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Bad Design Trends

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I was thinking last night about the worst trends that sports uniform/logo designs have gone through since the early 80's. I'm curious as to what you think is the worst "trend" that ever happened. Here's my short list in no particular order:

1. pullover baseball jerseys

2. zippered baeball jerseys

3. offset outlines on jersey numbers

4. adding black unnecessarily

5. Teal and purple for expansion or moved teams

6. drop shadow numbers on jerseys

7. "Titan" style and "Bronco" style helmet stripes

8. Nike adding all kinds of swooshes and piping and different colored pieces to uniforms

9. all black alt unis

Just something to discuss

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1. Gray "retro" masks...especially when the rest of the uni is up to date (browns) or new-edge (cards)

2. Logo above nameplate (vikes, cards)

3. Hockey lace ups (which serve no purpose)

4. Hockey crests becoming wordmarks.

5. Piping/shoulder yokes (bills, bengals)

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Basbeall pants wrapped under shoes. (See Manny Ramirez.)

Very loose baseball pants (Once again see Manny.)


Football Socks the same color as pants.

Short football socks (see NCAA.)



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2. Logo above nameplate (vikes, cards)

3. Hockey lace ups (which serve no purpose)

Im gonna have to disagree with those.

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Black socks in HS and College Football,specifically for teams that don't have an ounce of black in the uniform

funny you mention that. I remember my senior year, the backs and receivers decided that any high socks would be black for home games and green for road games. which would make sense, except we wore solid green pants for every game, and neither jersey had black in it. just the eagle on our helmets, our facemasks and chinstraps.


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I was thinking last night about the worst trends that sports uniform/logo designs have gone through since the early 80's. I'm curious as to what you think is the worst "trend" that ever happened. Here's my short list in no particular order:

3. offset outlines on jersey numbers

4. adding black unnecessarily

5. Teal and purple for expansion or moved teams

6. drop shadow numbers on jerseys

7. "Titan" style and "Bronco" style helmet stripes

8. Nike adding all kinds of swooshes and piping and different colored pieces to uniforms

9. all black alt unis

Just something to discuss

Re: 3- This was being done before. The San Diego Chargers have been doing that at least since the '60s in their powder blue Lane Allworth-era get-ups...in fact, I believe the commonly-used term"San Diego-style offset" came from that (it'd make sense). Which makes it even more troubling with me that they went away from that in favor of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers look they curently sport. The Miami Dolphins also utilized that same tyle of offset in their earlier years--not sure when they switched over to solid outline, however. When used right, I belive the San Diego-style offset can add some "pop" to an otherwise "pop-less" look. Currently, the University of Florida utilizes it to great effect--along with utilizing the same striping/offset color order on their helmets, jerseys (except the numbers on their roads), and pants.

Re: 4- This is the one that really gets me. There's a right way to do this (see the post-1995 San Francisco 49ers), and then there's a wrong way to do this (see the Millen-tainted Detroit Lions). Difference? Aside from black having already been in the Niners' palette, they use it for little more than shadowing and some contrast on their uniforms. (Let me add that I rank the Niners' duds among the best in the league). The Lions? Seems forced up in all the striping they already had--and the black facemask thing is just plain wrong IMO. Don't care how much Millen may have wanted his Lions to look like his old Raiders, but that was not a wise aesthetic move, if you ask me--not to mention it actually made the team look a little more like the other cat-named team in the League that shares similar colors to the Lions.

Re: 5- I think most of the flak behind this was due to the teams that used these two colors together. For some reason, it worked for the Charlotte Hornets (I believe that team started in '88 or '89, was it?), but I never did like it for the Arizona Diamondbacks--even though the Arizona Rattlers also utilized a brighter teal-ish color and gold--and black--but looked rather good doing so. The Jacksonville Jaguars, I believe, made the teal work for them for the same reason. Being that the team was born in the '90s, it fits them. Plus they had a lot of early success in them. All that added to the fact that I've been a fan since day one really only adds to the sickening feeling I have in my stomach that Either Wayner Weaver, Jack Del Rio, or both may be trying to phase out the only unique piece of the Jags' identity altogether.

