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2010 NCAA Football Thread


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Sorry, I should've said "rumored" lawsuit. Even if the lawsuit doesn't happen now, I don't think the BCS will survive for long anyway as schools start to realize how much more money they could be making with a playoff system.

No kidding. Did anyone read that article in SI last week?Man do these bowls screw the schools. I had no idea that teams have to buy literally thousands of tickets or that they have to buy tickets for each member of the band etc. The Buckeyes made a BCS bowl but by the time the money was split up between the Big Ten, expenses, etc., they ended up losing something like 80 grand on the deal. You get BCS payout and lose money? It's even worse for the schools that make the "little" bowls. Michigan said that they actually made money by not going to bowl games the past couple seasons.

Yeah, something needs to be done.

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic here but, I remember saying something to the effect of, "a playoff would make schools just as much, if not more money, than the current system if the higher seeded teams played at their home stadiums." Years ago. I knew the smaller schools made little, if any, money at smaller bowls but I had no idea that the bigger schools at biggers bowls weren't pulling in truckloads of cash. I wonder how long that's been going on and why the bigger schools are fighting so hard to lose money. That really makes no sense to me.

No, I was serious. They use the bowls for recruiting. Especially the schools that make the smaller bowls.

Ah, that makes more sense now. Showing kids that they'll get some exposure and whatnot? Guess I had never given it much thought once I took my stance against it B)

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If Ohio State can't make money on the BCS -- even though you could argue they do on the back end? -- then there's not much point to it, is there?

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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The Big Ten pools all the money and then divided it up between all 11 schools. ?Out of the bowl revenue, you?ll pull the money out for those bowl expenses, you?ll give that money to the schools and the rest of the money you?ll split up 11 ways and give an equal share to each school,? Big Ten spokesman Scott Chipman said.

Even thought Michigan's former AD, Bill Martin said that they saved $600K/year for the past two seasons in which they did not go to a bowl, they also lost out on 15 additional practice days which they could not use to get better and for coaches to evaluate talent (You can insert the joke that GA's did the evaluation). A school can use those days to get better and try for a larger paying bowl the following season.

When FAU played in the Motor City Bowl, they asked not to get paid since they could not guarantee selling the tickets to cover the costs. They just wanted the additional practice days and treated it like and extended road game.

There is only one bowl game which assists in paying travel costs, Orlando's Capital One Bowl.

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There's a big Ohio/Temple game on ESPN2 tonight that will decide the MAC East!


I'll be watching. If you're in a conference, you might as well try to win it and nobody who went to a MAC school is under any delusion that this is going to lead to a spot in the NCG or any other BCS bowl. When you're a MAC fan, the best you hope for is to get to the MAC championship game, win the game, and win a bowl game. When you ignore the fact that these aren't the best teams in the nation then MAC football is a lot of fun.

Also, a Temple win and they'll clinch first place with one game left to play. If OU wins then we get first place with the tiebreaker with a game to play.

This will be a good game. Last year's game in Athens actually did decide the eastern division. The Bobcats played a great game and won the MAC East. The year before Temple won in Philadelphia in a close game, so this is developing into a rivalry of sorts. Ohio University is currently on a 6 game winning streak and have won some close games as well as blowouts. Temple has been having a good year and Al Golden, their head coach, has the best head of hair in the business. I really hope OU can pull another MAC East championship because this time they won't have to play Central Michigan (and Dan f***ing Lefevour) in the Championship game.

Wearing my college hoodie, GO BOBCATS!


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There was nobody at that Temple-Ohio U game. I can't say that I blame anyone as it was 40 degrees, raining heavily, and Temple football. Anyways, OU won 31-23. They were up 31-10 and survived a late push from Temple. For those who care, a loss by the morons from Miami or an OU win over Kent State and the Bobcats will be going back to the MAC Championship game for the third time in five years. Hopefully this time we can actually win.


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There was nobody at that Temple-Ohio U game. I can't say that I blame anyone as it was 40 degrees, raining heavily, and Temple football. Anyways, OU won 31-23. They were up 31-10 and survived a late push from Temple. For those who care, a loss by the morons from Miami or an OU win over Kent State and the Bobcats will be going back to the MAC Championship game for the third time in five years. Hopefully this time we can actually win.

For what it's worth, this proud UT alum was watching. I'm actually kicking around the idea of going to the MAC championship game this year.






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I really hope OU can pull another MAC East championship because this time they won't have to play Central Michigan (and Dan f***ing Lefevour) in the Championship game.

Looks like I'll be spending another December day in Detroit this year. Still, anything is better than getting spat on in uniform and told to :censored: off while taking the field for halftime by a Central Michigan fan like I did at LAST year's MAC Champ game!



Images thanks to TornadoGTS

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I've been to the last two games when OU made an appearance (2006, and 2009) and I found the Central Michigan fans to be unpleasant. It'll be nice to avoid having to deal with that. I haven't decided if I'm going to go or not, but I would hate myself if I didn't go and they actually won so I'm leaning towards getting some of the old college buddies in a van and heading to Detroit.


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Rumors are going around that the FBI has wiretaps of big Auburn boosters discussing a play for pay scheme.

I guess Auburn really is trying to enjoy this while they can.

Looks like it. If all going around is true it is going to make the USC penalties for Bush look like child's play. Hell it could make SMU look like child's play.

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Auburn's not going to even get probation out of this, I think. The coffers are deep enough to pay off the NCAA.

OK, get out of here. Shoo! Shoo!! And take your SEC :censored:-sucking with you!

If this is all true, then Auburn is in deep doo-doo.. But, you know what? How much you guys want to bet this only came up now with Auburn doing so good? Would this even be talked about if the Tigers were below .500?

EDIT: Yeah... No other conference does weekday college football games like the MAC.


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Auburn's not going to even get probation out of this, I think. The coffers are deep enough to pay off the NCAA.

OK, get out of here. Shoo! Shoo!! And take your SEC :censored:-sucking with you!


And the answer to the question you brought up is "No, it wouldn't have been." IMO, this would've waited until the offseason, and THAT'S when the :censored: would've hit the fan. But nope, Auburn's in the midst of a National Title run, their starting QB is in the midst of a Heisman run, if the man has dirt, the dirt is going to come to light.



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So 0-10 Akron had the ball on the Miami fifteen with about 1:40 to play and down 5. They fumbled and lost the game. Sucks because had Akron pulled off the upset then OU would've clinched the MAC East. Miami still has to play Temple and OU has a game against Kent State left. An OU win and they're in the championship game. A Miami win with an OU loss and Miami goes to the Championship game. The winner of the East will probably play Northern Illinois.


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Nobody expects Georgia State to win, but they just scored on the kickoff return.

Say what you will, but Georgia State being able to just play this game against one of college football's greatest programs is huge for the young Panthers. This is the start of their journey to, one day, being an FCS contender in the feared CAA.


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