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Improving Current Sports Coverage By Network


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ABC: Get rid of the "ESPN on ABC" garbage. It cheapens ABC, and it makes ESPN look like the more dominant channel. Also, lose the NBA, and let NBC broadcast it. Bring back the ABC Sports presentation, graphics, and logos back. And get Monday Night Football back.

CBS: Perfection. Would be cool if they shared the baseball rights with FOX

NBC: Would love to see them get the NBA back. Their branding, production, theme song, and graphics owns, but bring the NHL back to FOX.

FOX: Get the NHL package, NOW! Lose Tim McCarver!

ESPN: Their MNF branding is poor compared to ABC's, period. Kornheiser? Really? Keep him on PTI. And get rights to Thursday and Saturday Night NFL games since NFL network is still fighting with some cable companies.

TBS: Show more MLB games, and get cable rights to the NBA from ESPN.

VS: Their production is lame. Their college football presentation sucks. Improve it, or give TBS back your PAC-10 and Big 12 rights. Also, negotiate with more cable companies to get more exposure please.

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NHL needs to go back to ESPN and get off of NBC, Fox sorry to say it ruins some sports Nascar and the NHL once already (Glowing Puck) there NFL and MLB coverage is alright except for Joe Buck.




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ABC: Agreed with "Lose the ESPN tag." It's stupid, IMO. Are we really supposed to believe that for however long there's going to be a sporting event on ABC, that ESPN has taken over the whole thing? Come on now. Plus, note to whoever schedules the Sunday NBA games: THERE ARE MORE THAN 10 TEAMS IN THE NBA! We are tired of seeing the Celtics, Lakers, Cavs, and other teams with manufactured superstars EVERY SUNDAY. Show some variety. There is no excuse for there being teams in the NBA that don't have a national TV game, let alone a national TV HOME game. Let everybody get at least one game on ABC, or ESPN on ABC, excuse me. Don't change what you do with college football, though. That's the only place where having ESPN actually improved the product.

CBS: Don't change too much, other than find a way to spice up your boring ass NFL pre-game show.

NBC: Give them the World Series back. I am tired of hearing Joe "the Robot" Buck & Tim "He hit a ground rule double, so he only gets to advance to second base." McCarver. Other than that, everything else you cover, like CBS, is spot on.

FOX: I love FOX...but damn, stop adding gimmicks onto your sports. That damn robot has annoyed so many people over the past couple of years. The Digger Cam is amazingly lame. You could've added a ground camera without adding a cartoon camera. And finally, if they haven't gotten rid of the baseball cartoon guy that taught pitches like "this is a fastball!", then they need to. Basically, FOX needs to stop adding stuff that appeals to the 6-10 year old audience.

ESPN: On SportsCenter, get rid of the talking heads on that show. Just give us anchors, highlights, and occasional reports. That's it. I do not want to hear so-and-so's opinion on what's going on in sports today. You have a bunch of shows made just for that, keep it out of SportsCenter. Also, the same thing I said for your NBA coverage over on ABC, goes for what you do for the MLB. The Red Sox, Yankees, Mets, and Cubs do not need to be on national TV every other night! Spice it up! I am tired of basically not watching your MLB coverage during the week because I know that it's going to be one of those 4 teams for the early evening game.

TBS: [Homer]Bring back the Braves on TBS.[/homer] :P Nah, unlike others who dissed TBS only because it wasn't a big-time network, I actually thought that your coverage of the playoffs is pretty good. I'd find a way to show more, and at least give viewers an alternative to the ESPN early game.

VS: Please make it seem like you are more than a niche network, improve the production. There are times where I have to turn up the TV just to make out what's going on audio-wise.



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ESPN: Their MNF branding is poor compared to ABC's, period. Kornheiser? Really? Keep him on PTI. And get rights to Thursday and Saturday Night NFL games since NFL network is still fighting with some cable companies.

Something tells me the NFL isn't going to favor ESPN over a network owned by the NFL. If anything you may see MNF end up on NFL Network.




