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Tweaks to Unis


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Thought this might be fun. What uniform packages out there do you believe are "incomplete"? By this I mean cases where certain things need to be fixed on one or all sets for the overall uniform scheme to look much better, short of a complete overhaul (for example, the home uni is fine but the road uniform needs to be fixed, etc.).

I'll start off with what I think will probably be the most prevalent answer: the Cowboys' set with the white jersey needs to match the set with the blue one, dammit!

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as a rams fan, id rather see the old uniforms, but if they must be the new ones, then changs the away sleeves. i think they should be gold with a blue stripe instead of blue with gold, since the old jerseys had the yellow sleeves.

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the Sox need to put their sock logo on the home sleeve, like it is on their road and black jerseys.

that is all.


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I would standardise the Yankees "NY" logos. I'd ditch the thinner version on the hat, and use the thicker version found on the jersey for both the jersey and hat.

The same goes for the Tigers old english "D" logos. I'd ditch the hate version and use the jersey version for both the jersey and hat.

Also, I'd add a second blue stripe to the Colts helmets, so they match the jersey and pants striping.

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I would like to see the Titans play around with where they use their blues. I actually like the shoulder yoke, but I think it would be better if it was navy on both jerseys. This would allow them to use the light blue jersey as the primary (something a lot of fans want), and maybe even do something radical like phase out the white pants and use navy pants with both sets. I also wouldn't mind seeing them in navy or light blue helmets.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, they should wear light blue socks with navy pants (and even the white pants, if they went with this new design).

Here's a mockup that a user called Sukrillux posted on a Titans fan board.


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Lose the piping on all the CFL unis that RBK put there--and make all the teams wear either pants or jerseys to match the helmets--(yeah I'm talking to you Eskimos--the all whiteuni/yellow helmet look may be gone--but the all green uni/yellow helmet is almost as bad.--save the green pants for the yellow 3rd jersey)

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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I'd make the following changes:

1) Toronto Maple Leafs- Ditch the "Ballard Leaf," the "TML" logo and the silver trim, use all lace necks, no "Euro-style" Y-necks.

2) Boston Celtics- Wear BLACK shoes with the home whites, ditch the alternates and put "BOSTON" on the road greens.

3) Toronto Blue Jays- Ditch the black and/or graphite and actually wear some BLUE! Duh!

4) New York Yankees- Take the sleeve stripes and the white trim off the lettering on the grey set, make the home whites more of a cream shade and make the pinstripes a little less bold (trying to replicare the '50s-'60s look) and change the numeral font to the pro-style plain block (as in the '50s). I'm a Yankee hater, but these changes would make them look a whole lot better.

5) Cleveland Browns- apparently they listened to me. We'll see.

6) All teams in every sport- Unless it's an official team color, NO BLACK ALTERNATES!

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Seahawks: get rid of the navy blue sleeves with the slate blue jerseys and make the entire jersey slate blue. Colors are so close in lighting situations that you can't tell sleeves are a different color OR lighten the slate blue creating more contrast between the two colors. Also get rid of the slate blue pants entirely. Wearing slate blue pants with slate blue jerseys ALL THE TIME sux. Wear white pants home and on the road creating more contrast in uniforms...............................

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For the Arizona Cardinals:

1. Get rid of the red shoulders of the white jerseys.

2. Add a red/black stripes on the helmet similar to Denver, except it full at the face and tapers back.

3. Put a red or black face mask.

For the Phoenix Coyotes:

Move the cresent moon logo from the shorts to the left sholder.

For the Phoenix Suns:

1. Ditch the letters from the top of the shorts.

2. Bye bye, grey.

For the D-backs:

Put "Diamondbacks" or "D-Backs" on the sleeveless home jerseys.

For Arizona State football:

Move the numbers from the arms to the sholders.

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Mets- Drop the black from all jerseys and hats, and drop the "snow whites."

NY Giants- Keep the blues (and red alt's) as is. Bring back the previous white's (including pants) from the Fassel era, but change the "GIANTS" under the collar to "ny" to match the others.

Canadians- I love their "vintage" whites with the blue stripe. I'd make that the road jersey, though I'm not sure how popular a move that would be in Montreal.

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AZ Diamondbacks

Ditch the purple! Use white, black, teal, and copper like the Rattlers.


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Detroit Tigers: Use the Olde English D with the tiger going through it on the ROAD jersey.

New York Yankees: Lose the sleeve trim and the white trim around the numbers and letters to make it look like the Yanks from the 1950s.

Boston Red Sox: Names Not On Back, please!

San Francisco Giants: Get away from the gold and black trim around the letters. Yick.

Oh, and shoot anyone who deigns to add a neon color or earth tones to a uniform ever again.

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