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Superbowl XLVIII


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i think the whole idea of cold-ish weather just doesn't set well with the NFL as they believe it will hurt all the festivities heading up towards the game - as we know the superbowl is a week long event and with non-florida weather the NFL will probably just not make enough revenue from these "other" events.

i agree with the thoughts about the weather shouldnt play a factor in deciding the superbowl champion - but if you take that theory far enough then no venue will have a fair playing field - hot weather will favour the chargers over the packers or bears (just hypothetically speaking - the bears aren't going to be in the SB :) ). dome stadium will favour dome teams, different playing surfaces will favour quicker or slower teams and the list goes on.

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I still hope the NFL will build "Super Bowl Stadium" in Las Vegas. Have the game there every year. And make a 17 game season and have teams rotate playing there every week during the season.


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I still hope the NFL will build "Super Bowl Stadium" in Las Vegas. Have the game there every year. And make a 17 game season and have teams rotate playing there every week during the season.

This is the best solution, one I've supported every time it's been mentioned (at least the Super Bowl part). The regular-season rotation thing could work too.

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So, I heard John Clayton on SportsCenter and some knucklehead on the radio "quoting" Pete King...both of these intrepid reporters are 100% certain that the Meadowlands Super Bowl XLVIII is a done deal.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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The NFL Championship should be played in conditions that are most likely to ensure the best performances out of all the players. Screw the romanticism of playing the game "as it was meant to be played". I want the weather to have as minimal an impact on the game as possible.


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Isn't FedEx field fairly new?

New != not crappy.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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The NFL Championship should be played in conditions that are most likely to ensure the best performances out of all the players. Screw the romanticism of playing the game "as it was meant to be played". I want the weather to have as minimal an impact on the game as possible.

Im with ya. Win your conference in the weather. Win the Championship in the best conditions possible against the best opponent.


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What about the Grey Cup they sometimes play their games in horrendous weather :P

Seriously, I wouldnt want the Super Bowl in any cold-weather site unless a retractable roof stadium is involved.

Many thanks to Discrimihater for making the sig.

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I hope they go with Jersey and get the Snowpocalypse/Snowmageddon levels of precipitation we got this year. I'm talking 3+ feet. All those "real football is played in bad weather...grrrrr ahhhh rawwwwwwwrrrr" guys would love that right?

Do we need to be reminded that the Super Bowl has become much more than just the last game of the season? You really want that :censored: in New freaking Jersey?


Did you really just go Grey Cup on us, lordsketor? You have got to be kidding. (I know you were, I saw the smiley...but still)

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Did you really just go Grey Cup on us, lordsketor? You have got to be kidding. (I know you were, I saw the smiley...but still)

I am making an example in terms of Championship games.

Many thanks to Discrimihater for making the sig.

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The NFL Championship should be played in conditions that are most likely to ensure the best performances out of all the players. Screw the romanticism of playing the game "as it was meant to be played". I want the weather to have as minimal an impact on the game as possible.


Throw Jersey the Pro Bowl if you want to show off their shiny new stadium.

Do we need to be reminded that the Super Bowl has become much more than just the last game of the season? You really want that :censored: in New freaking Jersey?

Good point. The Super Bowl is a week long vacation with a NFL title game at the end. New Jersey just isn't the place to do it.

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In fairness, it's not like New Jersey in this case isn't meant to, for all intentsand purposes, mean "New York City." Given the recent "North Texas" and "South Florida" labeling, the NFL would likely call it "Super Bowl 48 - New York Metro Area" anyway.

And, no, none of this means a Super Bowl in the Meadowlands is a good idea.

And also, given how dumb we are as a culture, perhaps it's finally time to switch from Roman to Arabic numerals.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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The NFL Championship should be played in conditions that are most likely to ensure the best performances out of all the players. Screw the romanticism of playing the game "as it was meant to be played". I want the weather to have as minimal an impact on the game as possible.

X 1,000,000.

Make that X 1,000,001.

No one wants to see a Super Bowl played in 14 degree weather. New Jersey in February? Yeah, sounds like a really good time. When spring break rolls around something tells me that New Jersey isn't very high on the list of destinations.




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Call it whatever you want, the stadium is in New Jersey, the game is New Jersey, and the halftime show is in New Jersey. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and :censored:s like a duck, it's still a duck, even if you call it a swan. :P

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Isn't FedEx field fairly new?

This upcoming season will be the 13th, but Snyder apparently doesnt much like the place, and has been trying to con DC into building him a new barn, preferably a retractable roof stadium, on the site of RFK for a few years now, pushing the idea of a Super Bowl in Washington as bait. If the NFL does in fact select the Meadowlands, Snyder will be all over it and his ploy of the NFL playing a Super Bowl in a cold weather site, outdoors, will up his credibility to officials in DC.

I've been through the place twice, and there is nothing really wrong with it. There is no real significant design element to it and the stadiums sole purpose is to maximize the number of seats.

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