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Can I possibly be the only one who doesn't see Seattle's lack of a NBA franchise to be anything close to the injustice it frequently gets made out to be around here?

I'm not saying Seattle didn't get dicked over, and it sucks whenever a city loses a franchise (unless its Glendale), but its not as if the Sonics were a bastion of NBA tradition or an integral part of the Seattle community... sure they had their fans, but it's not as if we're talking about the Dodgers leaving Brooklyn or the Browns leaving Cleveland here. In five seasons, the Sounders have a bigger following than the Sonics did in four decades.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like Seattle is doing just fine without them.

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Can I possibly be the only one who doesn't see Seattle's lack of a NBA franchise to be anything close to the injustice it frequently gets made out to be around here?

No. I've been thinking the exact same thing as I've gone through this whole thread.

And to add, am I the only one who actually thinks it could be quite possible the Hampton Roads area WOULD be viable for an NBA market? It's a lot bigger and a lot more its own region than I think anyone realizes around here.

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Can I possibly be the only one who doesn't see Seattle's lack of a NBA franchise to be anything close to the injustice it frequently gets made out to be around here?

The travesty that saga was cannot be overstated. There's a very good documentary about it called Sonicsgate that I highly recommend for anyone who's interested. This wasn't just any old relocation.

its not as if the Sonics were a bastion of NBA tradition or an integral part of the Seattle community...

The Sonics have a championship, and a legacy of memorable players: Slick Watts, Sikma, Payton, Kemp, Detlef Schrempf, Ray Allen, Kevin Durant...


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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I think that'd be a bad move. There are some other better areas that have been put out there and I think that Seattle will be the most likely spot. Columbus, OH would be interesting but I think the Cavs are all you'll have in Ohio.

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Why would they move to Virginia Beach when Louisville has a brand new facility?

Because no NBA team will agree to an arena contract that puts them scheduling behind other tenants and the KFC/Yum! Center's contract with U of L guarantees them the #1 scheduling spot - the arena board had to agree to that to get U of L on board with the project.

That's why all of J. Bruce Miller's schemes to get an NBA team to Louisville always included renovating Freedom Hall to be an exclusive home for the NBA team. Which is also why all of those schemes have failed - the state (which owns Freedom Hall through the Fair Commission) and city can't support two arenas.

Frankly arena money in Kentucky would be better spent renovating or replacing Rupp - it's getting pretty long in tooth and I know I don't want to be stuck in the Upper Arena there if I can help it.

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How does Columbus keep coming up in these NBA relocation discussions? Now I ain't got nothing against the city at all (especially considering the amount of time I spend in it), but...don't they have enough trouble supporting the one major pro team they do have? The other thing is this: that city, at least from what I've seen, is Ohio State first, second, third and fourth?shoot, I think The Crew probably has a more devoted following than the Blue Jackets. What in the world makes people think an NBA team would work there, especially considering there's one about two hours up the highway? (Now it's entirely possible I may be entirely wrong about this...but this is just what my observations lead me to believe.)

Also...LOL at Louisville getting an NBA team. That's another place I'm in and out of on the regular and...I just don't see that one happening?especially considering all the trouble they're having just trying to get those bridges fixed.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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How does Columbus keep coming up in these NBA relocation discussions? Now I ain't got nothing against the city at all (especially considering the amount of time I spend in it), but...don't they have enough trouble supporting the one major pro team they do have? The other thing is this: that city, at least from what I've seen, is Ohio State first, second, third and fourth—shoot, I think The Crew probably has a more devoted following than the Blue Jackets. What in the world makes people think an NBA team would work there, especially considering there's one about two hours up the highway? (Now it's entirely possible I may be entirely wrong about this...but this is just what my observations lead me to believe.)

Columbus wouldn't be my first choice for an NBA team, but I would certainly put them in the discussion if the NBA was looking to expand or a team was looking to relocate.

Its a very fast growing metro area with an NBA ready arena. I could see the appeal. However I tend to agree that Ohio State rules there and anything they do would squash anything a pro sports team does and I think either Cincy or Pittsburgh would be far better options if you looking to put another team in that area. But I don't think any of those cities are getting NBA teams anytime soon.

