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ESPN is at it again...


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If anyone is near the dial, flip to ESPN for a sec and you will see something really stupid. Worse than the "Chasing Aaron" cuts for B**** B**** during his home run chase. Worse than giving you five lines of Yankees stats and barely anything for Royals stats...

Well you know how they have the categories, i.e. NFL, NHL, NBA, NCAAB, etc. Well now they have a WHOLE CATEGORY devoted only to the Patriots.

No joke, it comes up on the Bottom Line as "Patriots" squeezed in there. What is with this? Aren't they force-feeding us enough Patriots? It's like when you watch a TV show, they have four minutes of commercials including two minutes of ads for their own station, and then what do they do when they come back from commercial? Do a pop-up ad for a show on their own station.

Quite frankly, I hope the Patriots lose as soon as possible, because I am not watching ESPN as long as they keep that "Patriots" tab on the Bottom Line.

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I mentioned that in the main NFL thread...along with a query about why they even bother employing an ombudsman. Tell me ESPN...was "journalistic integrity" an optional course when you were at school?

EDIT-Of course, "US Geography" was as well. <_<

(I'm going to let the rest of what they said sort of slide.)

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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A HUGE reason I always hated the "America's Team" crap with the Cowboys. Network idiots and NFL suits think it's genius to overplay it. It does three things: Makes Cowboy fans (like me) cringe whenever it's mentioned, makes the Gomer Pyle toothless goober-fan bow up with pride (as he points to his 'Da Boyzz iz America's team' stained tank top) and thirdly, makes the makes the non-Dallas NFL fandom hate our guts even more than they already do. I don't want to be the Yankees of football, and I sure as hell don't want to be America's :censored:ing Team.

My point? Easy. Deal with it Pat fans. People will curse your wins, and treat your first loss (if it ever happens) like the second coming. It comes with the territory. Your Bristol buddies are doing you no favors ramming it down our throats. The true beantown CCSLCers get this, the popped collars and/or the guys dating the pink hats....not so much.


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Your Bristol buddies are doing you no favors ramming it down our throats.

As a Patriots fan, let me tell you that ESPN is not our friend. I am sick of their Patriots coverage too.

ESPN is like a fair-weather fan who jumps on the band wagon when the times are good, but really knows nothing about the team.

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A HUGE reason I always hated the "America's Team" crap with the Cowboys. Network idiots and NFL suits think it's genius to overplay it. It does three things: Makes Cowboy fans (like me) cringe whenever it's mentioned, makes the Gomer Pyle toothless goober-fan bow up with pride (as he points to his 'Da Boyzz iz America's team' stained tank top) and thirdly, makes the makes the non-Dallas NFL fandom hate our guts even more than they already do. I don't want to be the Yankees of football, and I sure as hell don't want to be America's :censored:ing Team.

My point? Easy. Deal with it Pat fans. People will curse your wins, and treat your first loss (if it ever happens) like the second coming. It comes with the territory. Your Bristol buddies are doing you no favors ramming it down our throats. The true beantown CCSLCers get this, the popped collars and/or the guys dating the pink hats....not so much.

i'm glad you pointed out the americas team stuff. i do get tired of it. I never got how the cowboys could be america's team when they aren't even Texas's team. Texas alone splits the ticket with Oilers/Texans fans. Dallas' team fine. i can deal with that, but i'm pretty sure fans in houston and surrounding area take issue with the cowboys being america's team. America houses fan bases of 31 other teams. unless the majority of americans choose the cowboys, i'm pretty sure the country is split 32 ways. I never got what constituted them being "america's team". is it the 5 super bowl wins? The 49ers and Steelers have that. Is it the most recognizable logo and uniforms? The Steelers, 49ers and throw in the packers here have that. is it the sheer number of hall of famers? Hell the steelers damn near has half the players from their 70s teams in the HOF. Is it aikman and staubach? the steelers have bradshaw and the 49ers have Montana and Young. I can understand the title of team of the 90s like the 49ers have the team of the 80s and the steelers team of the 70s but "america's team" thats a little much and disingenious to the other 31 fan bases across the country including those in rival areas like Philly and Washington. Yeah go to philadelphia and tell me that the cowboys are america's team. how about DC? thats what i thought. its media driven bs.