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ABC: Agreed with "Lose the ESPN tag." It's stupid, IMO. Are we really supposed to believe that for however long there's going to be a sporting event on ABC, that ESPN has taken over the whole thing? Come on now. Plus, note to whoever schedules the Sunday NBA games: THERE ARE MORE THAN 10 TEAMS IN THE NBA! We are tired of seeing the Celtics, Lakers, Cavs, and other teams with manufactured superstars EVERY SUNDAY. Show some variety. There is no excuse for there being teams in the NBA that don't have a national TV game, let alone a national TV HOME game. Let everybody get at least one game on ABC, or ESPN on ABC, excuse me. Don't change what you do with college football, though. That's the only place where having ESPN actually improved the product.

CBS: Don't change too much, other than find a way to spice up your boring ass NFL pre-game show.

NBC: Give them the World Series back. I am tired of hearing Joe "the Robot" Buck & Tim "He hit a ground rule double, so he only gets to advance to second base." McCarver. Other than that, everything else you cover, like CBS, is spot on.

FOX: I love FOX...but damn, stop adding gimmicks onto your sports. That damn robot has annoyed so many people over the past couple of years. The Digger Cam is amazingly lame. You could've added a ground camera without adding a cartoon camera. And finally, if they haven't gotten rid of the baseball cartoon guy that taught pitches like "this is a fastball!", then they need to. Basically, FOX needs to stop adding stuff that appeals to the 6-10 year old audience.

ESPN: On SportsCenter, get rid of the talking heads on that show. Just give us anchors, highlights, and occasional reports. That's it. I do not want to hear so-and-so's opinion on what's going on in sports today. You have a bunch of shows made just for that, keep it out of SportsCenter. Also, the same thing I said for your NBA coverage over on ABC, goes for what you do for the MLB. The Red Sox, Yankees, Mets, and Cubs do not need to be on national TV every other night! Spice it up! I am tired of basically not watching your MLB coverage during the week because I know that it's going to be one of those 4 teams for the early evening game.

TBS: [Homer]Bring back the Braves on TBS.[/homer] :P Nah, unlike others who dissed TBS only because it wasn't a big-time network, I actually thought that your coverage of the playoffs is pretty good. I'd find a way to show more, and at least give viewers an alternative to the ESPN early game.

VS: Please make it seem like you are more than a niche network, improve the production. There are times where I have to turn up the TV just to make out what's going on audio-wise.

Agreed on the NBA. Why not, if you have, say, 150 prime-time games, do you not insist that each team may participate in no more than 10 games?


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ABC: Get rid of the "ESPN on ABC" garbage. It cheapens ABC, and it makes ESPN look like the more dominant channel. Also, lose the NBA, and let NBC broadcast it. Bring back the ABC Sports presentation, graphics, and logos back. And get Monday Night Football back.

CBS: Perfection. Would be cool if they shared the baseball rights with FOX

NBC: Would love to see them get the NBA back. Their branding, production, theme song, and graphics owns, but bring the NHL back to FOX.

FOX: Get the NHL package, NOW! Lose Tim McCarver!

ESPN: Their MNF branding is poor compared to ABC's, period. Kornheiser? Really? Keep him on PTI. And get rights to Thursday and Saturday Night NFL games since NFL network is still fighting with some cable companies.

TBS: Show more MLB games, and get cable rights to the NBA from ESPN.

VS: Their production is lame. Their college football presentation sucks. Improve it, or give TBS back your PAC-10 and Big 12 rights. Also, negotiate with more cable companies to get more exposure please.

I was willing to hear you out until you said Fox should get the NHL. That one statement killed your entire post. Fox does 3 things well: NFL, MLB, and Sunday's Animation Domination. I don't even like their bowl coverage.

ESPN did a decent job and with the NHL on ESPN, they'd pay more attention to the WJC, NCAA, and hockey in general.

Athletic Director: KTU Blue Grassers Football

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I just want to say, I think TNT's coverage of the NBA blows any other networks coverage for any sport completely out of the water.

