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The Cornucopia of Possible NBA Logo Changes


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Has anybody figured out that all NBA uniforms are getting a new neckline? It's all part of NBA's switch to a new material for jerseys.

I could be wrong but I think it?s all related to uniform performance issues.

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I need to wait till I see those on a player but as for now I'll say the 'Cats collar is an upgrade. When the pinstriped uniforms originally came out i remember saying one of the things I disliked the most was the way the collar randomly ended abrubptly like that.

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One source is saying that those Mav unis are just temp stand-ins and that they will be using the blue Diddy alternate as their main road jersey.

That sounds kinda dumb....make a jersey that wont be worn and just revert to a current one.

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Has anybody figured out that all NBA uniforms are getting a new neckline? It's all part of NBA's switch to a new material for jerseys.

I could be wrong but I think it?s all related to uniform performance issues.

Yes - the players will now be able to skate 6% faster. :P

I know you?re joking and all but for the record, and for Punch9, they?re enhancements to fix the ?bacon neck? issue. :D

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But I like the new Jazz uniforms. The previous set was really bland and that was fixed with the update. I like the color combo (although the green could be a little lighter). I think my favorite part is the white side panels on the road uniforms. The only thing I'm not liking is the different colored wordmark and numbers. It's more annoying for me on the road than the home, but both would look better having the numbers be the same color as the wordmark.

Although I agree with you on the side panels and their past uniforms being bland, I?d have to disagree with you that the different colors between the numbers and the wordmark are annoying. I think it?s a nice shift from where the uniforms where back in the 80?s through mid 90?s. It?s something different and fresh, and I thought that?s what new uniforms were supposed to bring, something new to the table while looking good at the same time!

I was not expecting to find this on the actual site



Those are incredible renderings! Who created them??? thdontknow.gif

Jazz - Huge downgrade. Honestly people, you think that color scheme is good? My crazy opinions say that the good reception this unveiling is getting comes from the older gentlemen on these boards that like to feel nostalgic. Personally, the Jazz have the worst look in the league now. Yes, Goldenplate, errr Golden State looks better. Much better.

That was the whole reason for this ?Jazz Retro Movement?, because the fans wanted it, they wanted to return to the ?good old days? when the people of Salt Lake City and Utah became attached to their beloved Utah Jazz, Karl Malone, John Stockton, Frank Layden, Jerry Sloan, etc. So it doesn?t surprise me that a younger fan (I?m assuming from your comment) like you doesn?t understand this move.

Perhaps the NBA is finally coming to grips and realizing that they should have stuck with their original 1970?s & 80?s identities in the first place, but just expanded upon them!

As beautiful as this looks it is heartbreaking to a New Orleanian to see our colors and our culture representing another city..alibeit where the organization became a consistently very good one.....I'm trying to like the Hornets but seeing that dulls the soul...I was there at three watching the New Orleans Jazz.....Hornets shold rebrand and give the name back to Charlotte that is the honorable thing to do....



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Hornets shold rebrand and give the name back to Charlotte that is the honorable thing to do....

...oh crap...


If you hadn't noticed, Chawls loves his wrestling, whether it be real life or sim. :D


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Has anybody figured out that all NBA uniforms are getting a new neckline?

I doubt it, because not all teams have new necklines. Just most of them.

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well you go worry about your team and we will worry about ours.....those Jazz colors have NOLA all over it....that's why they went back to it because they look better than the "mountain with the baby blue" Jazz...cmon really? Let's just hijack an identity...



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