I think what the patriots is doing is awsome and i respect their season and i respect their accomplishment by winning 3 super bowls but ESPN needs to get off this Patriots bukakke fest. I personally just turn off espn, of course i no longer have cable/satellite but if I did I wouldn't bother with ESPN. I just ignore it and just read my local coverage and the Dallas/Fort Worth (dallas morning News and the Fort Worth Star Telegram) news sites for my coverage.



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i'm glad you pointed out the americas team stuff. i do get tired of it. I never got how the cowboys could be america's team when they aren't even Texas's team.

When they say "America's Team" what they mean is, "actual Cowboys fans plus every frontrunner in America's Team." The same thing applies to every "team of the moment." Right now it's all Boston all the time so you have the true fans and the frontrunners. Hell, I saw it happen in 1995 with the Indians of all teams.




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I don't know what's worse...being force-fed the Patriots or being force fed Peyton Manning in every commercial. I'm a Bucs fan, so I don't really care about the AFC. I don't care about the Pats, but I don't hope they beat the Steelers because Mullet Nation doesn't deserve the bragging rights.

The AFC story I'm more concerned about is the 0-12 Dolphins. I want them to go 0-16 to feel the pain we had as the 1976 Bucs...and that was before all this free agency frenzy too.

Dear ESPN, please wait until the Pats are 15-0 or in the playoffs undefeated before you jam it down my throat. Thank you. PS. Did you watch Tampa this year? They are leading their division on their 3rd string RB and 2nd string QB and you didn't pick them to even make the playoffs. How about Brett Favre and GB? They are doing well also. Have a good day.

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Yeah go to philadelphia and tell me that the cowboys are america's team. how about DC? thats what i thought. its media driven bs.

Judging by the the NFL apparel that DC residents wear, the Cowboys have a sizeable fan base here in DC. One reasoning I've heard is that it harkens back to the integration of the NFL. The Cowboys were one of the first teams to have black star players whereas the Redskins were one of the last teams to integrate their rosters. As a result many black residents (and DC is majority black) chose the Cowboys as their team.

I'm just repeating what I remember reading somewhere and I don't have any specific facts to back it up. Take my hearsay with a shaker of salt.

Kinda on topic, I don't understand why Dallas is "America's Team" either. As a casual fan of the NFL (and a Miami fan at that), I don't really care if they are or aren't.

"In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed."

I tweet & tumble.

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I don't know what's worse...being force-fed the Patriots or being force fed Peyton Manning in every commercial. I'm a Bucs fan, so I don't really care about the AFC. I don't care about the Pats, but I don't hope they beat the Steelers because Mullet Nation doesn't deserve the bragging rights.

The AFC story I'm more concerned about is the 0-12 Dolphins. I want them to go 0-16 to feel the pain we had as the 1976 Bucs...and that was before all this free agency frenzy too.

Dear ESPN, please wait until the Pats are 15-0 or in the playoffs undefeated before you jam it down my throat. Thank you. PS. Did you watch Tampa this year? They are leading their division on their 3rd string RB and 2nd string QB and you didn't pick them to even make the playoffs. How about Brett Favre and GB? They are doing well also.

I, too, would love to see Miami go winless. I theorize that Don Shula and the Perfect Season Pals will be forced to regurgitate champagne if this does in fact occur.


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I, too, would love to see Miami go winless. I theorize that Don Shula and the Perfect Season Pals will be forced to regurgitate champagne if this does in fact occur.

The irony is that Shula and the Perfect Season Pals might not be able to celebrate because a new team may go undefeated, while their undefeated team of yore may go winless. It's very poetic; almost as poetic as if the Dolphins beat the Patriots despite being 83 point underdogs... who's thinking upset???

