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2016-17 NHL Uniform and Logo Changes


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No, I didn't argue anything of the sort.

I was thinking of what could or should have been done from the beginning. I don't agree that it's better for certain elements of an identity to survive by themselves; sometimes it's better to let the whole thing pass into history.

Well, whether the Wild had used their current identity for 15 years, 2 000 years, or never, it wouldn't change the fact that they have no affiliation with the North Stars. That identity remains part of Dallas' history. Whether they choose to bring the whole thing back to the NHL, only parts of it, or none at all (whether now, at their inauguration, or in the future) is entirely up to them and them alone.
The FRANCHISE has no affiliation. The STATE is still emotionally connected to the North Stars. The FRANCHISE resides in the STATE. And Hockey means the World here. So the North Stars are connected to the Wild. It's not from a business standpoint, or according to the NHL, it's the fans that have connected the two teams. They were both Minnesota's hockey team! Now I'm not saying the Dallas Stars are connected to the Wild. They're not. The North stars were. It's different than the crap that the Avs are trying to push on everyone about their "connection" to the Rockies. It's just happened for the Wild. Everyone held on to the North Stars, and almost merged them with the Wild. People here in Minnesota LOVE the Wild and the North Stars, but ABSOLUTELY HATE the Dallas Stars...

Here in Minnesota when people think of Hockey, they're are reminiscent of the North Stars, the Fighting Saints, the Gophers, and the Wild are even sneaking into Old time hockey and memories.

You're putting emotion over reason. History is not something you can just change at a whim. Simply wanting something to be true doesn't make it true.


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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So, yes, it is too early to start the 2016-17 NHL thread. Why do you ask?

We're got confirmation that both the Leafs and Panthers will be changing. Makes sense to discuss those changes in A 2016-17 thread rather than a 2015-2016 thread.
Agreed. And that was great... in the first post or two.

Followed by 5 pages of irrelevant North Stars vs. Wild talk. :)

Or at least it felt like it. Maybe two pages were 1993 Senators talk.

These things always become wish lists with no real news when they start before the current season ends. Carry on. I'll stop by in a few months... or six.

Eh. The North Stars nonsense flares up from time to time. That, and the Senators discussion, seems to bring out the worst in people.

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Time for fans on the Minnesota North Stars Facebook page to get on this board.

Team names do change. Look at the St. Patricks/Maple Leafs, Colt 45's/Astros, Bullets/Wizards.

Except those latter name changes were because of certain negative connotations.

Maybe the name will change when a Wild becomes an object used to kill other people.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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No, I didn't argue anything of the sort.

I was thinking of what could or should have been done from the beginning. I don't agree that it's better for certain elements of an identity to survive by themselves; sometimes it's better to let the whole thing pass into history.

Well, whether the Wild had used their current identity for 15 years, 2 000 years, or never, it wouldn't change the fact that they have no affiliation with the North Stars. That identity remains part of Dallas' history. Whether they choose to bring the whole thing back to the NHL, only parts of it, or none at all (whether now, at their inauguration, or in the future) is entirely up to them and them alone.
The FRANCHISE has no affiliation. The STATE is still emotionally connected to the North Stars. The FRANCHISE resides in the STATE. And Hockey means the World here. So the North Stars are connected to the Wild. It's not from a business standpoint, or according to the NHL, it's the fans that have connected the two teams. They were both Minnesota's hockey team! Now I'm not saying the Dallas Stars are connected to the Wild. They're not. The North stars were. It's different than the crap that the Avs are trying to push on everyone about their "connection" to the Rockies. It's just happened for the Wild. Everyone held on to the North Stars, and almost merged them with the Wild. People here in Minnesota LOVE the Wild and the North Stars, but ABSOLUTELY HATE the Dallas Stars...

Here in Minnesota when people think of Hockey, they're are reminiscent of the North Stars, the Fighting Saints, the Gophers, and the Wild are even sneaking into Old time hockey and memories.

You're putting emotion over reason. History is not something you can just change at a whim. Simply wanting something to be true doesn't make it true.

I'm not saying that the North Stars should come back... Now I wish they never left, but they did, and we still have the Wild, which is great! But I am merely saying that the two teams are connected through their history in the State of Hockey. They may not have any actual affiliation, but the Fans have made the two team connected through the legacy of Minnesota Hockey...

"And those who know Your Name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You." Psalms 9:10

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In reference to Morgo...

You know what dude? I'm not even going to bother. Never mind that we've had this conversation before.

