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People in your area that follow teams


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North Jersey (Newark/Jersey City area)

NFL: Giants, Jets are 2nd. Also a couple Eagles fans.

MLB: Yankees, but quite a few Mets fans here as well. And a few Red Sox bandwagons.

NBA: Nets, but if the Nets move to the Pru Center, interest skyrockets. A few Knicks fans too. And don't forget the bandwagons like the Lakers.

NHL: Devils by far, followed by the Rangers. Never seen 1 Islander fan.

NCAA Football: Rutgers, Notre Dame.

NBAA Basketball: Duke, Seton Hall I guess. Also the St. Peters Peacocks, but interest flagged when Keydren Clark left.

We got the front running Cowboy fans that creep up every so often too. The Islanders were very popular around here 25 years ago, and now they are dead. All Islanders fans seemed to have become Devils fans. St. Peter's has no real following that I noticed unless you are a St. Petes grad.

That tends to happen when the franchise has been a joke for the last 15 years. Not a good thing if you are competing with teams that are a hop skip and a jump from each other.



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New Orleans metro area (Spacing between numbers represents actual levels of distance in popularity):

1. Saints: Appeal to people from all walks of life: black, white, rich, poor, college-educated and uneducated. Everybody here loves and lives and dies by the Saints. Big following, longest-standing pro team. Strangely enough, their fandom is stronger to the east and north (towards Mississippi) than it is towards the rest of the state. Once you head west into the heart of the Louisiana (particularly towards Baton Rouge), the following drops off considerably. Some outside of N.O. in areas like B.R. and Lafayette even disdain the Saints; I think it's part of a general dislike/veiled envy of things "New Orleans" and the city's national exposure compared to the rest of the state.


2. LSU football: Big following here in the metro area, lots more than the in-city footbal program (Tulane). Lots of locals went to (or are going to, or have kids that go to) LSU. Or they have some kind of LSU connection-- even if it was only that their brother went there a semester before flunking out, they have a 'reason' to be fans. LSU baseball and LSU basketball are also well-followed here-- again, moreso than the local schools.



3. Hornets Basketball-- Up-and-coming fandom and popularity. Not only has it "taken root", but this tree has flowers that are really blossoming. Just seeing the amount of Hornets paraphernalia (hats, shirts, car magnets, etc.) out on a regular basis is a good sign. General conversations about the team and players, and desire to watch games in a recreational sense are up big time. It was just announced that ticket sales this season are at 99.6% of capacity (averaging 17, 122 out of a capacity of 17,188).





4. High school football.




5. Zephyrs AAA baseball. Not much of a "fandom"; I doubt the average New Orleanian on a given day can tell you where they are in the standings, but just about everyone knows the mascots name. In terms of attendance, they do alrifght-- probably more because it is a great summer, family-oriented diversion than for follwing or fandom. Over the last two seasons they've avaraged about 5,250 per game in a 10,000 seat stadium



6. Tulane, UNO, and any other local college athletics (Loyola, Xavier, Dillard, etc.). In particular, these local followings have gotten much worse in my lifetime. Tulane used to average a respectable amount back in old Tulane Stadium and in their early days in the dome; in 1979, for example, they averaged 47,000 (in the Dome). Last year they averaged averaged 22,750 in home attendance in 2008 (and that's being generous).





7. MLB baseball-- without a team here, not much interest. Biggest following is clearly for the Cubs, whose lovable loser tag seems a natural follow for Saints fans ( there is even a long-time "Cubs fans" bar, the Milan Lounge). The Astros fans had been a noticeable though not distant second, but lately it seems like the Red Sox/Yankees frontrunners have taken the over the number two spot.

It is what it is.

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NFL: This state could be the most divided state in terms of NFL fanbase since you have the Vikings, Bears, Rams, and Chiefs within the area. The farther north you go, you'll see more Vikings fans. The farther east, more Bear fans.

NBA: Despite having a D-League team (Energy), I would say it's not that well loved. Again, the farther north you go, you'll see more T-Wolve fans, but since they stink, I doubt you'll see many.