Now, as to why the Detroit Pistons ever felt the need to take on the teal look, I couldn't tell you and may never be able to tell you. That was alienation to the nth degree if you ask me. I will say, though, that that era in Pistons history produced some nice logo packages and a nice new font for them--kinda wish they'd revive the flaming horsehead logo again. Loved that thing.

Case in point: used right, I think any color combo will work to great effect--even the '90s teal and purple.

Re: 6- Drop shadows were used a long time ago by the Niners, at least for a period of time ('50s or '60s, I believe). It also seems to be a staple of college football uniform design--well that along with the Machine block numbers, which are often used together. Right now off the top of my head I can think of several teams that still do this--Fresno State, Wake Forest (up until this year), Boise State, TCU--I'm sure other schools do, too. And then there's the Miami Dolphins, who use something of a similar look. In addition, we have the Eagles, though their dropshadows aren't nearly as pronounced, and the Ravens, whose dropshadows make the numbers appear as if they're literally about to jump up off the jerseys. And let's not forget the Niners, as well. (Has anyone else besides me noticed the dropshadow "effect" going on with their sleeve stripes? Kinda cool in my book.) All in all...I don't much have an issue with the dropshadow thing, so long as its within reason. (And having said all that...I don't think I've yet done a concept using dropshadows for the numbers.)

Re: 7- Don't much have an issue with these at all. It's the combination of traditionally-striped helmets with modern-style uniforms that kinda get to me (prime example: the Missouri Tigers).

Re: 8- Ain't saying nothing about that one. The U of Oregon and the U of Miami either have said, are saying, or will say all that need to be said about that. (And pretty much most of the Under Armour schools will be following shortly.)

Re: 9- WE GOTTA LOOK TOUGH! That's all that says to me. And it don't make sense for some teams that do it. In fact, so far, the only teams I've seen that it makes sense for are the Atlanta Falcons (since there's enough color on the uniforms to keep it interesting), and the Baltimore Ravens, for obvious reasons. The FSU "unconquered" thing--eh, not the biggest fan, but I don't exactly hate it, either. The Jagu--excuse me...Blaguars? Don't get me started on that. Saints? Uh...no. Bengals? Try again.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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I was thinking last night about the worst trends that sports uniform/logo designs have gone through since the early 80's. I'm curious as to what you think is the worst "trend" that ever happened. Here's my short list in no particular order:

1. pullover baseball jerseys

2. zippered baeball jerseys

3. offset outlines on jersey numbers

4. adding black unnecessarily

5. Teal and purple for expansion or moved teams

6. drop shadow numbers on jerseys

7. "Titan" style and "Bronco" style helmet stripes

8. Nike adding all kinds of swooshes and piping and different colored pieces to uniforms

9. all black alt unis

Just something to discuss

I've been selling athletic uniforms since 1967, so I've seen a lot. Here's my critique of your list plus a few observations of my own.

!. Pullovers started when the Pirates went knit in mid-season 1970. The pullover itself serves no purpose but was easier to make in the knit material in the'70s. I'll give a "push" on that one.

2. Zippers on baseball shirts look like he**. Totally agree with you.

3. Depending on the look of the uniform, another "push."

4. I too dislike the overuse of Black, especially when it's not one of your regular team colors.

5. Teal and Purple were overkilled. They are ugleeeeee!

6. Again, depending on the team (49ers retros), they can look great. Again the trend was overkilled.

7. Overkill again.

8. Nike, adidas and Reebok's uniforms ALL LOOK LIKE HELL. The same ugly templates and idiotic inserts, trim, etc spoil the overall look of uniforms. All three companies should be ashamed of themselves.


My suggestions.

1. Baseball should enact a "Uniform Code of Conduct" as how to wear an MLB uniform. The NFL has one. Prince Fielder, CC Sabathia and Manny Ramirez and the retired David Wells, to name a few, look like they were outfitted at the Salvation Army. And all players should have to show their socks. These "lounging pants" stink.