It's clear that you can't hold a conversation without resorting to strawman arguments. I'm out. Have fun.

You don't even know what the word "strawman" [sic] means. You just throw it around anytime one of your arguments gets debunked. If you did or had any self awareness, you'd realize that you are the king of sham arguments set up to fail... You just go out of your way to provide excuses as to why every NHL team should look as boring and contrived as possible. The Senators can't use the updated, forward facing, centurion because it isn't 100% historically accurate yet the Avalanche should adopt a recoloured Rockies logo that doesn't even depict an avalanche because "aesthetics." The Senators argument brings out the worst in people? Maybe it brings out some passion for people who actually care about sports aesthetics. People who don't blindly bow to the prevalent and ridiculous notion that the older a design is, the better it looks.

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The Senators can look so good but choose to look so bad. I don't understand what they're thinking.

Me neither. I've seen so many great jersey concepts they could work with but nope, they continue to dress like it is still 2007, though I hear they are getting new uniforms when Adidas takes over but so far, as far as I know, it is just a rumor for now.

In reference to Morgo...

You know what dude? I'm not even going to bother. Never mind that we've had this conversation before.

It's clear that you can't hold a conversation without resorting to strawman arguments. I'm out. Have fun.

You don't even know what the word "strawman" [sic] means. You just throw it around anytime one of your arguments gets debunked. If you did or had any self awareness, you'd realize that you are the king of sham arguments set up to fail... You just go out of your way to provide excuses as to why every NHL team should look as boring and contrived as possible. The Senators can't use the updated, forward facing, centurion because it isn't 100% historically accurate yet the Avalanche should adopt a recoloured Rockies logo that doesn't even depict an avalanche because "aesthetics." The Senators argument brings out the worst in people? Maybe it brings out some passion for people who actually care about sports aesthetics. People who don't blindly bow to the prevalent and ridiculous notion that the older a design is, the better it looks.

Morgo, the problem isn't that Ice_Cap creates sham arguments set up to fail. The problem is that a lot of times, you come on these threads and shove your personal views down our throats like you're some graphic design messiah sent down from the heavens. We all have our own opinions on what teams should like and what makes a good jersey. It's clear that your views a lot of times are very different from most of our views and there's nothing wrong with that. In my personal opinion, there's nothing wrong with having different views, however, once someone starts to act like their views are superior to the views of others, and starts to get aggressive and put others down because their own views are different from yours, as far as I'm concerned, I think you are crossing the line.

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Morgo, the problem isn't that Ice_Cap creates sham arguments set up to fail. The problem is that a lot of times, you come on these threads and shove your personal views down our throats like you're some graphic design messiah sent down from the heavens. We all have our own opinions on what teams should like and what makes a good jersey. It's clear that your views a lot of times are very different from most of our views and there's nothing wrong with that. In my personal opinion, there's nothing wrong with having different views, however, once someone starts to act like their views are superior to the views of others, and starts to get aggressive and put others down because their own views are different from yours, as far as I'm concerned, I think you are crossing the line.

Yeah, seriously Morgo. Chill out.


On the topic of the Sens, I'm also on board with them going with the heritage set full time. The barberpole inspired striping looks great and sets them apart from the other black and red teams. I like the original 90's era Sens uniforms as much as anyone, but the heritage set is bold, much more visually striking, and more evocative of the city of Ottawa, in my opinion. At the same time, I'm not sure if I like them going with the =O= as the primary logo. Again it's more evocative of the city as opposed to the team name, and does well in paying homage to the original Sens team. But objectively speaking from a design standpoint, it's a Times New Roman O and that's basically it. Not so much lazy design, because the whole point was to throw back to the original team's logo which was just that, but in the modern era NHL it's not exactly the most visually captivating mark. It kind of works as a historical look, and maybe that's all it needs to be, but the current version of the profile Sen head would be my preferred choice. But if they're not ever going to use that on a uniform and keep letting it go to waste then they may as well bury the Roman Cen(Sen?)turion theme altogether.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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In reference to Morgo...

You know what dude? I'm not even going to bother. Never mind that we've had this conversation before.

It's clear that you can't hold a conversation without resorting to strawman arguments. I'm out. Have fun.