FOX needs a lot of help with all of their coverage -- stupid robots, gophers, and talking baseballs. I also hate the constant camera changes they use to make baseball 'less boring'. Joe Buck is tolerable, McCarver isn't.

CBS' football coverage is great. Pro or college.


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Not that I'm totally opposed to it, but rather than "improving" anything, you've just suggested we go back to how it was 10 years ago.

Nailed it! Nearly all of the posters on this board are "marks". They have us on the TV side nearly no matter what; obviously, strikes and work stoppages are not within their control. but you are going to watch. You don't gain audience by appealing to the 5%-ers. TFoA, were here and already cultivated and will watch, listen, or go out somewhere to watch. Somewhat like more family products entering NASCAR in the 1980's like Tide. Go after the greater audience, not to satisfy who they already have.

Networks need to acquire programming, nit "give it up" TruYankee. A network, like Verses, cannot just give the programming away to the cable outlets just to get in the door. One could do that 25 years ago, but that cannot be done today.

TBS made a philosophical change after the AOLTimeWarner merger disaster, after this current MLB deal, I think they will be finished with sports. Without Ted Turner at the helm, their is not need for them to generate cable audiences as they once did when he was smart enough to buy two transponders for TBS and CNN respectively to distribute. They had a 30 year contract to distribute both networks for only $1 million/year.

Production wise, networks should air games in 1080i HD and Dolby 5.1 minimum. Announcers move around more than players, so that does not really matter to me. Also with teams owning their own regional networks, they would like to monopolize their product, thus limits on national appearances.

I understand "ESPN on ABC" as when people (not including us on this site) think of ESPN, their initial though is "sports", using that name recognition is pretty important and an extension of the brand.

I would place the opening rounds on the PGA Tour back to USA for many events.

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CBS is OK, but I wish they would share coverage of the first three rounds of the NCAA hoops tourney (when there are simultaneous games) with someone else. It's difficult to deal with the first weekend, but they manage to stick too long to their "feature" game, favor 1 and 2 seeds and not show some action during the talk show/local news break. I once could not see the end of the final round two game because they went to 60 minutes. The problem with networks, is that way more people want to watch regular programming. Sharing with a cable station would go a long way.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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CBS is OK, but I wish they would share coverage of the first three rounds of the NCAA hoops tourney (when there are simultaneous games) with someone else. It's difficult to deal with the first weekend, but they manage to stick too long to their "feature" game, favor 1 and 2 seeds and not show some action during the talk show/local news break. I once could not see the end of the final round two game because they went to 60 minutes. The problem with networks, is that way more people want to watch regular programming. Sharing with a cable station would go a long way.

I certainly agree with this. At least with the way they have it, it is nice that they have four different scoreboards along the top of the screen so it's easy to follow along if your team's playing and isn't being shown at the time.


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CBS is OK, but I wish they would share coverage of the first three rounds of the NCAA hoops tourney (when there are simultaneous games) with someone else. It's difficult to deal with the first weekend, but they manage to stick too long to their "feature" game, favor 1 and 2 seeds and not show some action during the talk show/local news break. I once could not see the end of the final round two game because they went to 60 minutes. The problem with networks, is that way more people want to watch regular programming. Sharing with a cable station would go a long way.

I certainly agree with this. At least with the way they have it, it is nice that they have four different scoreboards along the top of the screen so it's easy to follow along if your team's playing and isn't being shown at the time.

I could be mistaken, but I remember during the 2003 NCAA tournament, CBS actually shared coverage with ESPN. This was due to the Iraq war starting during the opening round and CBS needing backup to air the games. While it lasted, it was pretty great -- ESPN was airing games my local CBS affiliates wasn't. At the time I received CBS feeds from Syracuse and Binghamton, NY, and both often showed different NCAA and NFL games -- it was pretty awesome.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Any network with the NHL would be an improvement over Versus! I would seriously take the FOXtrac puck back!

