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Detroit Red Wings Concept


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Hey, guys. I have created a Red Wings' concept while trying to stray slighty, mind you, from what they currently wear. Here it is...


There are some slight changes...

1) I added the x-line logo to the shoulders.

2) I changed the striping on the home ever-so-slightly.

3) I put the numbers in the sleeve stripes.

4) I added an alternate which is basically the road uni with the x-line logo on the crest with the primary on the shoulder.

I thought about added a second color into the mix (black or silver) but thought that it would take away from the unis instead of adding to it. I'd probably give myself a 7/10.


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I like it.

Contrary to what the following 12 posts will say, I like changing the Red Wings. They may be classic, but yes, they CAN stand a little freshening.

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Contrary to what the following 12 posts will say, I like changing the Red Wings. They may be classic, but yes, they CAN stand a little freshening.

i have to prove u wrong :D

these are a great improvement vic! i really could see the red wings using these. i dont think the traditionalists would mind either.

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Every team makes at least minor changes to their uniforms as time goes on. Most of them aren't noticed by the average person but everyone needs a little change.


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#1 - Frank Layden - #7 Pete Maravich - #12 John Stockton - #14 Jeff Hornacek - #35 Darrell Griffith - #53 Mark Eaton

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It's nothing earth-shattering... and yet I don't like it. The D doesn't stand out well on the shoulders (and, of all the X-Line logos, I like it the least), and I don't like the red numbers on the red sleeves within the white stripe. Other teams have done the numbers-in-sleeve thing, but usually use another colour other than the stripe colour or the colour of the sleeve (the Kings used silver, for example, on their Gretzky-era jerseys) or some striping to set it off. The Wings' monocolour look doesn't lend itself well to it.

(And, yeah, I like the current look, or at least the white jerseys. The reds are ok, but the whites just look sharp. But, I wouldn't be opposed to good changes.)

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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i've been down this road before...breathe in, breathe out...the numbers seem like they're too low, actually. the D isn't that bad of an idea...now if them girls could only remember the name of my band :cursing:


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Man I would buy one of those 3rd jerseys, which I find very sharp. I have always been a fan of the X-Line logos. Maybe the NHL should allow them to make logos for all the teams, I mean, they have some good ideas.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Its ok but Im not a fan of teh D either, perhaps they should use the original D taht was used in the old days as is used in Yzerfans Avitar that would look great on taht concept.



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