NHL: The minor league team in the state (Chops) are a little more well received here then the Energy. Plus, you have the Wild, Blues and Blackhawks out there as well.

MLB: Well, since the minor league team is the Iowa Cubs, it stand that reason that the Cubs have a big chunk of the Iowan fanbase.

NCAA: You either root for Iowa or for Iowa State. Plain and simple. You could also root for UNI or Drake, but they are the retarded stepchildren to the Iowa and Iowa State fanbases.


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Niagara Region, Southern Ontario. Right between Toronto and Buffalo, so there's a unique mixture of loyalties.

MLB: About 80% Jays. Rest is made up of the typical Red Sox and Yankees fans.

NFL: 60% Bills fans. Not really a clear runner-up, but of other teams you mostly see Giants, Steelers and Cowboys fans.

NBA: 90% Raptors

NHL: 70% Leafs, 10% Canadiens, 10% Sabres, 10% everyone else.

CFL: 50% Argos, 50% Ti-Cats

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This is for Northwestern Ontario. In brackets is the ranking for the league in popularity.

NHL is by far the most popular with the NFL and CFL below it by quite a bit, NBA and MLB barley register.

(4)MLB: About 75% Jays. Rest is Yankee and Red Sox fans.

(2)NFL: 60% Packer fans. Bunch of other Random teams.

(5)NBA: 90% Raptors 5% Lakers and Celtics

(1)NHL: 65% Leafs, 10% Canadiens, 5% Flames, 5% Oilers, 10% other Canadian teams, 5% Random U.S. teams Have never met another Stars fan around here, haha.

(3)CFL: 60% Bombers, 20% Riders



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Good deal, that one's all done for me. Hahahaha.


Amarillo/Texas Panhandle:

NFL: Cowboys, mostly. With a small number of Broncos fans and some bandwagons (mostly preppy girls liking the Pats). >_>

MLB: The Texas Rangers have a very good presence here. From there, it's split between Astros fans and bandwagons.

NBA: Mavericks, but with the average bandwagons and transplants also.

NHL: Stars and the minor league Gorillas (when they're good).

NCAA: Save for the local WT Buffs (which have a good following here in 'Rillo), this one is split between OU, UT, Tech, and A&M. Tech and UT share the majority, with pockets of Aggies and Sooners fans.

Soccer: Nothing. If you count the kid's leagues, you'll find something. Otherwise, the only person that follows soccer would be yours truly.

Others: The Amarillo Dusters have a good following here; with the Civic Center being packed for home games. All thanks to some success on the field and the Texas passion of the pigskin. If it's not that, there's always high school football.

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Granted, I'm sorta new to Saint Louis, and a lot is common sense (all St. Louis teams) but here's what I see:

MLB: Cardinals. Obviously. That's a given, but there are also a lot of Chicago transplants (and people from just over the river on the Illinois side). So, there is a small, but discernible population of Cubs fans. There are a few Sox fans as well, but they're a very small minority. And I know one Royals fan.

NHL: Blues, followed by Blackhawks. I went to a Blues/Hawks game, and it was about 20% Hawks fans. You always get the transplants to come see their team, and I'm sure some people drove down from Chicago, but there was much more away team support than you'd see at a typical game.

NFL: Rams, but followed closer by the Bears. I see a lot of Bears sweatshirts around, and the Rams/Bears game was probably an even split, with the more vocal Bears fans making it seem like a home game.

NBA: Don't Care, followed by the Bulls and Individual Players.

NCAA: Mizzou, then Illinois. Probably a 70-30 split. SLU is pretty much irrelevant, despite 101 ESPN airing their games.

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In Southern California (metro Los Angeles), it's kind of a mixed bag...much like Miami and Atlanta, Los Angeles is about as bandwagon as you can get, except there are tons of die-hard Laker, Dodger, and USC Football fans all through out the area. Right now, it's clearly the Lakers as the #1 number team in these parts (at least as long as Kobe is still around), followed by Trojan football at #2, and the Dodgers (especially under the resurgence with Manny) a very close #3. UCLA basketball is still very popular, with the Angels not far behind (although they could never displace the Dodgers in Los Angeles proper).

