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The Cornucopia of Possible NBA Logo Changes


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Very, very disappointed by the whole GSW identity. Nice colors...and I used to like the logo, but that's it. All secondary logos are absolutely disgusting, and that (hopefully just a mock-up) jersey is the worst in the league if used. I don't know what to make of this. I thought they were headed in the right direction, then the logo became ugly somehow. AND THEN, they put out a version of that logo with horribly rendered and designed basketball lines, and for good measure added a SF logo that makes no sense. Imagine the Detroit Pistons including a FW logo, or the Clippers using an SD logo while playing in LA, or the NJ Nets using an NYC logo...it just doesn't make sense. GSW did this all wrong.

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A little larger version, it's not very good IMO, I'm sure there's better designer on here that could create an exact replica.


The Los Angeles Lakers of Toys 'R Us

Geoffrey would be a nightmare size matchup in the post. A Gasol-Bynum-Geoffrey front line? Good lord.

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With as tall as the Lakers' lineup is, they might as well be referred to as the Giraffes. Then they might go out and get Chris Bosh. :angered:

I love the game, I love my Jazz, but the Lakers' ease in getting big, talented men (and Utah's difficulty and/or reluctance to do so) are kind of ruining it for me.

Let's not forget some of the shady aspects of the officiating scandal and the league's playing it down; those aren't exactly helping the NBA's image, either. <_<

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Very, very disappointed by the whole GSW identity. Nice colors...and I used to like the logo, but that's it. All secondary logos are absolutely disgusting, and that (hopefully just a mock-up) jersey is the worst in the league if used. I don't know what to make of this. I thought they were headed in the right direction, then the logo became ugly somehow. AND THEN, they put out a version of that logo with horribly rendered and designed basketball lines, and for good measure added a SF logo that makes no sense. Imagine the Detroit Pistons including a FW logo, or the Clippers using an SD logo while playing in LA, or the NJ Nets using an NYC logo...it just doesn't make sense. GSW did this all wrong.

Well put, sir. I'll co-sign to this explanation of the GSW aberration...

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Do we even know what the application will be for the SF tertiary? Maybe it'll be used for San Francisco-centric marketing only, or something like that. The OUTRAGE over a team from Greater San Francisco making a reference to San Francisco is a tad out of hand. Oakland is not a distant and alien land. It's just the city next to the main city. The Warriors are covered by San Francisco newspapers, their games are on San Francisco radio and television stations, and many of their fans are likely also fans of San Francisco teams. They'll probably wind up back in the city itself soon enough anyway because they play in a hole.

I will agree for the most part that the execution of this redesign has been pretty crappy and disappointing, but then again it's the Golden State Warriors and they wouldn't have it any other way. It's as if they expended all possible brainpower and manpower to undergo the most self-evident redesign possible--that being a new bridge logo--and crapped out shortly thereafter. No specific wordmarks for the jerseys, no custom typeface, they just go right to bad old Copperplate and slap the logo everywhere. As Roman pointed out, the jerseys themselves are on an ugly modern template (do they even manufacture jerseys like the Bulls wear anymore, or are those just grandfathered in?), which doesn't help matters either. I can deal with the logo being yellow/blue or blue/yellow, but everything else about this comes up short for me.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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I guess for me this doesn't compare to the LA-Anaheim mess the Angels and Disney created. This is Oakland, a city that has been represented in the top 2 sports with no problem by the Raiders and A's. While the Golden State choice is not my favorite, it's one thing to pass on naming yourself after your "new" city. It's another to dismiss it completely while you still reside in it. If they at least had an equal O logo I think you get away with it under the guise of marketing. Even if it's just to fake it...even throw an SJ in there. I always thought San Fran and Oakland were considered equals along the lines of the Twin Cities rather than a city-suburb situation, so maybe that's where my disbelief comes from. But as others have said, it looks like they kind of screwed this up every step of the way. Too bad.

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I just noticed another bad thing. On the alt basketball logo, the basketball lines don't extend underneath the bridge. What the hell? The logo is oh so close to being good, and the jerseys are awful. At least they brought back a good color scheme.

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Getting rid of the little green streaks on the right side of the Jazz logo makes it look distractingly off-balance. There's more J hanging off the edge than there is Z. It's annoying.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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The Utah font change is a downgrade, not to mention the green mountains.

(Yes, I know it's to utilize the J-note logo.)

I'd have to go with the original version of this logo, if I had to choose from the three.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again: use a saxophone for the J and a mountain for the A. Then, I dunno, just sorta scribble in the two Z's?

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again: use a saxophone for the J and a mountain for the A. Then, I dunno, just sorta scribble in the two Z's?

Maybe it's because I'm doing a bad job of visualizing it in my head, but that sounds like a trainwreck to me.

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Oh yeah, the Clippers are suppose to be unveiling a modified logo and new uniforms supposedly. Overshadowed once again.

Haha don't worry, I was just thinking of the Clippers to be quite honest with you. Anybody know when we'll be seeing the Clippers?


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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Oh yeah, the Clippers are suppose to be unveiling a modified logo and new uniforms supposedly. Overshadowed once again.

since my tracework of the watch logos have been pretty close to what has come out for the respective teams, i'll post this guy a tad bigger:


like was said before, this is a decent "uplift" but nowhere near what needs to be done by rebranding the franchise.

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The Jazz' 1996-2004 look remains my favourite. It really could have lasted, I think, if they just tweaked it to remove some of the more 90s elements. Something like this....



There ya go. I love it.

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