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Top 3 worst uniform changes in the 2000's in your opinion


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1. Arizona Diamondbacks: They went from a unique, fun looking uniform set (something very uncommon in MLB) to something that looks almost exactly like another NL team.

2. Detroit Lions: What was the point of changing? Their uniforms were absolutely perfect the way they had them before. They added black for absolutely no reason at all. They had a chance to correct this a year ago and they still decided to retain the black. It's less obnoxious, but nothing will ever beat the Barry Sanders era uniforms.

3. Philadelphia 76ers: It wouldn't be so bad if their new uniforms didn't bore me straight to tears.

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1. Dallas Mavericks - the most unecessary change in NBA history, in my opinion. They had a nice traditional look that actually looked Western, matching the intent of the team name. The color scheme was great, the logo was nice, and the uniforms were among the best in league history. All replaced by a look that is much too modern for the name, just fir the sake of change. To this day, that rebrand makes no sense to me.

2. Arizona Diamondbacks - another change for the sake of change. They ditch a very unique, nice, and fitting identity for a very odd one. For one, they look like Astros knockoffs, and two, thier scripts make them look like an Arabic team. The kicker though, is that Arizona won a World Series in thier previous identity. That should provide sentimentality, but the time in which the identity lasted seems to state otherwise.

3. Washington Wizards - it's not so much that "Bullets" was dropped, it's that "Wizards" was adopted. What do Wizards have to do with Washington? I'll tell you what, there's no such thing as a Wizard in Washington. Espescially on Capitol Hill. So many possible, more fitting names to choose from, and "Wizards" is chosen. One of sports' great oddities.

A very close fourth would be the 2003 Cavaliers. I really never did like that identity as much as I did the late 90's Cavaliers.

EDIT: I've been reminded the Wizards happened in 1997, and not in the 2000's. So consider this an "all-time list" instead :P for the 2000's the Cavs would be my #3.

And don't forget the Anaheim Ducks. Wow, what a mess that became.


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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Buffaslug hands down.

3. Washington Wizards - it's not so much that "Bullets" was dropped, it's that "Wizards" was adopted. What do Wizards have to do with Washington? I'll tell you what, there's no such thing as a Wizard in Washington. Espescially on Capitol Hill. So many possible, more fitting names to choose from, and "Wizards" is chosen. One of sports' great oddities.

I guess you could also argue what do Redskins have to do with modern day Washington as well.

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1. Phoenix Coyotes

Their old home and road were probably my favourite jerseys of all time, possibly 2nd favourite (I liked the Nordiques' uniforms too). Their jerseys now are pseudo old-school generic crapola. They don't look bad, but they had easily the most unique look in the NHL, and they gave it up to look like a team you could make with the create-a-team mode on a videogame.

2. Buffalo Sabres

Buffaslug. Enough said.

3. Tampa Bay Rays

Went from having a unique (albeit ever-changing) look to falling for the double-blue fad. I was very disappointed.

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1. Buffalo Bills - from Super Bowl-era look to navy/royal/nickel/whatever else. Looking good to looking awful.

2. Houston Astros - big fan of 90s navy/gold sets.

3. Anaheim Ducks - big fan of eggplant and jade unis, especially the set with the vertical stripes on the sleeves.

Honorable mention - Seahawks, Bengals, Sabres, Thunder.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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How can Buffaslug not win this?




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1. Buffalo Bills- too cfl'ish for me

2. Detroit Lions- I'm fine with the new logo and letter/number font but the black accents was not necessary and reversal of the stripes.

3. Atlanta Hawks- I'd prefer red and gold

dishonorable mention

st. louis rams, Sacramento Kings, Buffalo Sabres (buffaslug),minnesota vikings, phoenix suns, Toronto blue jays and Cleveland Browns (2003-2005) look.



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NFL: Buffalo Bills, Cincinnati Bengals, Jacksonville Jaguars

NHL: Buffalo Sabres, Colorado Avalanche, Edmonton Oilers

MLB: Cleveland Indians (for their era of sparkle-silver trim on everything, and drop-shadowing only on the players' names), Milwaukee Brewers, Tampa Bay Rays Toronto (Blue) Jays

NBA: Utah Jazz, Phoenix Suns, Sacramento Kings

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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1. Dallas Mavericks - the most unecessary change in NBA history, in my opinion. They had a nice traditional look that actually looked Western, matching the intent of the team name. The color scheme was great, the logo was nice, and the uniforms were among the best in league history. All replaced by a look that is much too modern for the name, just fir the sake of change. To this day, that rebrand makes no sense to me.

2. Arizona Diamondbacks - another change for the sake of change. They ditch a very unique, nice, and fitting identity for a very odd one. For one, they look like Astros knockoffs, and two, thier scripts make them look like an Arabic team. The kicker though, is that Arizona won a World Series in thier previous identity. That should provide sentimentality, but the time in which the identity lasted seems to state otherwise.

