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2007-2008 NHL Logos & Uniforms


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Enough with the anniversary, city/state, country w.e shoulder patches:\

Maybe WE should get a 40 years since last cup patch??? :wacko:

The fact that THEY messed wih one of the best shirt is one thing, after all, threre has never been a consensus on what is the best jersey, but the "templating" is just absolutely laughable.

Imagine if the Sens and the Pens meet at any time in the playoffs (o.k. even in regular season) (which will likely happen at one point or the other) it will jsut look plain silly, like a house league game...

Even the CFL Re-design had more creativity....


Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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Enough with the anniversary, city/state, country w.e shoulder patches:\

Maybe WE should get a 40 years since last cup patch??? :wacko:

The fact that THEY messed wih one of the best shirt is one thing, after all, threre has never been a consensus on what is the best jersey, but the "templating" is just absolutely laughable.

Imagine if the Sens and the Pens meet at any time in the playoffs (o.k. even in regular season) (which will likely happen at one point or the other) it will jsut look plain silly, like a house league game...

Even the CFL Re-design had more creativity....


welcome to the new nhl. :D



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A look at the Lightnings pants and socks, courtesy of NHL 2K8


Sorry for the poor quality but it's a start !

I'm quoting myself because it looks like it got lost in the Pittsburgh frenzy... The Tampa socks sucks !

How did WE get THOSE socks and everyone who shouldve gotten them didnt?!

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I think the thing I like about the Pens using that template is that it actually works with their logo. The gold triangle on the collar and the sharp diagonal lines compliment the golden triangle on their crest.

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I think the thing I like about the Pens using that template is that it actually works with their logo. The gold triangle on the collar and the sharp diagonal lines compliment the golden triangle on their crest.

agreed. if the pens were the only ones with it it would be a lot better

but with ottawa and arguably tampa....and maybe more doing very similar designs, its kinda lame

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You know, I wish I was talented enough with paint programs.....cause I would make every team in the NHL look like Montreal and Boston.....IDENTICAL.

Not because it would be a good idea, but just so I wouldnt have to listen to the WHINING about E-V-E-R-Y team that doesnt have 3 stripes on the waist, 3 on the arms, a plain crest logo, and block letters/numbers.

Jesus christ people. If something looks bad, let's use a better argument than: "they shouldve made them old school!" A "new" template CAN be good, I know its tough to let go of the past, but sometimes change is good........do you need mommy to hold your hand?

Hockey is the ONLY sport where this happens.

Baseball fans bitch about new uniforms, but they dont bitch because their team didnt copy the Yankees.

Football fans bitch about new uniforms, but they dont bitch because their team didnt copy the Packers.

Why must ALL teams dress like the original 6 in order to be acceptable?! WHY WHY WHY!

This is the arguement people are making: It's not that the jerseys aren't old school enough, it's that they take what are winning uniforms and bastardize them with totally unrelated elements and add unnecessary frilly crap. This is a perfect example of a winning uniform done wrong for a quick buck. Don't know if you noticed, but most of the new crap coming from Reebok is based on a template. Totally contrary to your arguement about teams copying one another. We are bitching about the copying.


now back to your whining..........


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The one thing I like about the edge jerseys is that they don't look so big and drapey (is that a word?) when worn without equipment on. I only ever wear my Canadiens jersey when watching a game on RDS becasue of I think jerseys that are meant to be worn with shoulder pads look stupid without them. Same with football jerseys... they just look like you bought it two sizes to big for you. But now I might just buy one and actually wear it out in public.

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You know, I wish I was talented enough with paint programs.....cause I would make every team in the NHL look like Montreal and Boston.....IDENTICAL.

Not because it would be a good idea, but just so I wouldnt have to listen to the WHINING about E-V-E-R-Y team that doesnt have 3 stripes on the waist, 3 on the arms, a plain crest logo, and block letters/numbers.

Jesus christ people. If something looks bad, let's use a better argument than: "they shouldve made them old school!" A "new" template CAN be good, I know its tough to let go of the past, but sometimes change is good........do you need mommy to hold your hand?

Hockey is the ONLY sport where this happens.

Baseball fans bitch about new uniforms, but they dont bitch because their team didnt copy the Yankees.

Football fans bitch about new uniforms, but they dont bitch because their team didnt copy the Packers.

Why must ALL teams dress like the original 6 in order to be acceptable?! WHY WHY WHY!

Yes, a new template CAN be good, but none of these ARE, and that's the problem.

Personally I think the Penguins is the best use of a template so far. I still hate the gold patches on the sleeves. Why just a stupid patch like that? At least make it a stripe that goes all the way around. Same goes for Ottawa, Tampa, and everyone else who used that template.

Teams don't HAVE to look like an original 6 to be good. Look at Tampa Bay. They had a tried and true basic old-school hockey template that everybody hated. Atlanta had some pretty original jersey designs, and many people liked their jerseys (maybe not the baby blue as much, but i digress). Colorado had some very popular jerseys that were non-traditional as well. The problem with these templates is ALL of the uniqueness is now gone.

