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2022 NFL regular season through Super Bowl LVII

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2 minutes ago, BBTV said:

When there’s an injury scene near the very end of the game like this, they should have the discretion to just end the game rather than have guys have to get up to smash against each other for the last two minutes of meaningless action. 


It's been reported by the Bucs that Gage gave a thumbs up as he was carted off the field.  

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These boys actually did it. They finally beat Tom effing Brady. Easily the best playoff game I've ever seen the Cowboys play in my lifetime. I was expecting the Cowboys to win a close, hard fought battle because I don't trust them, but I was not expecting an absolute blowout. On the road no less too, the first time they've done that since I was barely 1 years old. 


This team can go into San Francisco and win, they're good enough to win, but it'll take a better performance from the special teams and continuing to play mistake free football. 


Going to enjoy this for a bit. 

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Cowboys - Lakers - LAFC - USMNT - LA Rams - LA Kings - NUFC 

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Super random question: Who do media outlets get all weird about the how they display the 49ers name?


Two examples I see often: 49'ERS, with an apostrophe after the 49 -also- DALLAS COWBOYS VS. SAN FRANCISCO 49ers, where everything is capitalized except for the "ers".


Pretty sure they do the same for the 76ers, just never quite understood it.

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Welp, that was… Something.


The question I had from the very beginning of this Brady fever dream was is he going to be able to drag this sad sack franchise to glory, or would this sad sack franchise drag him down to their usually sorry level? In the end, the answer kinda ended up being both.


I have no idea what happens next. I don’t know if Brady comes back next season (or why in the hell he would even want to), and at this point I’m not even sure the Bucs would REALLY want him back (Also, why would they even want that?), but all I know is this whole era is still hard to wrap my head around. I basically stopped watching football at one point because of Brady. I just hated the dude that much. He won so often, and I was just so over seeing it happen. That and the Bucs were just so consistently bad. Then all of the sudden he’s off the Pats, and lands in the Bucs laps in the most inexplicable move I can ever remember as a sports fan. Seriously. In my wildest dreams I never even fantasized about Brady being a Buc because it just seemed so patently absurd. Like, it even sounded dumb as a Madden fever dream. Then he goes out and wins ANOTHER Super Bowl with us. The sorry ass Bucs. Tom Brady decided of his own recognizance to sign with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and proceeded to win a Super Bowl his first season there. Like, what? It still doesn’t quite feel real to me. It twisted every emotion I’ve ever had about this dumb league and this stupid team to the point where my brain kinda felt broken.


I’ll always cherish this era of Bucs football. It was fast, fun, so damn stupid, exciting, satisfying and still somehow in typical Bucs fashion, really frustrating. I’m from California and have been following the Bucs since the early 90s. They were always that obscure team people made fun of me for liking. That was sort of a point of pride for me, in a way. Having this random, :censored:ty football team that nobody around me in their right mind would waste so much time rooting for. Then Brady dragged them to relevancy in a way I’m not even sure I liked all that much all the time, but I’ll always appreciate him for that. This three year stretch is the most fun I’ve had watching this stupid football team as an adult, and I’m really happy for that. I don’t really think I’ll ever get close to this level ever again with this team. It was like Michael Jordan signing with the Washington Wizards, but it was actually successful for a bit! 


But, it really feels like it’s time to turn the page. Both for him and for the Bucs. Dude is the GOAT, and I’m glad I got to appreciate it to its fullest, even for a short time. But I’m not gonna lie, this :censored: is exhausting. And the longer we go with this and kick this weird can down the road, the longer it’s gonna take to be independently successful, which the Bucs struggle with enough as it is. I’d really like to see them simply things a bit and try to actually develop for the future for once. 

First and foremost when it comes to the Bucs future, this coaching staff definitely needs to go. I really don’t know how people can defend some of the :censored: they did this season. They looked completely unprepared for like the last ten games. How do you do that with the best QB of all time on your roster? I don’t know how many people remember the Jets teams Bowles coached, but I’m telling you this team looked alarmingly similar most of the time. That’s just the sign of a bad coach who’s in way over his head. 

Sounds like Leftwich is already gone, and that’s a good first step. But Bowles absolutely needs to go as well. 

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On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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5 hours ago, infrared41 said:

In all my life, I've never seen a kicker miss four straight XPs. Never once and I've been watching football for a little while.

I don't think I've even seen that in a high school game. Even if they're kicking, after the 2nd or 3rd, they're going for two or swapping out the kicker.


According to ESPN, no kicker in NFL history missed four PATs in a single game. Since stats have been kept in 1932.

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As a Cowboys fan, I need to enjoy this win. Dak had, arguably, the best game of his career last night. For Dallas to win on the road in the playoffs, to finally beat Tom Brady in their 8th attempt, to win in their "cursed blues". Pretty much every box got checked last night. Maher picked a bad night to get the yips, but he at least made the last kick; there was that.


Sunday is going to be hard, the Niners are going to pose a serious challenge. But, if Dak can play Sunday like he did last night. Dallas might be playing in the NFC Championship game.

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