3. Washington Wizards - it's not so much that "Bullets" was dropped, it's that "Wizards" was adopted. What do Wizards have to do with Washington? I'll tell you what, there's no such thing as a Wizard in Washington. Espescially on Capitol Hill. So many possible, more fitting names to choose from, and "Wizards" is chosen. One of sports' great oddities.

A very close fourth would be the 2003 Cavaliers. I really never did like that identity as much as I did the late 90's Cavaliers.

The wizards have been the wizards since '97, so they arent really a 2000's change. I guess you could make the cavs #3. Just sayin'.


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1. Cavs - they went from a unique, ownable color scheme to boring-ass red and gold again. I can't think of a single other team that used black, orange, and carolina blue as their color scheme when the Cavs introduced it. It's a shame, too, because the tamer jerseys they wore near the end of that color scheme's run would have been really marketable when LeBron came to town.

2. Diamondbacks - same problem. They went from a unique, beautiful color scheme to an hideous washed-out ripoff of the Astros' ugly colors. If they thought it was absolutely necessary to make a change, they should have kept the color scheme and gone with a new set based on these:


3. AZ Cardinals - they went from a pretty good traditional look to a mess because they couldn't decide between classic and modern and tried to do both at once. IMO, the only changes that needed to be made were to bring back the black trim and wraparound flag stripes that they used in the early '90s, and add those, the cardinals on the sleeve, and the shoulder numbers to the home uniform.

Dishonorable mentions: the Mavericks, the Astros, the Jaguars, and the entire Edge system


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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1. Dallas Mavericks - the most unecessary change in NBA history, in my opinion. They had a nice traditional look that actually looked Western, matching the intent of the team name. The color scheme was great, the logo was nice, and the uniforms were among the best in league history. All replaced by a look that is much too modern for the name, just fir the sake of change. To this day, that rebrand makes no sense to me.

2. Arizona Diamondbacks - another change for the sake of change. They ditch a very unique, nice, and fitting identity for a very odd one. For one, they look like Astros knockoffs, and two, thier scripts make them look like an Arabic team. The kicker though, is that Arizona won a World Series in thier previous identity. That should provide sentimentality, but the time in which the identity lasted seems to state otherwise.

3. Washington Wizards - it's not so much that "Bullets" was dropped, it's that "Wizards" was adopted. What do Wizards have to do with Washington? I'll tell you what, there's no such thing as a Wizard in Washington. Espescially on Capitol Hill. So many possible, more fitting names to choose from, and "Wizards" is chosen. One of sports' great oddities.

A very close fourth would be the 2003 Cavaliers. I really never did like that identity as much as I did the late 90's Cavaliers.

The wizards have been the wizards since '97, so they arent really a 2000's change. I guess you could make the cavs #3. Just sayin'.

Ah, you're right, good catch.


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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Ok I will lend my top 3 picks and then comment on my hometown teams changes

Toronto Blue Jays - twice this decade

The first change was when they changed their logo from a good update to their classic logo to the T-bird logo, which looked odd.

But then they completely changed for the worse, BLACK? and it was suppose to have dark grey uniforms, which would not have looked that great imo. Blue Jays take the #1 spot

NHL EDGE Jerseys - mostly all of the changed that occured in 2007 were downgrades, picking just one is hard, so I think the EDGE Jerseys in general can be the #2 spot, hell it was so bad it sucked away most of the green in the dallas stars look!

Supersonics to Thunder - went from a great modern update to a classic jersey, to generic looking jerseysthat use the teal pistons template, horrible!!

Ok and now my thoughts on the 4 Philadelphia teams throught the 2000s

Flyers - Ah yes the flyers, they began the decade with the best set ever in their history, orange was the main jersey with the black as the third, and the jersey was the best design.

Then they made the black the main jersey cause black was cool, and the orange dissapeared. And then they introduced some mangled looking orange jersey with a beveled flyers logo, WTF was that!

And then came the EDGE jersies, which were ok, a downgrade from the previous design, and then they came outw ith the retro orange jersey and this became the main jersey with now the black as the third. While I still prefer the orange from 2001 and before, I still like the retro orange, even with the nameplate, I do with the white on the sleeve was widened so the numbers fit. Also next season it is heavily rumoured the retro white jersies will be the white jersey, which looks better I suppose, the only thing is now the black jersey still has the stupid edge design, I wouldnt mind if they gave the black the same designa s the retro jerseys.

76ers - Ah yes the 76ers, started the decade by gettin creamed by the lakers in the finals and have sucked ever since. So what did they do this decade?

Well first we had a blue alt jersey, but then we introduced a red alt which was cool looking! and it said PHILA, but alas the 76ers didnt want black anymore like most sports teams by the end of the 2000s (umles syour the A's and you revive black for some stupid reason). So they come out with new uniforms that are retro looking. If it was up to me they woulda just went back to what they were wearing before the black jersies in the mid 90s, but these are ok lookin, sadly it seems tho its spawning other teams to go the retro route like the jazz.

