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Family Fanbases?


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I was thinking about this as I watched the Falcons/Cardinals game with my aunt, her 12 year old daughter, and her stepfather, who just moved here from Arizona and are HUGE Cardinals fans.

Is your family a one-team family when it comes to sports? Or is it a house divided?

I have to say that with the addition of my aunt and her family moving into my pop's house for Christmas, I have to say that our house is basically split 3 ways: Falcons, Hawks, & Braves (me and moms), Cowboys, Mavs, Braves (dad & sister), & Cardinals, Suns, D-Backs (family from Arizona).

So I guess I'm asking this to be nosy and see how everybody's family cheers. If your house is one that's peaceful and roots for one team per sport? That's fantastic, come share here. If your family is like my home is for the time being, then come share as well. Should be interesting.



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Luckily, most of my family/friends all cheer for about the same teams. I successfully converted my now wife, then girlfriend from a Packers fan to Vikings fan. We are all pretty big Vikings and Twins fans, but as far as the NBA and NHL, there isn't a consistent passion across the whole board, but it's generally Wild/Twolves.

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CFA- Fargo Bobcats

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Person----------------MLB Team---NBA Team---NFL Team---NCAA Team




Older Brother---------Diamondbacks---None---Eagles---Beavers

Younger Brother------Marlins---Nuggets---Colts---Ducks

were pretty divided in my house

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Person------ #1 NCAA TEAM------#2 NCAA TEAM------MLB------NBA------NFL

Thad------ APP STATE------ ALABAMA------ ATL------ ATL------ NYJ

Brother------ ECU------ ALABAMA------ ATL------ ATL------ ATL

Dad------ ALABAMA------ ASU/ECU------ ATL------ XXX------ NYJ

Mom------ APP/ECU------ MEMPHIS------ ATL------ XXX ------ XXX

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% about how you react to it.
App State Mountaineers / Alabama Crimson Tide / Atlanta Braves / New York Jets / Atlanta Hawks
"If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards." [Bear Bryant]
Redmond Rampage

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Well, my mom was born in Pittsburgh, PA and my dad was born in Cleveland, OH.

That pretty much tells all, huh.

Mom: Naturally she likes the Pirates, Steelers, and Nittany Lions, but she also likes the Tar Heels (basketball) and the GT Yellow Jackets (went to Georgia Tech for part of college).

Dad: Buckeyes, Browns, Indians, Cavaliers, and that's it. He's a die hard. (Same with me)

Maybe that led to their divorce...? Not one common team.




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I am in my 30's and moved from my parent's home immediately after college, but my mother was an NY fan (Yankees, Knicks, Giants) while my Pops was a Philly born guy. Sports wise, I like the Reds (first MLB game ever and later Tampa Tarpons from affiliation), but that is it. The real teams I like came to be at age 16 or so. The rest were locally and I cannot be a homer.

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In my family, everybody's a Bears/Bulls/Blackhawks fan. But my dad's side of the family is all Cubs fans (he's from the north side of Chicago) and my mom's side of the family is all White Sox fans (she grew up on the south side.) In my house, everyone is a Cubs fan except for my mom.

And for the past three years, my entire mom's side of the family has become Indiana football fans because my cousin plays football there.


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It comes down to me and my little brother in my family. My mother tends to stay out of it.

NFL: I'm a die hard Seahawks fan and little bro is a die hard Lions fan. Needless to say, this is where the most battles take place. The stakes are ramped even higher whenever those two face each other.

MLB: I'm a good ol' Mariners fan while he's a bandwagoning Yankee fan.

NHL: He's a Red Wing fan while I like whoever is playing the Dead Things at that time. :P

NCAAF: I'm a Washington fan while he's a Nebraska fan. This is the only sport that where he has true loyality to a good team.

NBA: We're both neutral, but you guys know about my hatred towards the traitors from Oklahoma City.


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Even though I grew up in Minnesota, my fan allegiances are not.

Me: Nationals (switched from Seattle when I moved to DC, but I do like to see the M's and the Twins do well), Suns, Dolphins, Wake Forest

Dad, Mom, and both sisters: All Minnesota teams.

Brother: He seems to get a ride out of rooting against the team everyone else is rooting for. He's a bandwagon fan in the sense that he roots for the team he thinks is going to win on an ad hoc basis.