If my Clippers can ever get their act (yeah, I know), they could have a much better following...of course, lots of things need to happen first. After the 2006 playoff run, they had a chance to steal a little bit of the Lakers' thunder, but right after, they fell right back into the same trap. Right now, season-ticket holders are pissed for lots of reasons (Dunleavy's very questionable coaching, Baron Davis, the various injuries, Sterling being Sterling, and on and on), and maybe for the first time under Sterling's ownership, the Clippers might take a hit financially if things don't change.

As far as hockey...the Kings and Ducks each their core fanbases (Kings in Los Angeles County, and other parts of the surrounding counties; Ducks in Orange County and everything south and east of it), but playoff time is when you'll see the bandwagoners come out.

I can't comment much about Chivas USA nor the Galaxy, but the international soccer matches at venues like the L.A. Coliseum, Rose Bowl, and Home Depot Center draw extremely large crowds.

In the NFL, the L.A. area is very diverse when it comes to fanbases. The Raiders, oddly enough, are still very popular here, but you have a smattering of fans of other teams such as the Cowboys, 49ers, Steelers, Broncos, and any other popular team you could think of. The Chargers are very prominent on the local airwaves (especially on KCBS, since they carry the preseason games, and any regular season game provided by CBS), and are slowly but surely winning over the NFL fans in the area, but the Raiders are still a big draw here. I think the Chargers are the most logical choice to move here if they can't get something built in San Diego County, and the newly-planned stadium in the City of Industry (30 miles east of Downtown L.A.) has won approval from the local government. The Chargers' lease at Qualcomm, I believe, is up at the end of the upcoming season, so 2009 is going to be important in whether the Bolts stay in San Diego or come north.

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NCAA: UNC is #1, followed by Duke and NC State. Eastern NC also has a lot of ECU fans. You won't find many non-alumni Wake Forest fans outside of Winston-Salem.

NFL: Panthers (except Jake Delhomme), though the Redskins still have quite a few fans who haven't converted. Then the usual bandwagon trash (aka Cowboys.)

NHL: It varies between indifference and the Hurricanes, depending on how they're doing in a given season.

NBA: I guess the Bobcats are #1, but they haven't really established themselves yet. The interest has increased this year, since they actually seem committed to producing a competitive product.

MLB: Braves are probably #1 overall, but without a true home team, there are a lot of bandwagon fans. Recently, the local media has been pimping the Rays, since the Durham Bulls are their AAA affiliate.

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Jersey Shore (in NY and PHL markets)

(in order of popularity)




Phillies (A significant amount of "fans" came out of the woodwork over the past two seasons)














Tampa Bay Everybody Loves Rays

Go 'Nova | Go Irish

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NCAA: UNC is #1, followed by Duke and NC State. Eastern NC also has a lot of ECU fans. You won't find many non-alumni Wake Forest fans outside of Winston-Salem.

NFL: Panthers (except Jake Delhomme), though the Redskins still have quite a few fans who haven't converted. Then the usual bandwagon trash (aka Cowboys.)

NHL: It varies between indifference and the Hurricanes, depending on how they're doing in a given season.

NBA: I guess the Bobcats are #1, but they haven't really established themselves yet. The interest has increased this year, since they actually seem committed to producing a competitive product.

MLB: Braves are probably #1 overall, but without a true home team, there are a lot of bandwagon fans. Recently, the local media has been pimping the Rays, since the Durham Bulls are their AAA affiliate.

NCAA: Not sure where you are, but in Raleigh, I'd say it's NC State, followed closely by UNC, with Duke a distant 3rd.

NFL: Panthers and Redskins, definitely. I see a lot of Steelers fans. I wouldn't call them bandwagon, though. All the Steelers fans I know are originally from PA.

NHL: Hurricanes, of course. I notice other Sabres fans, so I can say there are a lot of us. Penguins and Rangers seem to have a strong local following, too.

