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18 minutes ago, ManillaToad said:

Switching from a white to a navy helmet was the only good thing about Tennessee's uniform overhaul


Hanging onto the flaming thumbtack helmet sticker (thanks @FiddySicks)  was a mistake. Logo is so dated and really was never good, even from the day it debuted.


When the Titans' "five years" are up, which should be soon, scrap it all, start fresh. And eliminate red if you're not going to use it.

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1 hour ago, Cujo said:


Hanging onto the flaming thumbtack helmet sticker (thanks @FiddySicks)  was a mistake. Logo is so dated and really was never good, even from the day it debuted.


When the Titans' "five years" are up, which should be soon, scrap it all, start fresh. And eliminate red if you're not going to use it.

IIRC, wasn’t there a rumor back in 2018 that Tennessee was going to emphasize red in the new set?

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1 hour ago, Cujo said:

When the Titans' "five years" are up, which should be soon, scrap it all, start fresh. And eliminate red if you're not going to use it.


Might not seem like it, but this is season five of their current set...

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*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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16 minutes ago, tBBP said:


Might not seem like it, but this is season five of their current set...


Perhaps I'm wrong, but i believe we're currently in year 4 of these Tennessee Arena League unis


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8 minutes ago, DCarp1231 said:

IIRC, wasn’t there a rumor back in 2018 that Tennessee was going to emphasize red in the new set?

I actually just went back in time to look at the reaction – the emphasis on red was an obviously unfounded rumor.


I think the current set has a lot of potential – a lot of good negated by some bad components. It's a good evolution of the old set, which was too aged and wasn't fit for a team named Titans, especially with the logo.


The new set transformed the shoulder yoke by utilizing the sword from the logo. However the look is muddled up by so many colors vying for space ( navy primary, columbia secondary, and red and gray as tertiary. I think if columbia was relegated to a stroke color on the navy and white would clean things up and let gray stand out more. Look at the helmet for reference, majority blue, with a good amount of gray and little columbia and red.


Cleaning up the uniform – removing the armpit block, changing the pants stripe, and simplifying the numbers – would really hep the overall look.


For the presence of red in the look – it's being embraced more and more in accessories, somewhat as a call back to Keith Bulluck's signature red gloves. I think the Titans can really champion the blue/grey, with splashes of columbia and red, look that more accurately fits the Titans moniker.

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1 hour ago, jerrylawless3 said:

I think if columbia was relegated to a stroke color on the navy and white would clean things up and let gray stand out more. Look at the helmet for reference, majority blue, with a good amount of gray and little columbia and red.


I think the Titans can really champion the blue/grey, with splashes of columbia and red, look that more accurately fits the Titans moniker.


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1 hour ago, Cujo said:


Perhaps I'm wrong, but i believe we're currently in year 4 of these Tennessee Arena League unis


You're right--I'm thinking of calendar year (2022l and not actual season 2018). -1 point for me.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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3 minutes ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:


Don't get me wrong, two-tone blue is and should be the foundation of the Titans, but I think on the navy jerseys, having both prominent gray and columbia blue leads to a look that is too busy. The sword-yoke can stand out as the feature element of the uniform, and minimize the other components.

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I put together a light blue helmet look for the Titans a few months ago, I'd be elated if they went with something like what I tried; It keeps the sword theme and shoulder yoke but retains the color blocking of the inaugural set.
(Slightly ashamed self-plug)

Admittedly, I goofed up on the shade of blue, and I'd prefer a more accurate Columbia blue, but I think it'd be a great starting point.

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Perrin Grubb | Aspiring Designer | NAFA Project ~ NFL Redesigns

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Works for me.  No need for white pants at all with that set.

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1 hour ago, jerrylawless3 said:

Don't get me wrong, two-tone blue is and should be the foundation of the Titans, but I think on the navy jerseys, having both prominent gray and columbia blue leads to a look that is too busy. The sword-yoke can stand out as the feature element of the uniform, and minimize the other components.

This is where I’m at with the Titans’ look—colorwise, there’s too much going on, or at least how it’s presented. Aside from the alternate Luv Ya Blue top and pants, there’s really not enough Columbia Blue in the whole set; this is especially apparent when the Titans go mono Navy or mono White (to me, anyways).


