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RIP Dick Trickle


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I still remember to this day the stories I heard about him, about how he would drill a hole into his helmet so that he could smoke. On ESPN, he was always referred to as "the man".

R.I.P. Mr. Trickle, you were a very underrated driver.


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Even though I'm not a huge race fan and I rarely see my dad anymore, this hits pretty close to home for me.

Both my dad and my grandfather (before he passed) have been racing on the short tracks where Dick Trickle made his name for as long as I can remember. Both of them are/were open-wheel racers, so they never competed directly against Trickle, but he often raced at the same tracks on the same night as them, and I was in the grandstand for a good chunk of The Man's 1,000+ wins because of it.

RIP to a Wisconsin racing legend!

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My cousin sent me this text this morning after I told him what happened.

So Dick Trickle finally blew his wad, huh?


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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We laugh at his name, but I have a feeling that that was, at least in part, what lead to his demise. I mean, the man shot himself. With all the stories of bullied teens killing themselves, it's not far fetched to think a man in his seventies can feel the same.

RIP Mr. Trickle.


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We laugh at his name, but I have a feeling that that was, at least in part, what lead to his demise. I mean, the man shot himself. With all the stories of bullied teens killing themselves, it's not far fetched to think a man in his seventies can feel the same.

RIP Mr. Trickle.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.


Oh what could have been....

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We laugh at his name, but I have a feeling that that was, at least in part, what lead to his demise. I mean, the man shot himself. With all the stories of bullied teens killing themselves, it's not far fetched to think a man in his seventies can feel the same.

RIP Mr. Trickle.

If he had a problem with his name he could've gone by Richard or Rick or Ricky. That name has a lot of options.


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We laugh at his name, but I have a feeling that that was, at least in part, what lead to his demise. I mean, the man shot himself. With all the stories of bullied teens killing themselves, it's not far fetched to think a man in his seventies can feel the same.

RIP Mr. Trickle.

His name got him more fans than ridicule. He was always mentioned on Sports Center.

Sad when Tank is the voice of reason.

I can promise Trickle had heard much worse than "HA HA your name is funny." I don't think "dick" was even common slang for penis until sometime in the 1980s.

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