By the way, I always thought the Packers were America's team; the 12 NFL championships, the first 2 Super Bowls, and the nicest stadium with the nicest fans despite being in the smallest city. But now that the "America's team" designation sounds bad because people hate its repetition and such, I'm hoping that the Packers never are "America's team" but rather just those hard-working boys in the green and gold.

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Kinda on topic, I don't understand why Dallas is "America's Team" either.

Blame NFL Films.

"After the '78 season, the Cowboys had just lost a

crushing Super Bowl to the Steelers. I wanted to come up

with a different twist on their team highlight film. I noticed

then, and had noticed earlier, that wherever the Cowboys

played, you saw people in the stands with Cowboys

jerseys and hats and pennants. Plus, they were always the

national game on television. If you think back, there has

always been one team in each sport that has support from

fans nationwide: the Yankees in baseball, Notre Dame in

college football, the Boston Celtics in pro basketball. They

are all America's teams. So I put that name on the Cowboys'

film, and in 1979 the TV announcer for their first game

introduced the Cowboys as 'America's Team.'

They took a lot of heat for it, but it stuck. Later other clubs

like the Atlanta Braves and the U.S. Olympic hockey team

have tried to call themselves 'America's Team.' But that

name belongs to the Cowboys."

-Bob Ryan, Vice President and editor-in-chief, NFL Films

Most Liked Content of the Day -- February 15, 2017, August 21, 2017, August 22, 2017     /////      Proud Winner of the CCSLC Post of the Day Award -- April 8, 2008

Originator of the Upside Down Sarcasm Smilie -- November 1, 2005  🙃

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Blame NFL Films.

Propaganda at its finest.

But if I were to make my feelings known, I'd have Godwined the thread with my post. :)

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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Kinda on topic, I don't understand why Dallas is "America's Team" either.

Blame NFL Films.

"After the '78 season, the Cowboys had just lost a

crushing Super Bowl to the Steelers. I wanted to come up

with a different twist on their team highlight film. I noticed

then, and had noticed earlier, that wherever the Cowboys

played, you saw people in the stands with Cowboys

jerseys and hats and pennants. Plus, they were always the

national game on television. If you think back, there has

always been one team in each sport that has support from

fans nationwide: the Yankees in baseball, Notre Dame in

college football, the Boston Celtics in pro basketball. They

are all America's teams. So I put that name on the Cowboys'

film, and in 1979 the TV announcer for their first game

introduced the Cowboys as 'America's Team.'

They took a lot of heat for it, but it stuck. Later other clubs

like the Atlanta Braves and the U.S. Olympic hockey team

have tried to call themselves 'America's Team.' But that

name belongs to the Cowboys."

-Bob Ryan, Vice President and editor-in-chief, NFL Films

Ryan's story is entertaining, but lacks the benefit of being accurate. Truth? He approached Art Rooney with the idea of calling the STEELERS "America's Team," but Rooney thought the idea was pompous as hell and told Ryan to forget about it. He then went to Tex Schramm with the idea, and Tex liked it.


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I, too, would love to see Miami go winless. I theorize that Don Shula and the Perfect Season Pals will be forced to regurgitate champagne if this does in fact occur.

The irony is that Shula and the Perfect Season Pals might not be able to celebrate because a new team may go undefeated, while their undefeated team of yore may go winless. It's very poetic; almost as poetic as if the Dolphins beat the Patriots despite being 83 point underdogs... who's thinking upset???

By the way, I always thought the Packers were America's team; the 12 NFL championships, the first 2 Super Bowls, and the nicest stadium with the nicest fans despite being in the smallest city. But now that the "America's team" designation sounds bad because people hate its repetition and such, I'm hoping that the Packers never are "America's team" but rather just those hard-working boys in the green and gold.

Actually, the city of Green Bay was shoving that "America's Team" crap down the throats of anyone who would listen during the Super Bowl years. They even had "Home of America's Team" banners hanging in their "downtown."

FWIW, I do think the Packers have the largest claim to being "America's Team" based on the fact that people in small towns with no geographic allegiances to any other team tend to be Packers fans by default. But it's still a stupid title that make a claim to something that's fundamentally impossible.

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