plays out? I don?t ever recall a contest that involves working in groups to come up with a submission, even though the ability to work in groups is an important skill to any designer.

Obviously, The Apprentice will run as close to the TV show as possible. Initially, the contestants will be divided into 2 teams and participate in team challenges. For each challenge, teams will designate one member as the Task Manager. The Task Manager is responsible for leading the team during the challenge and presenting the finished submission. The team?s final submissions will be judged by the Trump Board (our version of the Donald). The Trump Board will consist of 5 highly respected, design-savvy CCSLC members (including myself :P ). Invitations are being sent out to previously targeted members, so no begging please! Anyway, the losing Task Manager will be sent to the Board Room with 2 other team members of his choosing. The Trump Board will then decide which contestant will be eliminated based on his performance for that task, as well as prior tasks. Once a contestant has been eliminated, the next round will begin the next day. The process will continue until only five contestants remain. The contest will then go to the normal, every-designer-for-himself (or herself) format. The contest will continue until we have our lone apprentice left.

Another benefits of working in groups is that it should improve the quality of the submissions. It is also less time consuming for the contestants. No one has time to make up 16 full concepts, and even if they did, they would probably lose interest in the contest (which has happened before). This way, contestants can choose how involved they are in the challenge. However, the less involved you are, the more likely you are to end up in the Board Room.

Once the contest starts, each team will get it?s own thread. They will use this thread as the main source of communication between the team members. That means that every idea, comment, and concept must take place in the thread. I believe that this will work on a couple of different levels. First, it will allow the Board to see the process on how that team arrived at its final concept. Plus, there is a written history of every comment and interaction, so when its time for the Board Room, its not a he said/she said fiasco.

Second, it allows the opposing team to see what their opponent is doing. Now, this may or may not have a big effect, but it is something unique that no other contest has ever implemented. But now that teams are given this advantage, a few things need to be established. THERE WILL BE NO PLAGIARISM. IF A CONTESTANT IS CAUGHT PLAGIARISING, HE/SHE WILLL BE AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED. This is simply a precaution. This does not mean that a team can?t go steal the other team?s idea, but it should affect the execution of the idea. Remember, because everything will be done in these threads, we will know who came up with what first (and that could help or hurt someone in the board room).

Lastly, it makes it much more interesting for the rest of the community. They will be able to see the process that occurs behind the scenes of these concepts. It?s a great tool for beginning designers to see the process that these other designers go through in coming up with a concept.

Now, to ensure that this team thread is properly used, all communication between team members regarding the contest should be done in the thread. However, if one member of the team has critical information that he does not want the other team get their hands on, he can choose to e-mail or PM or use some other method of communication, but just remember, if it?s not in the thread, the Board will have no way of knowing that communication ever occurred. The Board will not consider personal messages, e-mails, texts, calls, or any other means of conversation between team members during Board Room sessions.

The contest will run on a strict time schedule. Once a challenge is given out, the team has 36 hours to name a Task Manager. Each challenge will last 7-10 days. Once the challenge time is over, Task Managers will have 24 hours give their final presentations to the Board (details of the final presentations will be addressed later on). The Board will choose a winner the following day. Then the Board Room session will occur over the next 1-3 days. Then the next challenge will start. So here is a quick look into the general schedule:

Challenge Given

7-10 days Task Managers Named (first 36 hours)

Preparation Time

24 hours Final Presentations Due

24 hours Winner Named

1-3 days Board Room

The goal is to complete a round in 10-14 days. We may go over, but we?ll try our hardest to end each round on time.

The final presentations given by the Task Managers must include the final submissions, explanations of the final submissions (if necessary), as well as including a brief summary of how they ended up at that point. The more impressive the final presentation, the better impression you give the Board?

The records of each contestant as Task Manager will be kept. A winning record as a Task Manager can be a useful tool if ever sent to the Board Room?


- All contestants will receive a commemorative signature.

- The Final Five contestants receive another commemorative signature.

Winner receives:

- Commemorative Signature

- Bragging Rights

- Lots of experience, practices, and maybe some new tricks and/or friendships



We are looking for 16 ?Apprentices? for this season (2 teams of 8). There are no qualifications, so anyone can apply?

If you would like to participate in this groundbreaking contest, all you need to do is send two of your most impressive concepts to ccslcapprentice@yahoo.com (.jpg or .png formats only) along with a short explanation of both your concepts. Title your e-mails ?APPRENTICE_YourCCSLCBoardName? and be sure to include your board name in your concepts. The top 16 entrees will be chosen, ranked, and separated into fair teams.

The contest will start Monday, June 9th, so the deadline for submissions will be Wednesday, June 4th, at 12:00 AM. So be sure to throw you hat in the ring!

Any questions regarding the contest will be answered here, just show a little patience?

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This sounds like a great contest, and I think that you're going to receive some great work from the designers on the board. I can't wait to see how this contest goes.


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Not for nothin', but isn't this logo just a little bit of copyright infringement? :)

shh your not supposed to know that. :P

i can't wait to see how this unfolds. of all the contests i've seen this maybe the first time i've seen one where it is centered around team work. This should allow for some awsome concepts.

sits back and watches while eating Great Value cookies and drinking a Sams Choice Dr. Thunder.



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What type of work (in general) will the groups be asked too do?

I am really excited to seeing some work from some very good artists so I dont think I will bother applying although I will think about it. Just wondering what what type of work in general?


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I really, really wanna do this, but with baseball season in full swing, I just don't know if I'll have the time. There are some weeks I only work maybe 35 hours, and then hours I'll be working close to 80. And I don't wanna get in a group and then be the reason a project doesn't get done on time. I'll have to think about this, but it sounds really exciting.

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I'm curious about the work as well...especially how 8 people will design one logo I guess from an online standpoint. Unless it just isn't a logo, I dunno.

I'd like to and might be in on this but would like some clarification or at least clear the clouds I have in my head when I think about the mess of 8 people trying to come together online to complete a single logo.

I will say kudos to you for starting a tournament and whether I participate or not, I will certainly be following it!

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Alright, let me try to answer a few of these questions...

- Josh, to be honest, I haven't come up with all the challenges yet (I am going to let the Board come up with a few contests as a reward for participating...) but I can assure you that each contest will be unique and creative. It's not going to be "Make new logos for the Dallas Cowboys" then have the next challenge be "Make new logos for the New York Knicks". One of the goals of this contest is to stretch the designers in as many ways as possible.

- Obviously, with 8 people working on a team, not everyone is going to be designing the logo. Its all about knowing your role and doing it to the best of your abilities. For example, I would have a group brainstorming session, have 2 or 3 people make some initial concepts, then have 2 or 3 people work on the final logo, and then 2 or 3 other people work on the final presentation... so the role of the Task Manager, whose job will be to lead the team, will be an important one...

... And to go along with that, the challenges will be more than simply "create-a-logo". There should be enough for everyone to work on....

The truth is, I'm just as curious as you are to see how this all plays out.

- Lastly, when you guys send in your applications, don't forget to write a brief explanation of your 2 concepts. This is an important part of the application process.

Remember to get your applications in soon!

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I'd be interested in knowing the skilled members other than GFB making up the Trump board...

But yes this is a very cool idea, I am very excited to eventually see this play out. I'm not applying myself as my specialty is actual uniform concepts and not logos! I wish I could design the original logos like the people who I'm sure will make this an awesome competition!

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You guys should apply anyway. The impression I get is that even if you do your concept in paint, it might still be a great idea that another member of your team could make all purdy looking in Illustrator. Never thought to ask this before, would that be a possiblity GFB?

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