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Pro team Championship Belts


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Looking at KTAR's website today(and may I add my future home as soon as my contract runs out) and looking at the photos they have posted, I noticed something very cool Bertrand Berry holding the "Sack Champ" Belt




My question is, does anyone other team have any kind of belt to celebrate an achievement or just for fun?

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The People's Champion, Freddie Mitchell.


"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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That Titans belt is nice, I'm not so sold on the Cardinals one. I have to say that I think these belts are original and way better than the championship rings that teams hand out every year. There's a fine line between nice and classy and gaudy and these belts are right now (the WWE championship doesn't count since it's not original) are still on the classy side, where as some time ago, championship rings went over to the gaudy side.



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Looking at KTAR's website today(and may I add my future home as soon as my contract runs out) and looking at the photos they have posted, I noticed something very cool Bertrand Berry holding the "Sack Champ" Belt.

Gary, are you an OAT, in sales, or engineering?

If memory serves, Gary does sports updates for the station he currently works for. Speaking of which, what's a brother got to do to get someone's ear about a comeback as a sports talk show host? Gary? Mac?




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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I saw something on ESPN a while back about the Cardinals starting up the belt thing as an incentive to excel on the D-Line and thought that it was the coolest :censored: ever. I already knew about how the Pistons went around with the WHC belt when they won their title a while back, but I didn't know that the Titans did it as well.

But I do know that this is pretty damn cool.



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Looking at KTAR's website today(and may I add my future home as soon as my contract runs out) and looking at the photos they have posted, I noticed something very cool Bertrand Berry holding the "Sack Champ" Belt.

Gary, are you an OAT, in sales, or engineering?

If memory serves, Gary does sports updates for the station he currently works for. Speaking of which, what's a brother got to do to get someone's ear about a comeback as a sports talk show host? Gary? Mac?

no you'd be correct, I was doing sports updates for KKNT but was relieved of my duties this last October and only being producer for now, this March I will begin a producer job for KTAR Sports 620 here in Phoenix. but glad to fall back onto a job with one of the most prestigeous stations in the valley.

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The People's Champion, Freddie Mitchell.


I'm surprised he didn't drop it as he was running around.

Freddie had great hands - he just couldn't ever get open (except on the 4th and 26 play, sorry Pack fans.) He is probably best known for catching LJ Smith's fumble in mid air in the endzone in the 2004 playoffs vs. the Vikings. At the presser after that game, he actually thanked his hands for being so great.

O/T - how ridiculous does that enormous t-shirt look over shoulder pads?

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Both of the custom championship belts look awesome, and I also love the idea. The Alaska belt is an...interesting effort. Not saying anything else about the pic.

And the other belts? Meh. The former WCW World Heavyweight Title is overused it seems...and the fact that it's the converted-to-WWE title of a defunct wrestling organization seems to be lost on players (and WWE execs for that matter...I'll never see that thing as a WWE title).

The Titans and Cards have set the bar. If you wanna rock some title belts...follow the lead.


Go Gators. Go Blue Raiders. Go Commodores. Go USC Trojans.

Preds & Avs.

Braves, Rays, & Dodgers.

Titans, Colts, Broncos, Cardinals.

Grizzlies. 14ers, Jam.

Team Spirit + Laziness = Yay.

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