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So, let me get this straight. It's not a great potential market, has significant downsides, and in fact it's probably worse than two other potential markets in the region, but we might as well suggest giving them a team because they have an arena?

This isn't the NHL we're talking about here... ;)

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So, let me get this straight. It's not a great potential market, has significant downsides, and in fact it's probably worse than two other potential markets in the region, but we might as well suggest giving them a team because they have an arena?

This isn't the NHL we're talking about here... ;)

Pretty much. Not saying its the best rational in the world, I don't agree with it either. But its been the reasoning for teams to move in the past and not just with the NHL, so it has to be taken as a legit point like it or not.

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So, let me get this straight. It's not a great potential market, has significant downsides, and in fact it's probably worse than two other potential markets in the region, but we might as well suggest giving them a team because they have an arena?

This isn't the NHL we're talking about here... ;)

Pretty much. Not saying its the best rational in the world, I don't agree with it either. But its been the reasoning for teams to move in the past and not just with the NHL, so it has to be taken as a legit point like it or not.

The only rational stituation, IMO, would be moving the Cavs there. I Know this doesnt make much sense either. But the point is Ohio DOES NOT deserve two teams when they can't even support the one they have. I mean yes, I know their owner kinda sucks and nobody wants to support a losing team with inept ownership that doesn't seem to be going anywhere(especially after the LeBron fiasco), but at the same time, I think ownership has A LOT to do with the Cavalier's problems.

Putting a second team in Ohio is only going to hurt the NBA, not help the NBA. I mean, hypothetically if this proposed team in Columbus were to be run well and they follow a similar path as OKC has, I'm pretty sure all that would do is sink the Cavs, and probably force them to move...putting us right back at, wait for it....SQUARE ONE.

So yeah, the idea of moving a team to Columbus is a stupid one. Let's stop mentioning it, kthx?

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Why would they move to Virginia Beach when Louisville has a brand new facility?

Because no NBA team will agree to an arena contract that puts them scheduling behind other tenants and the KFC/Yum! Center's contract with U of L guarantees them the #1 scheduling spot - the arena board had to agree to that to get U of L on board with the project.

That's why all of J. Bruce Miller's schemes to get an NBA team to Louisville always included renovating Freedom Hall to be an exclusive home for the NBA team. Which is also why all of those schemes have failed - the state (which owns Freedom Hall through the Fair Commission) and city can't support two arenas.

Frankly arena money in Kentucky would be better spent renovating or replacing Rupp - it's getting pretty long in tooth and I know I don't want to be stuck in the Upper Arena there if I can help it.

The lease which the university has with the arena agency goes far beyond booking priority. It includes: university priority in facility branding, all revenue for 65 of the 71 suites (the arena agency controls the other six), control the majority of advertising revenue, 50% gift shop revenue, rent capped at $10K/game.

In fact, the university could even decide to not pay the rent to force the arena agency default on the bonds, and come back to be the first in line to buy the arena outright.

Remember, the Virginia Beach/Hampton Roads/Norfolk area was discussed here last year, when a private investor (with "borrowed" car maker logo) wanted to build a waterfront arena in Norfolk after being rejected by Virginia Beach.

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Watching the documentary on the Sonics and my god that very similar to what happened to the Grizzles in Vancouver in the sense that they got a new owner who said they will NOT move the team (They even had him sing the Canadian anthem when his ownership was approved) and Stern was saying when the switch in ownership happened that the Grizzles would stay. The NBA and David Stern really have it in for the Northwest region don't they?

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Watching the documentary on the Sonics and my god that very similar to what happened to the Grizzles in Vancouver in the sense that they got a new owner who said they will NOT move the team (They even had him sing the Canadian anthem when his ownership was approved) and Stern was saying when the switch in ownership happened that the Grizzles would stay. The NBA and David Stern really have it in for the Northwest region don't they?

As far as Seattle goes, for David Stern it was about the arena situation and nothing more, and for Clay Bennett it was about getting a team in OKC and nothing more.

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