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2010 NFL Season


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So Donovan McNabb is either out of shape, or mentally incapable of grasping the playbook and even calling the plays, and can't execute a 2-minute drill. Where have I read this story before? While on the Eagles, he threw up on the field due to being out of shape at least twice (not counting the stress-puke in the Super Bowl), routinely got delay of games or had to take last minute time outs because he couldn't call the plays right (to be fair most of us blamed Andy Reid for that, but apparently it's on both of them) and in the Super Bowl, Freddie Mitchell had to step in and call plays because McNabb couldn't. Anyone who watched that game knows all about his inability to hurry up and run a 2-minute drill. Hell - even his former teammates are coming out and saying that he just didn't understand the seriousness of any situation, and was just too lackadaisical all the time - they are also now even questioning his practice habits, which is news to me - that's one thing that he was never criticized about. Everyone had the impression that he was one of those "first guy in, last guy out" kind of guys - apparently not. So is anyone still questioning why the Eagles traded him instead of keeping and extending him? They were bashed by many on here and in the media, but it seems that maybe they (and their fans) knew something that the outside world didn't - Andy Reid covers up for his players as much as any coach ever has. Now that he has a coach that will call him out, he's flopping.

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So Donovan McNabb is either out of shape, or mentally incapable of grasping the playbook and even calling the plays, and can't execute a 2-minute drill. Where have I read this story before? While on the Eagles, he threw up on the field due to being out of shape at least twice (not counting the stress-puke in the Super Bowl), routinely got delay of games or had to take last minute time outs because he couldn't call the plays right (to be fair most of us blamed Andy Reid for that, but apparently it's on both of them) and in the Super Bowl, Freddie Mitchell had to step in and call plays because McNabb couldn't. Anyone who watched that game knows all about his inability to hurry up and run a 2-minute drill. Hell - even his former teammates are coming out and saying that he just didn't understand the seriousness of any situation, and was just too lackadaisical all the time - they are also now even questioning his practice habits, which is news to me - that's one thing that he was never criticized about. Everyone had the impression that he was one of those "first guy in, last guy out" kind of guys - apparently not. So is anyone still questioning why the Eagles traded him instead of keeping and extending him? They were bashed by many on here and in the media, but it seems that maybe they (and their fans) knew something that the outside world didn't - Andy Reid covers up for his players as much as any coach ever has. Now that he has a coach that will call him out, he's flopping.

I think that you forgot one.

The father blaming the player as opposed to his son, they youngest OC in the NFL. He won the players over during the Haynesworth "fitness test", now he is trying to do it to the most notable name on the offensive side.

They would not be 4-4 with Grossman or Jason Campbell as a starter.

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If the Bengals didn't make so many dumb mistakes they could be one of the best records in the AFC. Looking at this game, they've given the Steelers 13 points off of turnovers and special teams mistakes. They claw to hang in games, but if they would just do what they were supposed to then they wouldn't have to. So unbelievably frustrating, especially against the biggest team of ass*oles in the entire NFL.


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If the Bengals didn't make so many dumb mistakes they could be one of the best records in the AFC. Looking at this game, they've given the Steelers 13 points off of turnovers and special teams mistakes. They claw to hang in games, but if they would just do what they were supposed to then they wouldn't have to. So unbelievably frustrating, especially against the biggest team of ass*oles in the entire NFL.

It's the uniforms dude. :D






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If the Bengals didn't make so many dumb mistakes they could be one of the best records in the AFC. Looking at this game, they've given the Steelers 13 points off of turnovers and special teams mistakes. They claw to hang in games, but if they would just do what they were supposed to then they wouldn't have to. So unbelievably frustrating, especially against the biggest team of ass*oles in the entire NFL.

It's the uniforms dude. :D

I hate the Bengals uniforms, but even in their awful state, I think they're better than the Steelers. Other than the Cowboys, I don't think there's a worse traditional football uniform in the NFL.