NBA: You know, I can't think of a single team that I see being followed locally.

MLB: Yeah, Braves, mostly.

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Colorado is heavily Bronco dominated. The Broncos are the number one team here regardless of how well the season is going. As far as the second team, it's either the Avs, Nuggets, or Rockies (Whoever has the best record at the time pretty much).


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Nobody's touched Central Ohio so I'll give it a go

1. Ohio State Buckeyes

First thing I saw after crossing the border to Ohio last week: A car with a huge "Buckeyes" script wordmark decal on its trunk lid.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Nobody's touched Central Ohio so I'll give it a go

1. Ohio State Buckeyes

First thing I saw after crossing the border to Ohio last week: A car with a huge "Buckeyes" script wordmark decal on its trunk lid.

The Buckeyes are the one team that 80% of Ohioans agree on. From what I hear, Cincinnati isn't real big on Ohio State but that's about the only area of Ohio that isn't.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Nobody's touched Central Ohio so I'll give it a go

1. Ohio State Buckeyes

First thing I saw after crossing the border to Ohio last week: A car with a huge "Buckeyes" script wordmark decal on its trunk lid.

The Buckeyes are the one team that 80% of Ohioans agree on. From what I hear, Cincinnati isn't real big on Ohio State but that's about the only area of Ohio that isn't.

*Toledo has a LOT of Michigan fans. Ann Arbor is pretty close to Toledo. Toledo is split between Cleveland Pro teams and Detroit Pro teams. HUGE Red Wings following.

*Cleveland has a lot of MAC College fans. Many people attended: Toledo, Bowling Green, Akron, Kent, Ohio U & Miami-Ohio!!

*Even though Columbus has an NHL team, Cleveland appears to be Red Wings and Penguins supporters.

*Honestly... when the Browns moved many, many people and I mean TOO MANY people jumped ship to the Steelers side.

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NFL: Lions and Browns fans mainly

MLB: Tigers fans, and some Indians fans.

NBA: Pistons fans, and some Cavaliers fans.

NCAA: Michigan, Ohio State, UToledo, BGSU, Notre Dame

NHL: Red Wings (very few Jackets fans)

MLS: Columbus Crew

Then there's always the bandwagon fans.



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NFL: Lions and Browns fans mainly

There's a LOT of people in the area that have outsourced their fandom. The major teams being the Packers, Cowboys, and Steelers. And I wouldn't call most of them bandwagoners. I've seen fans of virtually every team around the Toledo area, and few of the teams sighted have been isolated incidents. When you live in an area so devoid of success, the local teams are bound to lose a good chunk of the possible fanbase. Their is a lot of Lions and Browns fans, but it's far from being "mainly" Lions and Browns fans.


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Nobody's touched Central Ohio so I'll give it a go

1. Ohio State Buckeyes

First thing I saw after crossing the border to Ohio last week: A car with a huge "Buckeyes" script wordmark decal on its trunk lid.

The Buckeyes are the one team that 80% of Ohioans agree on. From what I hear, Cincinnati isn't real big on Ohio State but that's about the only area of Ohio that isn't.

*Toledo has a LOT of Michigan fans. Ann Arbor is pretty close to Toledo. Toledo is split between Cleveland Pro teams and Detroit Pro teams. HUGE Red Wings following.

*Cleveland has a lot of MAC College fans. Many people attended: Toledo, Bowling Green, Akron, Kent, Ohio U & Miami-Ohio!!

*Even though Columbus has an NHL team, Cleveland appears to be Red Wings and Penguins supporters.

*Honestly... when the Browns moved many, many people and I mean TOO MANY people jumped ship to the Steelers side.

As I said, 80% of Ohioans are Buckeyes fans. The other 20% cover what you just said. Being from Toledo, I understand there are a LOT of Michigan fans there but I'd still say the vast majority of Toledoans are Bucks fans.

For example, one of my best friends and my younger brother are both OU alums. Their favorite College Football team? Ohio State.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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