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The long awaited Sabres jerseys


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An absolute embarrassment for the franchise and the league in general.

We had months to prepare for how bad they would be, and they have lived up to expectations. The Sabres' admin were handed the opportunity to fix this when the logo first leaked and everyone hated it, and they just tossed it aside.

Now they give us a lame unveiling and links on their site that don't work.


Try to imagine something as shameful as this happening with a major-league team like the Arizona Cardinals. Their unveiling was pure class. This one reeks of a desperate, dying league.

Couldn't have said it better myself. When the logo leaked, it sucked. The good majority said it sucked and there was an uprising from not only Sabres fans, but hockey fans in general "this logo blows." The most anyone was expecting was "kick ass jerseys with a lame logo" but the logo fits the jerseys. Crap on crap. This is a 100% step down. I'm not even a huge fan of the old blue & gold, but those would have been far better than this package. That's saying a lot, coming from me.

EDIT: By the way, the numbers on the front look HORRIBLE. Especially with guys who wear the "C" or "A." It looks like... ... like an index card or something.

"Yeah I need a book about crappy hockey jerseys?"

"Oh... um... here you go, 48 C."


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when the buffaslug was first leaked i didn't like it at all but it grew on me and now i do. So I didn't think the jersey would be that bad, but they are horrible. It's not the logo to me but the whole jersey template and numbers on the front. I will give it some time though and see if this also grows on me

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whats up with the sleeves? they look awful.  plus is that blue on the back of briere?  is the back of the jersey a different color than the front?  ugh.


Don't worry, it's not.

no the blue you see on the back is another sabre skating behind Briere

600 woo

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This is a travesty.

The previous Sabres sweaters could have been good, if the sleeves and sides didn't look so busy. I think that was the only thing that really detracted from it. There were stripes everywhere, and the back had a different colour from the front.

Again, this jersey set could have been better if it were less busy on the sleeves. There is far too much going on. I saw the preview yesterday and was somewhat optimistic, since the colour looked good, and the logo would have looked good on a navy and silver jersey. But seeing these sleeves has completely changed my opinion. This is a lateral move for the Sabres, where they had an opportunity to improve, but are saddled with the same issues (the previous logo was far superior to this one though, so I suppose it could be considered a step back). I'm very disappointed, considering all the hype.

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How long until we hear something aling the lines of the We Want Fishsticks Islander chant.

These are awful. Actually the onlt element of the jersey I like is the numbers on the front. the rest is crap they don't even resemble a hockey uniform.

They should have Rafaled/Ice Piloted the numbers. They look better on the bottom.

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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Oh no! Is Sabretooth that yellow color now, or did I get so used to seeing him red that I forgot what he looked like when he was orange?

I'll reserve judgement on the jerseys until I get a clear look at them, but for the love of god, make the other horn white!

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These jerseys try too hard. The Sabres were presented the opportunity to return to their classic look, but this is the farthest thing from it. The goat head is closer to their tradition than these glorified pices of :censored:. In some of those pictures the blue on the pants doesn't even match the blue on the jerseys.

JP Dumont must be the happiest person in the world right now.

Was anyone on the boards there? If so, what was the general fan reaction? I hope there weren't a lot of oohs and aahs. I would have preferred more blechs and projectile vomiting.

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This is the worst NHL uniforms to date!

Two lies in this statement.

1) This is not an NHL uniform. It's got ECHL written all over it.

2) There were far worse unis in NHL history. Think Phoenix. Think Vancouver. Think Anaheim's alternates.

But, in the here in now, yes, this is the worst design in the league. Buffalo strikes again. Will we ever stop trying to be fashionable? We are Buffalo! We can't!

EDIT: But at least they have avoided the loathsome laces. I will give credit where credit is due.

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