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2012-13 NBA Season Thread


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Nice win for my boy Del Negro showing them in Chicago how you coach in the NBA.

Strange to think that Grant Hill is a Clipper. I've even forgotten that Chauncey is still on the team, but that's just how good they've been lately.

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The tale of two LAs, Clips stay hot in Chicago, and the Lakers lose in Cleveland of all places. Normally I would be happy about the Kings being only a game back of the Lakers, but both teams suck at this juncture.


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I've seen this movie before. The Lakers will get hot and make a late run at the playoffs. Anyone expecting a complete Lakers collapse will be disappointed.

The Lakers have a lot of problems this time around, the hiring of D'Antoni over Phil Jackson was down right asinine and Dwight Howard is a fraud. It will be up to Kobe to carry this team something his capable of doing so Howard must avoid killing the team from the line step up the defense something that D'Antoni is not capable of doing and Pau Gasol and Steve Nash need to find the Fountain of Youth.



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I've seen this movie before. The Lakers will get hot and make a late run at the playoffs. Anyone expecting a complete Lakers collapse will be disappointed.

I'm just looking at how they play and they have some serious problems.

Number one is they need a point guard. You have no idea when Steve Nash is coming because the Lakers are keeping that very hush hush. But at this point, my guess is its going to be at least another month, and there's a chance he may even be done for the season. You have no idea at this point. But if he does come back, I don't think you can rely on him to be 100%, so they need something.

Number two, Pau Gasol may have to go. The one thing with Mike D'Antoni's offense is that it basically does away with the power forward position. You essentially have a center and two three forwards. And that's not Pau Gasol's game at all. He's arguably the best post player in the NBA. So why is he not getting down low on almost every play? It doesn't make sense, but again if you actually know Mike D'Antoni's system, you know that you have to be able to shoot from outside ala Shawn Marion in order to play the four in his offense, and Pau Gasol simply can't do that.

Now you would think the Lakers would realize that could be a potential problem even before they brought in Mike D'Antoni, but I don't expect much logic to come out of a team that decides to fire a head coach five games into a season. So it wouldn't shock me if they are just now realizing this.

I will say that Dwight Howard isn't the problem, and Mike Brown wasn't the problem either. Front office dysfunction, lack of chemistry and injuries are their problems.

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I've seen this movie before. The Lakers will get hot and make a late run at the playoffs. Anyone expecting a complete Lakers collapse will be disappointed.

I will say that Dwight Howard isn't the problem, and Mike Brown wasn't the problem either. Front office dysfunction, lack of chemistry and injuries are their problems.

That's why, as a Laker fan, I'm not as disheartened, broken up, or mad about what's going on. I'm certainly disappointed, because we had these grandiose dreams, but I'm not upset with what we have as a whole. Changing coaches midseason has an adjustment period, added on to the adjustments that needed to be assimilated with the moves they made, added on with the problems with the injuries and whatever and what not. All that will come in time once its all put together.

Really, the only things I'm upset with is the lack of bench scoring and Jim Buss.



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I've seen this movie before. The Lakers will get hot and make a late run at the playoffs. Anyone expecting a complete Lakers collapse will be disappointed.

I've seen this movie before too, except it was the season after Kobe forced Shaq out of LA and the Lakers missed the playoffs.

Kobe's in that same "screw winning, I just want that scoring title" mode now that he was in back then, and he's routinely throwing his teammates under the bus. Lack of chemistry and a deeply flawed roster won't get you too far in the West. And yes, this roster is flawed - getting Dwight and Nash solved nothing and was clearly a quick-and-dirty attempt to patch over the age and lack of depth of the roster as a whole.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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I've seen this movie before. The Lakers will get hot and make a late run at the playoffs. Anyone expecting a complete Lakers collapse will be disappointed.

I will say that Dwight Howard isn't the problem, and Mike Brown wasn't the problem either. Front office dysfunction, lack of chemistry and injuries are their problems.

That's why, as a Laker fan, I'm not as disheartened, broken up, or mad about what's going on. I'm certainly disappointed, because we had these grandiose dreams, but I'm not upset with what we have as a whole. Changing coaches midseason has an adjustment period, added on to the adjustments that needed to be assimilated with the moves they made, added on with the problems with the injuries and whatever and what not. All that will come in time once its all put together.

Really, the only things I'm upset with is the lack of bench scoring and Jim Buss.

Well they don't have a bench period, which gets even more exposed when you go through injury spells like the one they are going through now.

The easiest fix for the Lakers I see right is to trade Pau Gasol. His skill set just does not match what make Mike D'Antoni wants out of a four. Given that I think the Lakers could get alot more in return for him then anything he could possibly give them.

As far as Jim Buss goes, if you think players have big egos, talk to some owners. He probably truly believes him being in charge of the Lakers had nothing to do with his father. He got there because of hard work and intelligence and would probably be an NBA owner irregardless of what his social status was when he was younger. There's nothing worse then someone being in charge that has no idea what they are doing, but has is extremely confident in his ability regardless, and I think that's what the Lakers have right now in Jim Buss. They'll be fine as long as Kobe Bryant is on team. Once he leaves though I think all bets are off with how good the Lakers might be.

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Has a team ever fired two coaches in one season before? There's still time for Phil Jackson to white knight himself back in. D'Antoni was a disaster in New York and isn't doing any better in LA. For all of this, they could have just stayed with Mike Brown.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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I've seen this movie before. The Lakers will get hot and make a late run at the playoffs. Anyone expecting a complete Lakers collapse will be disappointed.

It's basically what amounts to the NFL these days: be average to mediocre in the regular season, have the press throw bombs at the team, then peak in the playoffs and all the world is in peace. This team is too damn good for a complete regular season collapse.

Hell, the first year of Miami's Big 3 experiment, they started weak before LeBron's first Cavs confrontation and sailed-free the rest of the way. Anyone who says the Lakers are screwed for this weak start should talk to Spurs and Bulls fans and see what their last two years led them to.

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I really wish people would stop comparing this Lakers team to the Heat team from a couple years back. The Heat never started off this badly. They started 9-8, and then went on a 21-1 run to get to 30-9 by early January. (Does anyone really see the Lakers going on THAT type of run?) The only time that entire season that the Heat were under .500 was after the first game of the year, which they lost to the Celtics.

They also had LeBron James, who is better than anyone on the Lakers' roster, and were top 5 in both team offensive rating and team defensive rating, and 1st in SRS (whereas the Lakers are 8th in offensive rating, 16th in defensive rating, and 8th in SRS).

The Big Three weren't taking turns sniping at each other after every game, nor did they get their coach fired. It also helped that the Eastern Conference is a lot easier than the West. Needless to say, there is no comparison between that Heat team and this Lakers team.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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I had to look up SRS to know what the hell it meant. You know what Simple Rating System I use to determine how good a team is? The standings. I don't need a stat to tell me that a team is good or bad. Only some sabremetrics are useful; SRS is bull :censored:.

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I had to look up SRS to know what the hell it meant. You know what Simple Rating System I use to determine how good a team is? The standings.

Well duh. I only used SRS to further back up my point that the 2010-11 Heat were better than this year's Lakers have been so far.

Who cares about that.

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As long as you keep your thoughts regarding Value Over Replacement Gash to yourself, I think you can manage the best of both worlds.

That out of the way, advanced basketball metrics are spotty at best and have a long way to go to catch up to what's been done for baseball, where sabermetric evaluation can and must coexist with experiential evaluation if you're to do anything right. I have no clue what SRS is and don't care.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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There are two types of men.....those that love Sabermetrics, and those that like having sex with women.


"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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