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NHL 1970s Style - Ottawa Senators Added!


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I decided to do something a little different. Instead of designing a new uniform for a team, I decided to create an old one. So here are my mid 70s Atlanta Thrashers. The uniforms are based on the Padres' baseball uniforms of the 1970s.atlanta_zpsa7d07dff.png

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It's pretty good, but I am questioned as to why the use of old Padres colors?

Because 70's = dirty gold and brown.

Probably from the haze of the 'marinated steak sandwiches.'

But anyway, save the yellow pants, I quite like these. Correct me if Im wrong, but that would probably be a pretty unique striping pattern back then.


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Honestly, I went with the Padres colors because not only is it a very stereotypical 1970s color scheme, but they are also very hot, summer-ish colors that fit a team in the deep south well.

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It's pretty good, but I am questioned as to why the use of old Padres colors?

Because 70's = dirty gold and brown.

Probably from the haze of the 'marinated steak sandwiches.'

But anyway, save the yellow pants, I quite like these. Correct me if Im wrong, but that would probably be a pretty unique striping pattern back then.

Yeah, the striping pattern would have been quite unique to hockey, but not to all . I recently saw a cool hockey concept based on Houston Astros baseball uniforms, and so I decided to try some 1970s baseball inspired designs.

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I think avocado would work better than brown, personally, but I like them.

There is ONE problem that, historically, NEEDS to be fixed: hemline stripes. They truly were a necessity then, and they should be added here.

Really digging the logo, though, that's perfect for the era

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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NO!!!!! NO PLEASE GOD NO!!!!!!!

why? His concept is better than anything the thrashers had in existence.

Do like that thrasher georgia logo. Not sold on the color scheme but I could have seen them jump on the 'cool things of the 70's' bandwagon before overhauling in the 80's.



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Actually, those Sox uniform are from the 80s. I think it was 1983 they were introduced. The Sox are wearing them as Sunday alternates this year.

EDIT: My bad, it was 1982. The 70s had the Sox introduce the "softball shorts" uniform. There would be a concept, a hockey team in shorts!

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While I don't find the colour scheme appealing at all as a fan, it's fitting for that era and very believable.

Although like most teams, I'd like to think the Ducks would've had a logo as opposed to a wordmark in the 70's. I'd certainly be interested in seeing how you would interpret that.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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