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2011-12 NHL Season


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I love dropping in on Winnipeg home games. I wish this could last forever. These are the loudest 15,000 people in hockey.

I don't know just how injured they are, but between last night and tonight, the Canadiens are a miserable team. Just awful. Not even francophone coaching could save this thing.

Gomez and Gionta are injured. Markov hasn't played forever. Cammalleri is having a weak season so far. I can't believe David Desharnais, a 4th liner last year has more points than him. It's going to suck, but they are not going to make the playoffs with weak play like that. Right now, there's a pierced hole in their boat and they are going to sink if nothing gets done.

As for the language issue towards the coach, I don't care if he doesn't speak a word of french. Just get someone who will make the team win and I'll be satisfied.

You and all other rational Habs fans.

The funny thing with the team this year, is that their defence is the best it's been in the past 5 or 6 years. The offence just can't do anything. Tonight's game was utterly depressing. No fight once they went down. It's going to be a long second half of the season. Gauthier can't be gone soon enough.

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Tonight's game was utterly depressing. No fight once they went down.

Noticed this last night against the Hawks. The Habs successfully sucked any semblance of life out of the United Center through the first period and a half, which is a tall order. Brunette and Sharp scored two goals in 21 seconds and suddenly they looked like their dogs died.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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No, that was a headshot, and the onus is on Engelland not to hit the guy in the head. Which he did. After he leapt off the ice.

And why oh why was he not penalized for the hit, anyway? Therein lies the folly of the instigator rule: you shouldn't be rewarded with a power play because your teammate did something so egregious that the other team had to forgo the silly-ass Mutually Assured Slapfighting of "The Hockey Code" and just start kicking the crap out of him. Hawks should've killed the penalty, don't get me wrong, but at least it was a nice gesture to see from a team that all too often lets opponents get away with all the physicality they want.

For a team whose franchise player may have had his career ended by lack of respect for the game, the Penguins have a rather tone-deaf approach.

I am going to reiterate the fact that he put himself into a vulnerable position after Engelland committed to the hit making it appear to look like a shot to the head, and leave it at that. If he had remained in an upright, normal position the "main point of impact" would have been at the shoulder, and it would have been a more full-bodied hit. Should Engelland have gotten a charging call? Yes. I was surprised we got a powerplay out of that. At very least it should have been a 4-on4. To me this looks like a combination of "not enough punishment was done at the time so we're gonna make up for it" combined with Shanahan going "it was close enough, so let's suspend him anyway to send a message."

In any case, what's done is done, the point is moot. I will say, though, that your accusation of the pens being "tone-deaf" in respect to head shots and physicality is false.

He put himself in a vulnerable position? Um he was skating with the puck, explain to anyone some of your "logic" on how he put himself in a vulnerable position. That when he was going for the puck the Pittsburgh player grabbed him (an interference penalty) and turned him? I'm sorry, arguing that a player who is going for the puck puts himself in a vulnerable position is a horrible argument and baseless especially when you actually watch the play and see that Engelland had one intention and that was to hurt the guy who he hurt. You don't launch yourself in the air at another player unless you are attempting to hit the head and hurt the other player. He should've got between 8-10 games. I'm sorry, but this whole idea of not punishing guys who don't have a history is pure crap. If it's intentional as this was, then any player deserves to be hit with a huge suspension.

He was leaning forward to retrieve the puck.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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I wonder if the Kings can score 128 goals in their remaining 48 games and hit 200 on the year. Hitting that benchmark would show that they have a great shot at winning the 1999 Stanley Cup.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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I was at the Preds v. Jackets game tonight. I almost felt sorry for Columbus after that meltdown. Yeesh. When does Scott Arniel finally get canned?

Also, thanks to The Admiral for referring to the Preds as "shotless wonders." I honestly don't know how they function offensively sometimes.

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You would think that Jacques Martin's departure would give the Habs some new life, but nope. Randy Cunneyworth is now 0-4. Lord Jesus.

At this rate, they won't need the language police to get Cunneyworth fired ^_^

I saw, I came, I left.

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I was at the Preds v. Jackets game tonight. I almost felt sorry for Columbus after that meltdown. Yeesh. When does Scott Arniel finally get canned?

Also, thanks to The Admiral for referring to the Preds as "shotless wonders." I honestly don't know how they function offensively sometimes.

Games like last night make me think the paperwork with Quebecor has already been signed. Good lord, what a disgrace. Blowing a three-goal lead to the offensive mausoleum that is the Predators, and losing in regulation? That's a special kind of suck.

Remember last February, when the Thrashers fell off the face of the earth, and we found out a few months later that at least some of the players knew about the sale to True North in... February? This team has that same "oh the hell with it, we're all getting scrapped come April anyway" vibe. Also, that's the only explanation I can come up with for Arniel still having a job.

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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Just curious - what's the national view of Claude Giroux?

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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I might like it if that were the case, but Rick Nash has played like the season is pointless for about six seasons now. I think that's just more or less who he is.

You could tell bad things were going to happen when Sanford visibly injured himself on a save attempt but tried to stay in the game, likely all the while aggravating the injury. Arniel hadn't the good sense to take him out, plus that would've meant playing Steve Mason, so of course Nashville would tie it. Not even I expected the Erat goal, though.

Just curious - what's the national view of Claude Giroux?

We knew he was good, but not THIS good.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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That's another 20 years tacked onto the Cup drought, easily.

Will those 20 years finally be the impetus for Canada to apologize for Bieber? I think they still owe us for Celine Dion.

And Nickelback.

Well, they skated with the Isles a few years ago. Make what you want of that.


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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That's another 20 years tacked onto the Cup drought, easily.

Will those 20 years finally be the impetus for Canada to apologize for Bieber? I think they still owe us for Celine Dion.

And Nickelback.

Well, they skated with the Isles a few years ago. Make what you want of that.

Setting us back another 5 years? :P

By the way, I was thinking about the whole Capuano situation with him surviving while everyone else is getting the ax. I think the reason why he's still on board is because Doug Weight's kinda being considered the coach in waiting, but they don't want him rushed into the head coaching position. That and the Islanders have been playing... mediocre instead of terrible as of late. So I guess take this analysis for what it's worth.


Twitter: @RyanMcD29

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