2. Make football players wear jerseys that are not skin tight. The great players of yore did just fine in their long-sleeved style. Make the Colts insert go all the way around the arm like it did originally. Ditto for sleeve stripes.

3. Basketball players- No shorts that look like pantaloons and no T-Shirts (thank you, Patrick Ewing for this god-awful trend) under the tank top. If you want to wear a T-Shirt then have your jerseys made that way (Evansville's old style).

4. No White shoes in baseball. Looks like he**.

5. Outlaw kookie, cutesie singular names like "Magic" or "Rage" or "Thunder," etc. Enough already!

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1.No city/location names on the road. Rep your hood.

2. No helmet stripes. Look like Easter egg shells.

3. Dark color number with light color outline on white. Most of the time, you can't see the outline.

4. White numbers on yellow. Lakers, I'm looking at you.

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1. Gray "retro" masks...especially when the rest of the uni is up to date (browns) or new-edge (cards)

2. Logo above nameplate (vikes, cards)

3. Hockey lace ups (which serve no purpose)

4. Hockey crests becoming wordmarks.

5. Piping/shoulder yokes (bills, bengals)

The Browns should ALWAYS wear their 1964 World Champions-style uniform. It's a timeless classic up there with Yankee pinstripes. Grey masks look fine for the Browns. And they should wear White striped socks with the White jersey and Brown striped socks with the Brown jersey. It ain't rocket science.

Depending on the team, a lace-neck hockey SWEATER design is classic. Leafs' third, Rangers old-style. Mint, both of them. But then I'm an old fart, too, it's what I grew up with.

The piping and contrasting yokes in football are bush-league. Looks like Reebok had some extra fabric or trim and said, "Let's put it on the Bills jerseys."

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1. Gradients (see early Rays wordmark or 90's Atlanta Hawks unis)

2. Anything overly shiny (see short-lived Maverick's silver alt, although current Wizards gold might stand against this)

3. Monochromatic football unis (primarily pointed towards any team that wears black on black)

4. Player-designed uniforms (see Oregon)

5. Unneeded influx of black (see Detroit Lions)

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The only teams that look right with a gray facemask are the Giants and Browns. The Colts downgraded when they went to gray, and the Cardinals look stupid with a gray facemask on a modern identity.

Basically, trying to mix retro with modern is the #1 thing that makes me mad right now. Either go all the way retro, or modernize all the way. That's why I hate the Bucks' alt right now.



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I was thinking last night about the worst trends that sports uniform/logo designs have gone through since the early 80's. I'm curious as to what you think is the worst "trend" that ever happened. Here's my short list in no particular order:

1. pullover baseball jerseys

I beg to differ. Pullovers can be classic (see Stanford below). They just have a bad reputation.



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I don't like the recent trend of college teams abandoning unique logos for boring generic marks.

Air Force



Iowa State






couldnt agree more!! the thing that gets me is the number of football teams with the denver broncos style nike swoop design as the side panels. tho, those are starting to go away for some new designs.

the new trendy template i hate is the template michigan, arkansas, fiu, and cincy are using in CFB

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I think when you jumble all that is wrong with sports jerseys and bad designs you get the Colorado Avalanche RBK Edge jerseys


Piping: Never understood the idea behind piping. I can't think of 1 jersey in any sport where vertical piping, especially on the chest/underarm area, looks good

Templates: No originality, no creativity. Teams having to share between 4-5 templates is a disgusting concept. I absolutely loved the old Avs jerseys with the triangular arms and waist which looked like mountains.

Hems: What's with the rounded hem line? I don't get this one. It serves NO PURPOSE whatsoever except making you look like you're wearing a shirt 2 sizes too large.

Hems 2: Lack of horizontal hem stripes. This has been a hockey tradition for a century now. I dont understand why so many teams are getting rid of them.

Colours, or lack thereof: In the NHL there isn't much variation in colour. All teams are either red or blue and black with one or 2 exceptions. I miss the all the other coloured jerseys we used to have like the green of the Stars/North Stars/Wild/Whalers, Orange of the Oilers, Yellow on the Pens and Bruins, Orange on the Flyers etc... Now everyone's going between a varation of blue or red.

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