Fox does well with MLB, Nascar, and the NFL. ABC has always been pretty good with college football, and especially good with Indy Cars (especially if they bring Paul Page back!). I don't mind NBC's NHL coverage, except for Mike Millbury and Pierre McGuire (?). 'Doc' Emerick is one of my favorite announcers in all of sports and he does a great job of making even a terrible game at least sound exciting.

I am absolutely tired of the NBA on ESPN/ABC. If I see the Cavs, Lakers, or Celtics one more time I will scream! How about the other 27 teams in the league? Apparently they don't matter.

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ABC: Agreed with "Lose the ESPN tag." It's stupid, IMO. Are we really supposed to believe that for however long there's going to be a sporting event on ABC, that ESPN has taken over the whole thing? Come on now. Plus, note to whoever schedules the Sunday NBA games: THERE ARE MORE THAN 10 TEAMS IN THE NBA! We are tired of seeing the Celtics, Lakers, Cavs, and other teams with manufactured superstars EVERY SUNDAY. Show some variety. There is no excuse for there being teams in the NBA that don't have a national TV game, let alone a national TV HOME game. Let everybody get at least one game on ABC, or ESPN on ABC, excuse me. Don't change what you do with college football, though. That's the only place where having ESPN actually improved the product.

CBS: Don't change too much, other than find a way to spice up your boring ass NFL pre-game show.

NBC: Give them the World Series back. I am tired of hearing Joe "the Robot" Buck & Tim "He hit a ground rule double, so he only gets to advance to second base." McCarver. Other than that, everything else you cover, like CBS, is spot on.

FOX: I love FOX...but damn, stop adding gimmicks onto your sports. That damn robot has annoyed so many people over the past couple of years. The Digger Cam is amazingly lame. You could've added a ground camera without adding a cartoon camera. And finally, if they haven't gotten rid of the baseball cartoon guy that taught pitches like "this is a fastball!", then they need to. Basically, FOX needs to stop adding stuff that appeals to the 6-10 year old audience.

ESPN: On SportsCenter, get rid of the talking heads on that show. Just give us anchors, highlights, and occasional reports. That's it. I do not want to hear so-and-so's opinion on what's going on in sports today. You have a bunch of shows made just for that, keep it out of SportsCenter. Also, the same thing I said for your NBA coverage over on ABC, goes for what you do for the MLB. The Red Sox, Yankees, Mets, and Cubs do not need to be on national TV every other night! Spice it up! I am tired of basically not watching your MLB coverage during the week because I know that it's going to be one of those 4 teams for the early evening game.

TBS: [Homer]Bring back the Braves on TBS.[/homer] :P Nah, unlike others who dissed TBS only because it wasn't a big-time network, I actually thought that your coverage of the playoffs is pretty good. I'd find a way to show more, and at least give viewers an alternative to the ESPN early game.

VS: Please make it seem like you are more than a niche network, improve the production. There are times where I have to turn up the TV just to make out what's going on audio-wise.

They don't have Braves games on TBS anymore? I didn't even notice that. I was actually planning on watching the Braves a lot this year due to their acquisition of Garret Anderson.

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They don't have Braves games on TBS anymore? I didn't even notice that. I was actually planning on watching the Braves a lot this year due to their acquisition of Garret Anderson.

Nope. They moved the whole Braves crew to the local PeachtreeTV network down here.



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They don't have Braves games on TBS anymore? I didn't even notice that. I was actually planning on watching the Braves a lot this year due to their acquisition of Garret Anderson.

Nope. They moved the whole Braves crew to the local PeachtreeTV network down here.

Do they still play the normal number of Braves games that TBS played or has it dropped in Number, because up here it seems likes Peachtree plays only a few games and it's mostly in the summer.




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They don't have Braves games on TBS anymore? I didn't even notice that. I was actually planning on watching the Braves a lot this year due to their acquisition of Garret Anderson.

Nope. They moved the whole Braves crew to the local PeachtreeTV network down here.

Do they still play the normal number of Braves games that TBS played or has it dropped in Number, because up here it seems likes Peachtree plays only a few games and it's mostly in the summer.

It's less.

Hell, you can check out the Braves TV schedule here.

BravesNation.com = great website.



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