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2022 MLB Postseason


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"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Not sure how to embed the video, but it didn't end well for an idiot that decided to run from one end of the field to the other the other night.  He was apparently a former high-school high jumper, but underestimated the height of the wall.  Either way, it sucks to not only get hit right in the head by a $15 bottle of beer, but to be called a bum on top of it.

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"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Well, now maybe everyone will stop incessantly whining about how “illegitimate” the Astros are. Four World Series appearances and two wins in six seasons should finally, god willing, shut everyone up. That :censored: was getting so tiresome.  Also, good for Dusty. 

I was on the Phillies wagon, but understood it was a bit of a long shot. Nothing to feel down about for them. That’s one helluva run from a team that nobody expected to have a run like that. I earned a ton of respect for that squad, and am excited to see what they can do next season. 

At least it’s not the damn Dodgers. 


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On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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I'm happy for Dusty and I'm happy three other NL East teams haven't won rings in the past three (legitimate) World Series. I'm also grateful we were spared a Castellanos go-ahead bomb in game 7 as Joe Davis informed us of impending nuclear annihilation.


that's about it. once the M's were gone and I'd taken enough of the piss out of the Braves and Dodgers, I didn't really care. and neither did anyone else, at least not around here. I was in a Buffalo Wild Wings the other night, and both game 5 and a more-or-less meaningless TNF game were on simultaneously. guess who got sound.


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I met Dusty in person before a Reds-Brewers game in Milwaukee back in 2012. He was apparently buddies with my grandfather, who also worked in the baseball world. The dude honestly came off to me as a very genuine guy and it was really cool to meet him.


I know Dusty has gotten a lot of hate for how he's managed in his career, but I have to say I'm very happy for him. I actually don't know if I've ever rooted that hard for anyone in sports, at any point, period. So congrats, dude.

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How the hell does getting hit by a strike not get reversed?  The Astros were the better team, but goddam are they unlikable 💩 faces for all the shady stuff they consistently try to pull in literally every game of this series.  Honestly I'd cheer my team on even if they were scummy guys, but it's really hard to understand anyone getting behind this Houston team.  


The dilapidated corpse of Dusty Baker gets a ring - but honestly it's a crap organization with lousy-fair-weather fans that gave up their tickets for next-to-nothing, but they do have cool uniforms and good branding.  Championships shouldn't go to places like that.

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"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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