"In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed."

I tweet & tumble.

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Me; Maple Leafs, Blue Jays, Ti-Cats, Chargers, Raptors

Mum; Maple Leafs, Blue Jays, Argos, 49ers, Pistons

Dad; Canadiens, Nationals (born in DC, grew up on Montréal), Alouettes, Chargers, Pistons

Sister; Canadiens, Blue Jays, Alouettes, Chargers, Pistons

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Person------ #1 NCAA TEAM------#2 NCAA TEAM------MLB------NBA------NFL

Drew------ UNC------ GEORGIA------ ATL------ ATL------ ATL

Brother------ GT------ AIR FORCE------ MIN------ ATL------ GB

Dad------ UNC------ TENN------ ATL------ ATL------ ATL

Mom------ ILLINOIS------ XXX------ ATL------ XXX ------ XXX

I like the local teams, and my dad is from North Carolina.

My brother likes strange teams, but he's not a bandwagoner. He supports all of them. He wants to go into the Air Force.

My dad's mom lives in Tennessee, but other than that he likes the local teams.

My mom went to Illinois, and only cares about that and baseball. We all cheer for Illinois though. Cause when mom is happy, everyone is happy.


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I'm a die hard Anaheim Ducks fan and a casual Houston Texans fan, however I'm also a fan of two UK teams, the Chelmsford Chieftains (hockey) and Anglia Ruskin University Phantoms (American Football). I'm the only member of my family who follows any of these teams, let alone the sports they play.

Nobody else in my family really follows sports, though my Dad will occasionally watch boxing, and my little brother used to be a WWE fan (for the record, I've tried and failed to convert my brother into a hockey fan :P )

The only team that everyone else follows is England, as in the national football/soccer team. I never watch them because I can't stand the sport.

As for other relatives, they are usually West Ham or Arsenal fans.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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Everyone in my family likes the Reds, Bengals, Blue Jackets and Ohio State. Except for my mom's annoying little brother who is a Steelers fan for reasons unknown. He's from Southern Ohio and has never even been to Pittsburgh, but every christmas there he is talking about the Steelers record. It's like he's trying to be antagonizing.


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Everyone in my family is a Cincinnati Bearcats fan, my dad and I being the biggest fans. Everyone's also a Reds fan, but my mom and I are diehards. We're all Bengals fans too, except I'm a bit fairweather when it comes to them, but once Mike Brown is gone thats another story. I'm the only person who watches the NBA and NHL in my house. My borhter is a big NASCAR/F1 guy and we mostly like the same drivers.

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Speaking strictly in NFL terms, it goes like this:

Mom: Chiefs

Dad: Chiefs

Brother: Chiefs

Sister: Chiefs (I'm on to her little Cowboy shtick b.s. She's still a Chiefs fan)

Grandma: Chiefs

-My grandpa, who passed away about five years ago, bought season tickets to Arrowhead in the 80's. We had them all the way through the 90's, so all the painful playoff memories (including the 2003 season) were witnessed in person by the entire family.

My aunts and uncles who moved to Denver are Broncos fans, and there's a couple of scattered Raiders fans, a Titans fan, and a Bucs fan.

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My house (Mom, Dad, Me) are all Canadiens and Blue Jays fans. The my aunts and uncles on my mom's side don't follow hockey but they are all Blue Jays fans. My aunts and uncles on my dad's side don't follow baseball, but are all Canadiens fans.

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Me: Michigan State / Clemson - Detroit Red Wings - Detroit Tigers - Detroit Lions / Carolina Panthers - Detroit Pistons

Wife: Michigan / Clemson - Detroit Red Wings - San Francisco Giants / Atlanta Braves - San Francisco 49ers / Carolina Panthers - Los Angeles Lakers

Daughter: Doesn't really care except for Clemson

Son: Clemson - Red Wings - Boston Red Sox - Carolina Panthers - N/A

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My Dad only followed football and NASCAR. His favorite football teams were The Dolphins and Hurricanes.

My brother:

Baseball: Royals

Football: Cowboys

College: Ohio State


College: Ohio State

Hockey: Sabres


Baseball: Indians and Angels

NFL: Browns

NHL: Rangers

NBA: Don't really care

I think my preference in college sports is fairly obvious.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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