I think all the colors in the Titans’ set can coexist, but there would need to be a reshuffling of the order to do that. What I’m thinking is reaching back into franchise history and looking to the late 1960s-early 1970s Houston Oilers look for inspiration. Yes, this would likely mean that navy gets relegated to trim status, but I could see something there.




That said, in any case, the Titans need to emphasize the Columbia Blue, be it in the form of primary home tops or primary pants (if the primary home tops were to remain navy).

Edited by DustDevil61
top from too.
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31 minutes ago, PERRIN said:

I put together a light blue helmet look for the Titans a few months ago, I'd be elated if they went with something like what I tried; It keeps the sword theme and shoulder yoke but retains the color blocking of the inaugural set.
(Slightly ashamed self-plug)

Admittedly, I goofed up on the shade of blue, and I'd prefer a more accurate Columbia blue, but I think it'd be a great starting point.

I came to a similar conclusion for the Titans, as well:


(I don’t say that to accuse you of copying at all, @PERRIN, if anything I think your rendering is better than mine. Rather, it’s to show how interesting it is that we both came up with similar and viable solutions to the Titan’s current uniform mess, while still retaining some of the ideas the team employed, but in a more restrained manner).

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1 hour ago, jerrylawless3 said:

Don't get me wrong, two-tone blue is and should be the foundation of the Titans, but I think on the navy jerseys, having both prominent gray and columbia blue leads to a look that is too busy. The sword-yoke can stand out as the feature element of the uniform, and minimize the other components.

The problem is, if they want to do the silver sword motif, they need to eliminate one of their colors, but that would make them yet another navy blue/gray team (Seahawks, Cowboys). Instead, they should emphasize Columbia blue, which is unique to the NFL (Panthers and Lions may have a a case there, though), and was a major part of their history, Oilers or not.

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IMO there's nothing salvageable with the Titans' current dumpster fire.  They kept one of the worst elements of the old uniform (the logo) and dumped in every cheesey gimmick they could think of. 


They need to scrap everything, go Columbia blue heavy (helmets and jerseys), clean up all the dopey useless details and endless mix n match combos, just basically calm the f down.

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39 minutes ago, oldschoolvikings said:

IMO there's nothing salvageable with the Titans' current dumpster fire.  They kept one of the worst elements of the old uniform (the logo) and dumped in every cheesey gimmick they could think of. 


They need to scrap everything, go Columbia blue heavy (helmets and jerseys), clean up all the dopey useless details and endless mix n match combos, just basically calm the f down.

I don't hate the flaming thumbtack logo. I don't necessarily like it, it's definitely not among the best NFL logos, and I'd absolutely rather see them try to come up with something better rather than just keep it around. I think it's still the best of the bad logos they've had though (I've never liked the sword T because of its warped perspective). 

I like the number font too, especially the thicker version on the columbia jerseys. This font the team used on social media around the time of the unveiling would have been really nice too, though:


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10 minutes ago, MJD7 said:

I don't hate the flaming thumbtack logo. I don't necessarily like it, it's definitely not among the best NFL logos, and I'd absolutely rather see them try to come up with something better rather than just keep it around. I think it's still the best of the bad logos they've had though (I've never liked the sword T because of its warped perspective). 

I like the number font too, especially the thicker version on the columbia jerseys. This font the team used on social media around the time of the unveiling would have been really nice too, though:


I said this same thing about the thicker numbers in a Twitter thread with Paul Lukas at Uni-Watch and apparently that font was created too late. 


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3 hours ago, PERRIN said:

I put together a light blue helmet look for the Titans a few months ago, I'd be elated if they went with something like what I tried; It keeps the sword theme and shoulder yoke but retains the color blocking of the inaugural set.
(Slightly ashamed self-plug)

Admittedly, I goofed up on the shade of blue, and I'd prefer a more accurate Columbia blue, but I think it'd be a great starting point.


This is one of the better Titans redesigns I've seen, which is saying something, because I think the Titans are a notoriously difficult team to create a good brand around.

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