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Washington Commanders to debut new NFL identity


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“Launch” implies navy-related which, if a clue and not just a buzzword, seals Armada out of the finalists.


And knowing this franchise, they’d christen the name with a champagne bottle across a stadium pillar which would cause three sections to collapse.


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1 hour ago, FinsUp1214 said:

I’m a little suspicious about it being Admirals because of the reasoning they gave for not using “Red Wolves”; if a name like “Red Wolves” gave them that much legal trouble, I’d have to imagine “Admirals” would too (Milwaukee, Norfolk, etc). I could be totally wrong and they actually did make that work, but who knows.


The NFL probably have some spare trademarks laying around that make using Admirals easier:



Without knowing what specific trademarks the Milwaukee/Norfolk Admirals hold,  I have to imagine it's easier from a trademark perspective to get around them when those teams play a different sport and in a different market (oppose to something like Vegas ran into with the Black Knights trademark owned by the Army).


"Admirals Hockey/Baseball" is never going to be confused for the Washington football team and vice versa, while "Red Wolves Football" or "Black Knights Hockey" could have easily been confused people between WFT and Arkansas State or Army and Vegas. 



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8 minutes ago, Pizzaman7294 said:

I can't believe I'm sharing this but...hey...check it out:



Definitely a bold “W” and looks similar to the WFT one. Looks like there’s something in the center of the W, but can’t make out what it is. The Capitol building, maybe? Could be the bow of a battleship? The latter would fit right in with “Armada”.


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17 minutes ago, flyersfan said:

Took the time to draw out a *very* rough estimate of what we're seeing... Pants are speculative, and the helmet W is a placeholder for the logo, but colors are predicted/seen. Also no clue on yellow stripe for black helmet...



If this comes to fruition, I will be very disappointed. Especially with the white, away set.  The lack of gold on the jersey would make it tough to mix and match with burgundy pants. 


Anyway, thanks for putting this visual together man.

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I wish the name could have been Redgolds. Old timey but unique. I think there's a University in Wisconsin called the Bluegolds and it works well. I don't understand naming it Armada or Admirals for DC other than the government running the military. Is there any specific naval connections to DC? I know Maryland and Virginia have naval bases

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The burgundy jersey gave me hope, but then they shat the bed with the white jersey and black helmet (and probably a black jersey). Absolutely atrocious. Between this and the Rams, it seems like Nike is really pushing for American football to be more like soccer, where the away/clash doesn't have to match and is more experimental. Ugh. I hate Nike so much. And the Snyders.


We'll see how bad the damage is on February 2, but this is so discouraging.




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CCSLC:  Why is there black on the uniform?  What?  I don't understand!  A black helmet?!


WFT BRASS:  We spoke to the players to get their input on what they wanted on a design, and -


CCSLC:  Yeah, OK, just nevermind, ugh.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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27 minutes ago, FinsUp1214 said:

Definitely a bold “W” and looks similar to the WFT one. Looks like there’s something in the center of the W, but can’t make out what it is. The Capitol building, maybe? Could be the bow of a battleship? The latter would fit right in with “Armada”.


Watched this video clip again... It's definitely a W in the reflection. 





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3 minutes ago, Pizzaman7294 said:


Watched this video clip again... It's definitely a W in the reflection. 



I could be crazy but it also looks like the facemask is some sort of "gold chrome" finish. It looks black in the beginning but around the 9 second mark you can see it at the bottom of the video and it definitely has a lighter color to it. 

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3 hours ago, PaleVermilion81 said:


Look at 5:54. It's 100% not lighting. It's a 2-tone stripe. If it is indeed a helmet that is final.



I’m probably reaching, but is that a logo reflection on the football/glass case?


Also, I wouldn’t put it past the team to do logo on one side and numbers on the other 

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I’m afraid of possibly reaching here too, but it seems like that shot of the helmet bumper has the logo edited out of the bumper. It’s extremely faint and easy to miss, but looks like a “W” had been there and you can still see a sort of shadowy outline of it.


