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OKC NBA to announce nickname, logo, colors September 3


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I spent all day away from a computer, knowing today was the day the boards would explode(because of a bad logo, or because of a great dupe job). I come home late and check out nba.com/thunder right when I step in the door and see the same generic website they had before. This confirmed Thunder as a name, but I still saw no logo. Coming here and seeing this....ruined my week. I had a job interview go well today, and I hung out with a nice girl after that...and now this. I'm speechless, but don't let that mislead you, my brain is thinking many things. The lighter blue is a nice color, IMO. Good choice. The rest is....well, its hard to explain without mimicking AAO. I was 99% sure this would be at most just a secondary. I just don't get it. Nobody has had one good thing to say about it besides Bennett. Who tricked him into picking this anyway?? I just have yet to grasp how this project went. Did they wait until the last minute? Is it really just a placeholder for the colors and name? Is this :censored:-heap the real deal? Why wouldn't Bennett's friends, business associates, partners, focus group, or designers talk him out of this? Is this Stern's punishment for the way things went down with the move? I just do not understand how something this bad can come out in a time like this. Everyone seems to be an amateur designer nowadays, somebody should have spoken up. I honestly will lose sleep over this. 100% serious. Things like this bug me to no end and I had been waiting for this day since the date was released. I wish that logo was a living thing so we could all play target practice with it. My friend told me to write the team a letter or email. I told them I am done with accepting this team as real. Unless by some miracle they replace this logo with a final primary, and some nice secondaries, I will not accept Durant as an NBA player, I won't recognize this nameless team if they make the playoffs, or more likely the NBA Draft Lottery. This team, organization, and city is dead to me officially as of right now. The only thing i will do to accept them is to edit my logo concept for them and try it out in their colors. Thats it. As far as I'm concerned the Celtics have no games on Nov. 5 or March 29, and it's a shame that Desmond Mason is no longer in the NBA, I liked watching him play.

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nice. and I thought I had it bad. well said though.

Oh, and trust me I've already sent them an email. Ont he .pdf press release, there are two email addresses:




Everyone email away! Let them know how :censored:ty the logo is! Incase they weren't aware already!

I am calm.

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Calm down? Man I spent months trying to perfect the different options I had for these guys. Worked with an Oklahoma based company who kept telling me they were trying there best to get in front of Clay with my ideas and their flash presentations. Only to see them come with some sub par trash like this.

You may or may not understand where I'm coming from, just frustrating. Tired of the bs, that's all.

And what the hell is an initial primary?

Sorry Chris, just needed to vent.

Ian, I hate to say it... but I really hope you truly didn't get your hopes up over this, and that's not the main reason you're so jacked up over all this new logo stuff. I mean, yeah the logo sucks, but you seem like you have just been sentenced to house arrest or something...

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Or maybe people should watch this video to get a little more acquainted with the logo. Let the profoundly bright colors and stormy sound effects just intimidate the hell out of you and get you highly anticipated for your new Oklahoma City Thunder.


It might not be a big deal to you. And essentially it's not a huge deal....but it's still a pretty big f'in deal.

To you maybe not, but to me, its proposterous. It's not just 'Oh, the logo sucks', in my eyes. It's a professional basketball team, and all this gossip yada yada, hell yeah my hopes are going to be up. I mean, look at the Bobcats', they managed to come up with something decent. Look at the Hornets' now. Wish I could say the same for the Grizzlies, but even then the Grizzlies' carebear isn't half as bad.

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For someone whose professional portfolio is a photobucket index page, you're taking this situation wayyy too personally, champ.




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Personally, I can't stop laughing when I see this. Definitely the worst logo in the NBA. Whoever said it looked like a Knicks/Nets offspring hit the nail on the head.

Clay Bennett and company deserve all the bad Karma they can get for the crap they pulled in Seattle. I just wish they could have taken Howard Schultz with them to OKC...

I just had a thought. Maybe P.I.L.L. finally got a paying gig...

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I wonder how hard they were looking for an identity, or how high an established firm priced them. I would imagine two months is enough time for the big firms to produce a logo, right? Especially when it's such a priority?

As I mentioned earlier, there's been no indication at this point whether or not this logo was designed by an actual independent graphic design/branding firm. It may well have been designed by artists at NBA uniform and equipment partner adidas. Recently, the Atlanta Hawks, Minnesota Timberwolves and New Orleans Hornets have gone that route.

Frankly, I'm not a fan of sports teams eschewing the services of bona fide, full-service design firms when it comes to creating a team identity package. Such branding efforts are not the primary area of expertise for athletic equipment/apparel firms, which is all too often apparent when they are asked to undertake such tasks.

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I was thinking, how well the "primary logo" will sell in merchandise. For the ones that will support the team will probably just buy a t-shirt or so, but as for the rest who was probably predicting a quality logo for a profession team, probably wont buy anything related to it, who knows...

It seemed like a rush logo, even though they had time to plan. If hope they fill up those seats because they will probably not sell good in merchandise. Just my two cents.

Just cant get over how someone could sit down and design something like that, or at least have it in their mind, and send it to the board meeting (or how ever they do it) , and everyone agree on using that logo.

We haven't seen the jerseys yet, maybe they will be decent, but what a disappointment to the OC franchise.


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To call this an epic failure would be the understatement of the year. the 432nd time somebody used that tired phrase in this thread.

Fixed that for ya.

Really what is this the deal about this prhase, "Epic Failure"? Or the individual words, epic, and fail?

I want someone to answer this.

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