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You know why I loved 2009? I loved 2009 because for one year things turned. The Pittsburgh Steelers were the team that got the bad breaks, the horrible calls, the bad things happened to them. Their fans had to deal with a losing streak (they didn't handle it well). For one year they weren't the beneficiaries of everything going their way. We're back to normal, I guess.

I can't think of a team in pro sports that is less likeable and I'm not just saying that because they're a rival team. Roethlisberger, James Harrison, that smiling bastard Hines Ward, Farrior. They're a team full of douches and it's like that behavior is encouraged in their locker room.

This one hurts. It wouldn't have been as tough if they had packed it in down 27-7, but for them to get within fifteen yards of the goalline down only 6 and not get there just aches and I don't usually take losses hard. The Bengals aren't going to the playoffs this year, but beating the Steelers in that fashion would've made the rest of the season a little more bearable. The worst part, their fans are the most obnoxious turds in the NFL and I have way too many facebook friends who pretend to like this team. I'll be avoiding that website for the next day.


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I can't think of a team in pro sports that is less likeable and I'm not just saying that because they're a rival team. Roethlisberger, James Harrison, that smiling bastard Hines Ward, Farrior. They're a team full of douches and it's like that behavior is encouraged in their locker room.

When it comes to bad attidues, ex-cons, and me-first players, I think Cincy's got Pittsburgh licked. :rolleyes:


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You know why I loved 2009? I loved 2009 because for one year things turned. The Pittsburgh Steelers were the team that got the bad breaks, the horrible calls, the bad things happened to them. Their fans had to deal with a losing streak (they didn't handle it well). For one year they weren't the beneficiaries of everything going their way. We're back to normal, I guess.

I can't think of a team in pro sports that is less likeable and I'm not just saying that because they're a rival team. Roethlisberger, James Harrison, that smiling bastard Hines Ward, Farrior. They're a team full of douches and it's like that behavior is encouraged in their locker room.

This one hurts. It wouldn't have been as tough if they had packed it in down 27-7, but for them to get within fifteen yards of the goalline down only 6 and not get there just aches and I don't usually take losses hard. The Bengals aren't going to the playoffs this year, but beating the Steelers in that fashion would've made the rest of the season a little more bearable. The worst part, their fans are the most obnoxious turds in the NFL and I have way too many facebook friends who pretend to like this team. I'll be avoiding that website for the next day.

Go Steelers . . . how do those sour grapes taste

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I can't think of a team in pro sports that is less likeable and I'm not just saying that because they're a rival team. Roethlisberger, James Harrison, that smiling bastard Hines Ward, Farrior. They're a team full of douches and it's like that behavior is encouraged in their locker room.

I call bulls#!t on that one, Mac. If they weren't a rival, you wouldn't give a fvck about Harrison, Ward, Farrior, or Big Dumb Ben and you damn sure wouldn't have wasted a post on it.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Cincy's been a mess ever since Paul Brown croaked and bequeathed the team to his idiot son, Mike. Having lived through the myriad of one-win teams in the nineties, I'm nowhere near ready to freak out.

Or maybe I'm just used to the Bengals' ineptitude—which is something you may want to consider. The Bengals aren't going to make any tremendous strides (besides the occasional one-year wonder) until Mike Brown croaks or starts to give a :censored: .

Hell, it took thirteen years of losing for him to hire someone he didn't know before he inherited the team—and according to several reports I've read throughout the years, he only did that because the team's futility was starting to affect his bottom line.

Sigs are for sissies.

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Extremely big confidence-booster for the Chargers. With all the injuries to the receiving core, Rivers' numbers are even more amazing. If he breaks Marino's record, he deserves MVP, end of story.

If you insert him onto the Niners, we'd have a winning record right now


2013/14 Tanks Picks Champion

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I call bulls#!t on that one, Mac. If they weren't a rival, you wouldn't give a fvck about Harrison, Ward, Farrior, or Big Dumb Ben and you damn sure wouldn't have wasted a post on it.

I'm not a fan of a rival team, and I can't stand all four of those guys and the Steelers in general. Believe it or not, you can hate teams for reasons other than rivalry or jealousy.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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