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The NFL has done a good job for the most part in brand cohesion. When you turn a game on, it should be clear the two teams you're watching without any need for extra stuff in terms of logos and field paintings and the announcers telling you. Teal and Orange? Dolphins. Black and Gold? Steelers. The very casual viewer should be able to know what team they're looking at instantly.


IDC how many alternates a team wears or how often, but they should look like one cohesive set.


If WFT has what I drew out above, I'll be disgusted. One week they'll look like the WFT, one week they'll look like an Arizona State "Icy Dust Storm". 


"Cool" and gimmicks are passing brand cohesion. Yuck.



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52 minutes ago, NashConcepts said:



The team announced Tuesday that it will reveal its new name on Feb. 2, 11 days before the Super Bowl. During a podcast in September with ESPN's Adam Schefter, WFT co-CEO Tanya Snyder confirmed that the final eight candidates were Armada, Presidents, Brigade, Redhawks, Commanders, RedWolves, Defenders and Football Team.


Based off the Twitter video, we can eliminate two of those right off the bat. Common sense would seek to eliminate Presidents, as well. (Like, for real though...who thought that was a good name?) That would leave Armada, Brigade, Redhawks, Commanders, and Defenders. (This assumes that Ms. Snyder wasn't running a misdirection.) I wonder if they may have run into any trademark issues with the XFL DC Defenders. I cannot for the life of me see them going with Armada--but this is Dan Snyder we're talking about here, so...as far as Commanders, *technically* the senior ranking officer is a commander [of troops/forces], regardless of the actual rank; that'd be the only way I could see that working with the stars--but again, the XFL (or was it the AAF?) had a team named Commanders in San Antonio, so...assuming either of those two scenarios posed a problem, that'd strike Defenders and Commanders from the finalists, too, leaving us with Armada, Brigade, and Redhawks. And seeing as how they showed some Redhawks concepts in the video, I doubt that'll be their new name, which leaves just Armada and Brigade--and this potential wildcard of a nickname, Admirals.



Now, let's get some of the marketese out of the way early...


47 minutes ago, flyersfan said:

Their hints of the phrases in the teasers:


-hail to the greats that laid the foundation for our legacy


Honor tradition/the past/yadda yadda yadda


47 minutes ago, flyersfan said:

-hail to the fans we consider family


Honor/tribute to the fans, the energy, the passion...or something along those lines


47 minutes ago, flyersfan said:

-we are and always have been Washington


Not Nikespeak, but that essentially rules out any chance of DC being the location identifier


47 minutes ago, flyersfan said:

-we'll fight for our community


This could be anything...it'd fit best for Defenders, though


47 minutes ago, flyersfan said:

-and together we will define our future


"Honor the past...embrace the future." Yes, we know...


47 minutes ago, flyersfan said:

-we will launch


The Launch part feels significant, but idk what name that could refer to.


Could be a subtle hint at Armada--but "launch" in and of itself is vague. After all, they're about to "launch" a new identity, just as the XFL2 will "launch" later this spring.


45 minutes ago, DCarp1231 said:

Oh boy, yeah that’s definitely black. It makes me uneasy to think that the home and away uniforms are completely different from one another.


And that'd be about the Nikeest thing ever if that comes to fruition--especially if the aways are indeed devoid of yellow gold.


25 minutes ago, GhostOfNormMacdonald said:

I wish the name could have been Redgolds. Old timey but unique. I think there's a University in Wisconsin called the Bluegolds and it works well. I don't understand naming it Armada or Admirals for DC other than the government running the military. Is there any specific naval connections to DC? I know Maryland and Virginia have naval bases


As was mentioned earlier, the Navy Yard sits in southeast DC. It's mostly museum exhibits these days; back in the day it was a shipyard & UXO depot and housed some Navy command staff. But last I heard (unrelated to WTF) it's been transforming into an up-and-coming residential zone. 

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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1 minute ago, DCarp1231 said:

The other has the asymmetrical thin white-gold “rough” stripe, whatever logo, and gold facemask


There's a giant window right next to them. It's just light reflecting off of the decal, and it's the same color as the reflecting parts of the facemask. It's just a simple gold stripe.



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