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Hot Stove: MLB Offseason Thread

Dexter Morgan

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Jon Heyman

for danks, #whitesox seek banuelos AD montero from #yankees. cant blame 'em for trying. not serious yet, obvs.

Haha, someones still pissed about getting hosed in that Swisher deal

Swisher was a salary dump. KW really got hosed when he traded for him in the first place.

The White Sox would be so much better off with him no longer at the helm. He's a terrible GM.


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The Mets are becoming the Kansas City Royals, I heard a rumor they may even trade David Wright and want to get payroll below $75 Mil. The Fired half their scouting staff so it wont get better any time soon, and Wilpon wont sell even a part of the team now, so no hope of rescue by Einhorn.



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It appears the Toronto Blue Jays are still in the running for free agent slugger Prince Fielder.

According CBSCleveland.com, Fielder has shortened his list of possible destinations down to three teams that includes the Blue Jays, the Texas Rangers and the Milwaukee Brewers. And the report indicates the Jays are the favourites right now.

The Blue Jays would like to add Fielder to complement AL home run king Jose Bautista on offence as well as solidify first base defensively.

The Rangers could be that one bat away from a Word Series title after coming so close last season but they are also trying to re-sign starting pitcher C.J. Wilson.

And the Brewers seem to be losing ground amid reports general manager Doug Melvin has not offered increased their offer to Fielder or even talked to his agent, Scott Boras since the general manager/ownership meetings in mid-November.

Baseball's winter meetings begin in Dallas on Monday and Fielder is sure to be a topic of conversation among the various general managers.

I'll believe it when I see it. Still, interesting to note.


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Marlins spending 6/111 on Reyes?

Holy hell. That new ballpark could revitalize that entire franchise. And good for them - I love having Marlins games on instead of Rays games when it comes to games on the tube. Not that it matters, thanks to mlb.tv and whatnot...

The ballpark will only carry favor for two to three years, before the need to win takes importance. They will have revenue since they already have more season ticket holders for the new stadium than at any time before. Plus, more suites, parking, and the premium dugout seats/clubs are basically sold out.

The fact that the ballpark is in Little Havana and the team is openly skewing Latino is marketing the team as, "MLB's team for all Latin America" (Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, and Cuba). They want Cuban ex-pat Yoennis Cespedes in a bad way too.

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The Mets are becoming the Kansas City Royals, I heard a rumor they may even trade David Wright and want to get payroll below $75 Mil. The Fired half their scouting staff so it wont get better any time soon, and Wilpon wont sell even a part of the team now, so no hope of rescue by Einhorn.

I tend to agree. You can't play small market baseball when you play in New York. You can't just let Jose Reyes go and not sign anybody else as I feel the Mets will probably do and still expect your fans to keep coming out to the ballpark. They won't.

The biggest on the Mets right now is that the Wilpons are running the team as a cash cow. Letting Reyes go is not helping that cause out. Did the Marlins overpay for him a bit, yes, but it wasn't like they completely blew everybody else out of the water, and when your a team like the Mets you can afford to make these types of deals.

Bottom line is they have no excuse as to why they let Jose Reyes walk. The bad contracts are gone, this is a popular player amongst your fans asking for market value, your a big market team. No reason that deal can't get done other then cheap ownership. And I feel the Mets will pay for it at the box office and with TV ratings. The majority of Met fans have had it with the way the Wilpons have run the franchise for the past two years and for alot of people I could see this being the last straw.

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Sure they have an excuse for letting Reyes go and why I think they should trade Wright: the Mets will suck with them and the Mets will suck without them, so why not turn the franchise over to a new era?

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Jon Heyman

for danks, #whitesox seek banuelos AD montero from #yankees. cant blame 'em for trying. not serious yet, obvs.

Haha, someones still pissed about getting hosed in that Swisher deal

Clearly, for it is preposterous and busch league to ask the mighty Yankees for anything above 25 year-olds in AA for any player you might trade them. This is not a classy way to negotiate with the Yankees. The White Sox organization shall wear this shame for decades.

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The Miami Marlins have offered Phat Albert a fat contract: 10 years at $22M per.

If I'm Pujols, I take whatever the Cards are offering and finish my career with dignity in STL over accepting that bogus 10-year deal from the Marlins, where you know checks will eventually bounce and where he'll be traded 2 years into his deal.


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The Miami Marlins have offered Phat Albert a fat contract: 10 years at $22M per.

If I'm Pujols, I take whatever the Cards are offering and finish my career with dignity in STL over accepting that bogus 10-year deal from the Marlins, where you know checks will eventually bounce and where he'll be traded 2 years into his deal.

I gotta say, I called this months ago. I just knew with how little personal financing (AKA, absolutely none) that Loria put into that park, and that he's gonna reap about 99.9% of the profits, that he was gonna be able to throw down ridiculous amounts of cash to guys like Pujols and Reyes. He won't go broke doing it either. If the Marlins get competitive, which it's looking like they really will, Loria will make insane amounts of money of of this deal. I thought Miami was going to become the Yankees of the NL, and so far it looks like I'm right.

That said, St. Louis better find their balls and make a competitive offer. If Pujols leaves the Cards, it'll be all their fault. He's helped them get to THREE World Series appearances, two of which they won. He's made them ridiculous amounts of money and has brought them success like almost nobody before him has. If the Cards cry poor and don't do all they can to keep him and just watch him walk out the door to Miami, the vitriol should be focused 100% towards them. People are going to try to villainize Pujols for leaving like they did Lebron, but it'll show that they haven't the first clue about the business end of sports. Unless the Cards match, or at least come damn close to doing so, there's no reason people should have any negativity focused on anyone but the Cardinals organization.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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I understand what the Marlins is doing looks crazy, and Buster Olney tweeted earlier that if they sign Pujols, the money spent in this offseason will be more money than their last 10 years of payroll or something crazy like that. But its good for baseball that a team is actually trying to be competitive. And they barely spend any money so its not like it should be a shock that they can spend this year, they must have been saving some of it for a time like this, even if they dont draw any fans.

I mean teams like the Royals and Astros who arent gonna spend squat this year and just collect their revenue sharing checks, its unfortunate. They will just say they are going to let their young talent develop, blah blah, i understand that part but at some point you gotta just go for it one year, and thats what Miami is doing. And they wont be a one and done like 97 and 03, they are giving their players length. Loria seems like an evil genius but you can buy championships, the Yankees have been doing it for decades.

Its just gonna be sad when they are celebrating some division or NLCS championship in those hideous uniforms. :cry:

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Nice to see the Yankees luxury tax money is finally being put to use. :rolleyes:

Wow, someone is bitter that their team isn't the one buying up all the superstars this season.

Good for the Marlins. I love the fact that they're finally getting serious about competing. That'll be one fun team to watch next season.


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