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A Fraud caught Juicing in 2003


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Its time to end the Steroids witch hunt THEY ALL DID IT!!!



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Do you have a source for this? I can't seem to find this "story".

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They just did a breaking news segment on MLB Network, they said they will have more at the top of the hour.

I think this was all an elaborate ploy by you to get me to tune in to MLB and watch David Cone strikeout 19 Phillies.

Well played, sir.

Well played.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Wow. This is huge. A-Rod was supposed to be the one who took the home-run record from Bonds and made it "clean".

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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I have never liked Alex Rodriguez very much, from his days in Seattle, to Texas, and especially as a Yankee. As a former Yankee fan, I never embraced him, never embraced Clemens either. My wife bought for me several sketches of Yankee greats, one of which was Clemens. After what came to light about him, I took that picture down and placed it in a closet.

Today I explained to my 9-year old about this breaking news about A-Fraud. Sadly, the culture in this country seems to reward cheating. It's true in sports, it's true in government, it's true in "big" business. There are no morals left, NONE, ZILCH.

Baseball began to alienate me back in 1981, when I was only 14, due to the 57 day long players' strike. They further alienated me in 1994 with the "work" stoppage. I detest that they call it a "work" stoppage. It's not a work stoppage, it's a PLAY stoppage.

As a fan of older baseball, and the history of the game, more and more baseball seems to have shame. Pete Rose, not allowing players of color to play until 1947, steroids era, strikes, collective bargaining agreements, wild card teams, inter-league play, World Series games starting at 8:45 at night with teams that hardly anybody knows or cares about anymore.

There comes a point in our lives that we need to resign ourselves to the fact that caring about something that never has, and never will, care about you in return, has to end. I am disgusted by the greed. I am disgusted, especially during these very uncertain economic times that somebody like Manny in LA would turn down such an obscene amount of money. I have no doubt that he juiced too. They all probably have. It's a disgusting spectacle. And now, knowing that the NFL will be without a salary cap after the 2009 season makes me disgusted too. What once was an enjoyable way to spend time, what once was an enjoyable way to bond with my dad, or my cousins, and even my 9 year old son, continues to erode and deteriorate into nothingness. I am through caring about MLB in it's present form. Even today, while enjoying watching a 1991 game, A-Rod even ruined THAT for us because of this report. He's a fraud, he's a cheater, he's an immoral son of a _____ (fill in the blank), and I've had it. And any baseball fans who are not fed up by now with all of this crap that has been going on for the better part of 6 decades needs to truly wake up.

Most times I try to not pass judgment over others, as that's best to be done by God, and He will judge us all one day. That being said, I can no longer just sit here pent up with my resentment and frustration. Ken Burns' series romantacized the sport to a degree. Those days died. Baseball for the past 25 years at least has been full of frauds and cheats. Isn't it bad enough that we have frauds and cheats in our government? Isn't it enough that we are constantly being exposed to how frauds and cheats are getting rewarded for doing so? Reality TV, nightly local and national news, rap music, movies, TV shows, all glorifies immorality. It's disgusting. It's appauling. It's enough. I truly have had it with this stupid sport. Hate me, flame me, call me an old-fashioned crampy grampy who listens to music on a victrola, I dont' care, I really don't care anymore.

And that "nice" gesture A-Rod did for Cal during Cal's last All-Star Game, I never bought that either. A-Rod does what he can to make himself look good. He's a selfish good for nothing pretty boy jerk, and I pray that this will contribute further to the eventual destruction of "Major" League Baseball.


Bill McD.

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I love the fact that Giambi and Pettite have for the most part received a free pass through all this for being honest, and all the holier than thou guys like Clemens, Bonds, Palmiero, McGwire and probably now ARod are going to have words like "tainted" and "asterisk" and "fraud" follow them around the rest of their lives. If these idiots would have just owned up and shown a little remorse, they would probably still be heroes...

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I can't say I'm entirely surprised, but a little bit, maybe. There's always been allegations towards A-Rod, as there have been against Bonds and Clemens. They both got caught, so I figure it was only a matter of time before A-Rod did.

What I don't get is how he was caught in 2003, but it's only brought up now. I'm assuming this list of 104 names will be coming out soon, or has it already?

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Trying to figure out a way to spin this, but haven't come up with anything yet.

Disappointing, but I can't say I'm surprised by any news that comes out anymore.




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aw man. all i can say when i read this was "not again....."

i hate a-roid as much as the next person, but im just so sick of hearing about PED's more than actual baseball. i was looking forward to an apparently "clean" player braking bonds' record...

guess we'll have to wait even longer.

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A-Roid doing steroids? That's unpossible! *sarcastically LHAO :rolleyes:

In all honesty, the Yankees should void the rest of A-Roid's contract.


The CCSLC's resident Geelong Cats fan.

Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends. Sounds like something from a Rocky & Bullwinkle story arc.

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OK...can we just out Pujols and Thome already?

There are no clean players, and the national media's efforts to pretend otherwise is by now broaching into joke territory. Just more or less admit that the vast majority of players did steroids, and the few that didn't probably didn't because they didn't have the money or didn't know who to go to.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

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POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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