You don't even know what the word "strawman" [sic] means. You just throw it around anytime one of your arguments gets debunked. If you did or had any self awareness, you'd realize that you are the king of sham arguments set up to fail... You just go out of your way to provide excuses as to why every NHL team should look as boring and contrived as possible. The Senators can't use the updated, forward facing, centurion because it isn't 100% historically accurate yet the Avalanche should adopt a recoloured Rockies logo that doesn't even depict an avalanche because "aesthetics." The Senators argument brings out the worst in people? Maybe it brings out some passion for people who actually care about sports aesthetics. People who don't blindly bow to the prevalent and ridiculous notion that the older a design is, the better it looks.

You got all of that out? Ok.

Your biggest problem is on display here. You've framed everything here in such a way that anyone who disagrees with you doesn't "care" about sports aesthetics. All other disagreements are rendered irrelevant because you've set it up so that you're right and anyone who doesn't agree with you is wrong.

Do you understand why that sort of discussion isn't conducive? Why people don't want to engage in discussion with you for that reason? It's why I said the Ottawa Senators bring out the worst. People don't want to talk about it with you because they know that you're just going to start screaming at them about how innovative their identity is and how wrong it will be if they go with the heritage look and lame the O logo is.

People come here for discussion. Not to have someone yelling their own opinions at them and insulting them if they disagree.

Or to put it simply? What wildwing64 and Chewbacca said.

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So, yes, it is too early to start the 2016-17 NHL thread. Why do you ask?

We're got confirmation that both the Leafs and Panthers will be changing. Makes sense to discuss those changes in A 2016-17 thread rather than a 2015-2016 thread.
Agreed. And that was great... in the first post or two.

Followed by 5 pages of irrelevant North Stars vs. Wild talk. :)

Or at least it felt like it. Maybe two pages were 1993 Senators talk.

These things always become wish lists with no real news when they start before the current season ends. Carry on. I'll stop by in a few months... or six.

Eh. The North Stars nonsense flares up from time to time. That, and the Senators discussion, seems to bring out the worst in people.

The Sens talk was my yearly hope that we would fully adopt the "Heritage" look



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I'm terribly torn on Ottawa. I like the heritage stuff and love the link to the old Senators. I'm totally fine with a team honoring their city's history in that sport in whatever way they want.

But dang it, the 90's Senators wore one of my favorite sets in hockey history and I've wanted them to just go back to 'em really bad. And burn anything featuring the frontal-profile Senator, because that never, ever graced a good uniform.

I guess I'll just file Ottawa under "wear whatever so long as it looks awesome" in the 'ol file cabinet and let it play out.


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Time for fans on the Minnesota North Stars Facebook page to get on this board.

Team names do change. Look at the St. Patricks/Maple Leafs, Colt 45's/Astros, Bullets/Wizards.

Except those latter name changes were because of certain negative connotations.

Maybe the name will change when a Wild becomes an object used to kill other people.

Correct on the Bullets/Wizards, very wrong on the Colts 45/Astros. The Colts 45 to Astros change was made because of their move to the Astrodome. There was a small "controversy" when the team wanted to wear the smoking gun uniforms in 2012, but the name change was not due to "negative connotations"

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I was drinking and offer my apologies. Sometimes my passion for hockey aesthetics gets the better of me and while what Ice Cap said rubbed me the wrong way, I can see why my comment crossed the line of what's acceptable on these boards. I will try and channel my passion in a more constructive and less insulting way.

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Time for fans on the Minnesota North Stars Facebook page to get on this board.

Team names do change. Look at the St. Patricks/Maple Leafs, Colt 45's/Astros, Bullets/Wizards.

Except those latter name changes were because of certain negative connotations.

Maybe the name will change when a Wild becomes an object used to kill other people.

Correct on the Bullets/Wizards, very wrong on the Colts 45/Astros. The Colts 45 to Astros change was made because of their move to the Astrodome. There was a small "controversy" when the team wanted to wear the smoking gun uniforms in 2012, but the name change was not due to "negative connotations"

I thought it was more of a licensing thing. The Colt people didn't mind the team using the Colt .45 name but weren't happy about the team selling Colt merchandise. And the team was renamed the Astros either before or at the same time that Harris County Domed Stadium became known as the Astrodome.
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I was drinking and offer my apologies. Sometimes my passion for hockey aesthetics gets the better of me and while what Ice Cap said rubbed me the wrong way, I can see why my comment crossed the line of what's acceptable on these boards. I will try and channel my passion in a more constructive and less insulting way.

Apologies accepted. :) For someone who is as proud and passionate as you are, it takes a big person to accept accountability, especially on a forum board.

(**) (**) (**) (**) (**)

And your hand-drawn NHL jersey concepts are second to none. :winner:

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