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NFL 2022 Changes


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29 minutes ago, Cujo said:


"A dozen BigTen teams wear red and white. Change them all!!!!"

It's college. There are 1000s of teams. You're going to have overlap.

In the NFL, there are 32 teams, and while there is overlap, no 2 teams use the same exact colors and design.

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1 hour ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:

In the NFL, there are 32 teams, and while there is overlap, no 2 teams use the same exact colors and design.


Except for the Cowboys and Lions -- and maybe Broncos and Bears. 🙃


See. If Dallas owns full-blown navy/silver (which they should!) there's really no clash at all.




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11 hours ago, throwuascenario said:

I'll never understand why everyone on these boards thinks that if any two teams look even remotely close to each other on a glace from the corner of your eye, the world will end.


Two teams can have similar colors, uniforms, whatever. Especially if they're not even rivals.


Each team should do what fits their brand the best. They shouldn't even put an ounce of thought into how similar it looks to another team.

Sure, but part of "fitting their brand" is having distinction. I'm not one of the people who thinks teams can't look remotely close to each other, but I do think they should put at least "an ounce" of thought into having a unique identity. Part of building a brand is having something you can own.  Most people agree the Bears have a pretty strong look, most people would not want to see the Broncos running around in exact copies of the Bears uniforms with a 'D' in lieu of a 'C' just because it looks good. 

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13 hours ago, throwuascenario said:


This word almost always guarantees that a post will be incorrect. 

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5 hours ago, Chromatic said:

Sure, but part of "fitting their brand" is having distinction. I'm not one of the people who thinks teams can't look remotely close to each other, but I do think they should put at least "an ounce" of thought into having a unique identity. Part of building a brand is having something you can own.  Most people agree the Bears have a pretty strong look, most people would not want to see the Broncos running around in exact copies of the Bears uniforms with a 'D' in lieu of a 'C' just because it looks good. 


And consider that branding and uniforms today are done largely in a centralized league office and it makes sense that you'd want 32 distinct identities. That doesn't explain how the Toronto Maple Leafs and Tampa Bay Lightning exist, but they're kind of the exception that proves why teams should look at the environment they're going to play in before committing to anything.  


The Lions road uniforms of those days while similar to the Cowboys looked less like the Cowboys in action than they do looking back at still photos. The Cowboys had those awful greenish pants and their blues are all over the place. I didn't have any problems at the time telling the two teams apart. 

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16 hours ago, DCarp1231 said:

Detroit- all they gotta do is take this and run with it. It’s literally a blank template.



The Wayne Fontes - era Lions of the early 90’s were the best uniforms this franchise has ever had.


Slap the current logo on the helmet and it’s perfection. 


On 11/5/2022 at 12:04 PM, Volt said:






Embedding both here, they display a little larger.  This is great Photoshop work.  These needed to be added some way, some how to their uniform set as an alternate. 


Would be curious to see these in today's Honolulu Blue with the current logo.


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18 hours ago, throwuascenario said:

Each team should do what fits their brand the best. They shouldn't even put an ounce of thought into how similar it looks to another team.


I mean if you are part of a pro sports league your brand doesn't exist in a vacuum. You obviously want to prioritize your own brand, but not putting any consideration into what other teams are doing is how you end up with a Tampa Bay Lightning situation. The whole point of uniforms in sports is so you can turn on a game and immediately know who's playing.

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3 hours ago, Sport said:


And consider that branding and uniforms today are done largely in a centralized league office and it makes sense that you'd want 32 distinct identities. That doesn't explain how the Toronto Maple Leafs and Tampa Bay Lightning exist, but they're kind of the exception that proves why teams should look at the environment they're going to play in before committing to anything.  


The Lions road uniforms of those days while similar to the Cowboys looked less like the Cowboys in action than they do looking back at still photos. The Cowboys had those awful greenish pants and their blues are all over the place. I didn't have any problems at the time telling the two teams apart. 


Not exactly. We don't really have the league involved beyond big picture stuff. We have a single uniform manufacturer but that's not so different from the days when 2 or 3 companies did everything. The individual team promotions departments have a lot of the power and its rare that one of them goes to Nike and says "go crazy."

So much of the Cowboys/Lions similarities stem from teams in the 60's working from more or less the same tool set. The three stripe pattern became more or less the standard for pants in the mid-60's. In 1964, only Washington and Los Angeles a different pattern and on the Steelers. With helmets, of the teams wearing stripes, 5 had three stripes with 3 with one stripe.  The Cowboys started with very obvious metallic blue helmets and pants and the Lions used a very, very pale silver that contrasted with a much deeper blue. By 1968, the two teams already looked very similar.


As time went on, the Cowboys veered into a much more silver metallic shade, you can only really see the original color on the helmet. The Lions switched to white numbers as well.

I think I like the idea of the Lions distinguishing themselves against Dallas by wearing Honolulu blue pants with white jerseys in the unlilkely incident the Cowboys opt for navy blue and making sure the blue jersey always has silver numbers.

They could go a step further by making the silver extra pale. Much lighter than the current shade, which would have the added bonus of showing more contrast against the blue jersey.

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14 minutes ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:

Actually, if Nike would like to get a little creative with reflective fabrics, the Lions might be a good place for that.


Imagine this but instead of green and yellow, Honolulu blue and silver:




Aaaand maybe a chrome helmet.

Don't take this personally, but no thanks. That's a college aesthetic, not a pro one.

Why yes, I am yelling at clouds right now

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22 minutes ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:

Actually, if Nike would like to get a little creative with reflective fabrics, the Lions might be a good place for that.


Imagine this but instead of green and yellow, Honolulu blue and silver:




Aaaand maybe a chrome helmet.


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11 minutes ago, Sec19Row53 said:

Don't take this personally, but no thanks. That's a college aesthetic, not a pro one.

Why yes, I am yelling at clouds right now

I can't disagree with you, but it's worth pointing out that a number treatment like that might solve the whole "lack of white" problem on their uniforms. These would likely stand out much more under indoor lighting than the non-shiny gray numbers do now. 

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5 minutes ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:


I thought I would hate this, but surprisingly I don't. Though the whole number being chrome/reflective does seem like a bit much, maybe just the outline would suffice. 

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18 minutes ago, gosioux76 said:

I can't disagree with you, but it's worth pointing out that a number treatment like that might solve the whole "lack of white" problem on their uniforms. These would likely stand out much more under indoor lighting than the non-shiny gray numbers do now. 

Returning the favor, I can't disagree with you, but white would be better 🤣🤣🤣

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41 minutes ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:

What if Detriot took a page out of the NBA's book and went oversimplified?

I think it still needs white.

The white outline on 'Bubbles' (the original Lion logo) was added mid-season in 1970 for better television contrast. Hi-def TVs make that less necessary, but I think it helps. Id rather there be some white on the uniform a well.

It's where I sit.

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On 11/8/2022 at 10:58 AM, DCarp1231 said:

If Tennessee can do double blue, and the Chargers have triple blue, the Cowboys should just say f*** it and do quadruple blue leaving Detroit as the sole proprietors of singular blue and silver

What are you talking about? Yes they use 3 blues, but it’s for 3 different sets and they aren’t interchangeable. The cowboys use 2 blues, 3 silvers, and black all in the same uniform combo

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