Eagles - Well the only change to the main jerseys was the addition of a drop shadow to the numbers, of course a black dropshadow on midnight green isnt that noticeable does it really matter? Also of course we introduced the black jersey, and guess what a midnight green drop shadow doesnt show up too well on black! no ways! so on tv and stuff it looks like just white numbers on black, stupid.

Phillies - Phillies main jerseys have stayed the same, and they introduced in 2008 a alt jersey thats awesome looking, the cream alt daytiome uniform is one of the best alts in baseball imo. And I love the blue hat!

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Can I put the NHL's RBK Edge makeover in general? It did involve the entire league, bastardized classic looks such as that with the Original Six and others (Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, St. Louis), killed other unique looks (Dallas, Colorado, Calgary), and opened up the Pandora's box that is gaudy and unnecessary piping and colored side panels that Reebok (excuse me, RBK) is so fond of.

If not, then here are my picks:

1. Bills (NFL)--(Repeating from someone's post above this) From great, instantly recognizable uniform associated with one of the franchise's greatest periods (Super Bowl, Kelley/Thomas era) to something more fitting of either a team with an uncertain future (which they now are) or an Arena League Team.

2. Blue Jays (MLB)--Instead of staying true to their roots, the Blue Jays relegate the color in their name to the side, letting black--eventually--completely swallow their identity. What's even worse is that they introduce an alternate hat, and instead of doing something different, they make it black, as well.

3. Jaguars (NFL)--Identity found? More like Identity lost!! Their look is now generic, yawn-inspiring, and disjointed (teal/white at home, white/black on road?). There was no need to completely eliminate the gold from the uniforms. Like the Bills, we don't know exactly where they are going to be playing 5 years from now.

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#1 - Buffaslug, duh.

#2 - Calgary Flames. They went from this:


to this hot mess (no pun intended):


#3 - Toronto Blue Jays. Seriously, anybody that convince me that what they have now is an upgrade compared to what they left behind will be considered by me as being "The Osiris of The CCSLC." They've spent every year trying to tweak it (even dropped the graphite hats), when they could've just given a small update to what they had before and been A-OK. Now, it's just futuristic "meh."



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I think I'm the only person here who loves the Buffaslug.

Anyway, I agree with the D-Backs. I don't think their new identity is bad at all (actually, the sand and red works better with Arizona), but it was the fact they won an incredible World Series championship wearing their original purple pinstripes. Watching them on TV now, if it wasn't for the wordmark, they could pass for the Reds, Red Sox, Angels or the Rangers.

I also don't care much for the 2000s trend of teams "going black" for no reason. I'm not at all against black uniforms, WHEN IT WORKS WITH THE TEAM. But there's no reason why teams like the Lions, Blue Jays, Celtics, etc. need to be donning black uniforms.

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3. Anaheim Ducks. It's not that their old uniforms were particularly great (though I am on their side), it's that what they switched to is so bad that they go on my list. They went to black which is so overplayed in the NHL and with their crosstown rival that adding another black team into the fold was a mistake. They chose a color scheme that represents neither southern California or a duck and then combined it with a horrible name/number font and a chintzy wordmark logo. I miss the teal and cartoon duck logo. At least it was different and had some character.

2. Toronto Blue Jays. It's almost criminal that don't dress in blue as their primary color. I hate everything about their uniforms. I hate the number font, the huge NOB lettering, the "J" on the hat and the swirly "T" on the alternate. I hate that they wear black, that the word "Blue" doesn't appear on their uniforms, that the pants have piping while nowhere else on the uni has it. It's as if all common sense was thrown away in the redesign.

1. Jacksonville Jaguars. At the beginning of the decade they had the best uniforms in the league and even if you don't agree then you'll agree that they were at the very least sharp and unique. Their change came in many stages, but each one made the uniforms worse than they were before. Now they wear garbage and it makes me sad, litearally. They pooped on a fantastic identity and I hate it.

honorable Mentions: Colorado Avalanche get "edgified", Buffaslug, Buffalo Bills, Kansas City Royals "black-ness", Houston Astros.


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I guess you could also argue what do Redskins have to do with modern day Washington as well.

Well the Redskins name was inherited, and that name's reflection of the city is a whole thread in itself. I think what he's trying to say is that in DC circa 1996, when the name was being changed, Wizards had no reflection of the city whatsoever, on top of the fact that it wasn't even up to the poll, that Abe Pollin had let the "fans decide the name of the team," which is what caused most of the uproar.

Back on topic:

1. Nike SOD template as a whole

Schools just seemed to lose their identity with such a limited template, IMO.

2. Phoenix Suns

Like the updated logos, but the sun logo across the chest was a personal favorite of mine, and still don't like the ring around the numbers.

3. Atlanta Hawks rebrand

To me, the blue doesn't fit, and I don't like the shapes of the side panels.

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