Hockey is a very tradition-minded sport. Hockey fans love to be reminded of the past and history of the game. Look how well the vintage sweaters did with the public.

This whole trend is like the original 3rd jerseys in the 90's. Wild Wing, Los Angeles Burger Kings, etc. They may hold a special place in some peoples hearts, but they're mostly looked back upon with laughter and shame. They were popular among some for a couple seasons because they were new and different, but they weren't good. The same goes got these Edge templates.

I can only hope the suffer the same quick fate.

It's really sad that the much chastised Sabres jerseys of last year might be one of the best looking jerseys this year :/

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You know, I wish I was talented enough with paint programs.....cause I would make every team in the NHL look like Montreal and Boston.....IDENTICAL.

Not because it would be a good idea, but just so I wouldnt have to listen to the WHINING about E-V-E-R-Y team that doesnt have 3 stripes on the waist, 3 on the arms, a plain crest logo, and block letters/numbers.

Jesus christ people. If something looks bad, let's use a better argument than: "they shouldve made them old school!" A "new" template CAN be good, I know its tough to let go of the past, but sometimes change is good........do you need mommy to hold your hand?

Hockey is the ONLY sport where this happens.

Baseball fans bitch about new uniforms, but they dont bitch because their team didnt copy the Yankees.

Football fans bitch about new uniforms, but they dont bitch because their team didnt copy the Packers.

Why must ALL teams dress like the original 6 in order to be acceptable?! WHY WHY WHY!

Yes, a new template CAN be good, but none of these ARE, and that's the problem.

Personally I think the Penguins is the best use of a template so far. I still hate the gold patches on the sleeves. Why just a stupid patch like that? At least make it a stripe that goes all the way around. Same goes for Ottawa, Tampa, and everyone else who used that template.

Teams don't HAVE to look like an original 6 to be good. Look at Tampa Bay. They had a tried and true basic old-school hockey template that everybody hated. Atlanta had some pretty original jersey designs, and many people liked their jerseys (maybe not the baby blue as much, but i digress). Colorado had some very popular jerseys that were non-traditional as well. The problem with these templates is ALL of the uniqueness is now gone.

Hockey is a very tradition-minded sport. Hockey fans love to be reminded of the past and history of the game. Look how well the vintage sweaters did with the public.

This whole trend is like the original 3rd jerseys in the 90's. Wild Wing, Los Angeles Burger Kings, etc. They may hold a special place in some peoples hearts, but they're mostly looked back upon with laughter and shame. They were popular among some for a couple seasons because they were new and different, but they weren't good. The same goes got these Edge templates.

I can only hope the suffer the same quick fate.

It's really sad that the much chastised Sabres jerseys of last year might be one of the best looking jerseys this year :/

At least tho in the 90s it was a 3rd jersey that the teams wore only a few times.

The main problem is the amount of teams changing, when a good portion of them has jerseys that were good.

Like my hometown team the flyers Lets look at their jerseys from last year and this year (I drew the second one based on the leak)


The first one looks much better, more consistant, the orange stripe on the sleeve and upper chest is the same width, unlike the new one where its the small orange piping/stripe then on the sleev is this big orange stripe/blpb that looks silly, hell even the change in the pattern makes me mad, as the flyers had one of the coolest looking jersey patterns (Especially when it was orange) and they just screwed it up, I like the horizontal stripe on the upper chest going below the arm pit, but nope they did the lazy way and fit it with the edge template, so now it a diagonal orange line going fron the neck to armpit, IMO this change is worse then when the flyers made the black jersey their main jersey (I actually like the black jersey), as it still used the kickass striping pattern.

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oh gawd, these are so bad. Look at that terrible mess they made of the sleeves. I was going to finally buy a hockey jersey if these turned out ok but I wouldn't buy one of these. The sleeves and side panels are disgusting. Maybe I can find an old jersey.

Over exaggeration award of 2007.

Speech SPEECH!!


5x Stanley Cup Champions

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You know...I actually kinda like the Pens...the template works for them unlike the Sens and Lightning, and there aren't more colors on the sleeves...the distribution is now in favor of "trim colors" instead of the jersey color, which I dont mind. Overall Im giving them a B-, would like to see a more original template.....but it works

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oh gawd, these are so bad. Look at that terrible mess they made of the sleeves. I was going to finally buy a hockey jersey if these turned out ok but I wouldn't buy one of these. The sleeves and side panels are disgusting. Maybe I can find an old jersey.

Over exaggeration award of 2007.

Speech SPEECH!!

over exaggeration about what? those sleeves are horrid. they would be a lot better if the underside matched the top side. thats all i'm saying. if the gold went all the way around and the black(on the home) on the underside came down to meet the gold I'd be fine with them. I just think they look really cheap with the solid opposite color on the underside. It irritates me the same way as when stripes don't go all the way around on any jersey. I just don't like half stripes. If i want a black jersey i want a black jersey. I just don't like that much white on a dark jersey and that much dark on a white jersey.

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