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2024 NFL Changes

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The Lions were so close to the perfect new uniform set. All they needed to do was ditch BFBS and have only one pants/sock option: silver pants, blue socks. They really didn't need anything else. And I agree with others who've said that while mono-blue wasn't in the official reveal, it'll most likely be the most common home combo, with all white being the most common road combo. I think these uniforms likely join the club of great in a vacuum, but ruined by poor combo choices.

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Final verdict for me:



  • Block numerals and lettering
  • No black on home/road uniforms
  • No more sleeve nonsense interrupting the stripes
  • They went for it on the black uniforms and the revised blue helmet. My biggest problem with all the prior black uniforms for the Lions was that there was never enough blue, and I always feared having a blue lion on a blue helmet would be invisible. By darkening the decals to black-and-silver, they were able to balance the look into something that actually works and is unique. The Blue/Black/Blue/Black alternate is something I hope we see.
  • Nothing specific, but these uniforms showed that the Lions had a clear vision of who they are and what they wanted to look like. They weren’t pushed around by Nike or the NFL.


  • Blue facemask. This is a personal preference and probably unpopular, but the honolulu blue facemask is just too bright/loud for me… It dominates the eye.  It’s less noticeable on the simpler masks, but when you get to the more complex lineman masks, it’s WAY too much blue (at the very least, I would like the Lions to bring back the silver masks from the throwbacks and swap them in and out like the Browns did in recent years to keep the looks fresh).
  • The chest wordmarks are too large and unnecessary, but beyond that, the wordmarks being the only italicized thing on the uniform will drive my OCD through the roof. I would have preferred a new wordmark to match this set (especially one that uses an uppercase N). 
  • Black pants. Unbalances the alternate uniform and can’t be worn with anything else. 
  • White pants. Downgrade from the normal silver pants and are over-worn. 


  • The striping pattern is a little too complex and doesn’t translate as well from the home jersey (white numbers w/silver stripes) to the road or alt uniform (blue numbers w/ blue stripes) or helmet. If they just went with the simpler | thin | thick blue | thin | thick blue | thin | stripe scheme  (or just added white/silver between the northwestern stripe of the last set) it would applicate a little better across all mediums. Do they also feel a little narrow to anyone else? I prefer the chunky width of the last set. 
  • Blue pants. The ideal scenario is two sets of blue pants – one set with the normal home stripe pattern and another to match the alternate blue helmet – but if we have to choose, I’m fine making the trade off of stripes for being able to wear them with everything.

All in all, they’re a significant upgrade from the last set and they cleaned up almost all the trouble spots. These new uniforms  get a rave review from this Lions fan…


🤌 (or, 8.9 out of 10)

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38 minutes ago, Raith said:

Shoulder striping is inconsistent. and one of the design elements they said they were going for was interchangeability/options.  Hard to do when the stripes on the pants only match a specific jersey.


That said, I really wish they would have had stripes on all versions of their pants.  But overall, the looks were very clean in person.


11 minutes ago, Dynasty said:


That makes little sense to me. Inconsistency in terms of the colors of the stripes? I don't see a huge issue with that. Teams have interchanged with them before (even the Lions themselves), plus the striping is all the same in design. I'll take different colored stripes (if the design is consistent) over no stripes at all.

The problem appears that they wish to wear blue pants both on the road and with the black jersey. But if they use the same stripe pattern as the blue jersey, it would be a silver and white stripe, whereas the new blue helmet uses a silver and black stripe. So their option was to go stripeless. I think the better option would have been to use proper stripes on the blue and white pants and only use black pants with the black jersey, but I don’t necessarily think the blue pants look bad. The white pants are unnecessary.

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Scattered thoughts on the Lions:

  • The color grading is a factor, but the white accents in the stripes really jump off the page. I like the effect, but I can see why other people would prefer the last set's color balance better.
  • You don't realize how much a mediocre custom font drags down a set until it's replaced with block. Big improvement.
  • Striping system is a success. Wish more of the pants had stripes - matching the stripes shouldn't be a problem. If the Bengals can have two sets of white pants then the Lions can have two sets of blue pants.
  • Not sure how to feel about the blue facemasks. The blue being lighter than it was the last time they had them makes it look different. Not sure I would've gone for that glossy of a finish, either.
  • At first I thought the silver pants were shinier, but I think it's just the lighting? Tough to say. Anyway, the reflective shade used on the jerseys looks great.
  • The black uniform is unnecessary, but it's competently designed. I'm not going to bother hating it.
  • I don't get the hate for the chest wordmarks. They're not obnoxiously large or anything - I'd rather they be this size than the tiny EAGLES mark that's debuting this year. I wish the blue jersey had one just to be consistent.


And my thoughts on the Texans:


There are many things that are obviously bad, but in spite of that, there are  a few smaller details that are... just as bad. Why are there three shades of blue? Why is the star subtly different than the one in their primary logo?  Why is it on the right of the H when it's on the left of the Texas flag? Why didn't they clean up that blob of red outline under the serif in the top-left corner? I'd be more willing to go along with this direction if it didn't feel like they flubbed the execution.

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7 minutes ago, BBTV said:

2. Do the pants have a little sheen to them?  Or is it the same drab flat gray?  Some of the pics make it look like they may be at least slightly metallic.


It looks like the Silver pants might:



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1 minute ago, GFB said:

Final verdict for me:



  • Block numerals and lettering
  • No black on home/road uniforms
  • No more sleeve nonsense interrupting the stripes
  • They went for it on the black uniforms and the revised blue helmet. My biggest problem with all the prior black uniforms for the Lions was that there was never enough blue, and I always feared having a blue lion on a blue helmet would be invisible. By darkening the decals to black-and-silver, they were able to balance the look into something that actually works and is unique. The Blue/Black/Blue/Black alternate is something I hope we see.
  • Nothing specific, but these uniforms showed that the Lions had a clear vision of who they are and what they wanted to look like. They weren’t pushed around by Nike or the NFL.


  • Blue facemask. This is a personal preference and probably unpopular, but the honolulu blue facemask is just too bright/loud for me… It dominates the eye.  It’s less noticeable on the simpler masks, but when you get to the more complex lineman masks, it’s WAY too much blue (at the very least, I would like the Lions to bring back the silver masks from the throwbacks and swap them in and out like the Browns did in recent years to keep the looks fresh).
  • The chest wordmarks are too large and unnecessary, but beyond that, the wordmarks being the only italicized thing on the uniform will drive my OCD through the roof. I would have preferred a new wordmark to match this set (especially one that uses an uppercase N). 
  • Black pants. Unbalances the alternate uniform and can’t be worn with anything else. 
  • White pants. Downgrade from the normal silver pants and are over-worn. 


  • The striping pattern is a little too complex and doesn’t translate as well from the home jersey (white numbers w/silver stripes) to the road or alt uniform (blue numbers w/ blue stripes) or helmet. If they just went with the simpler | thin | thick blue | thin | thick blue | thin | stripe scheme  (or just added white/silver between the northwestern stripe of the last set) it would applicate a little better across all mediums. Do they also feel a little narrow to anyone else? I prefer the chunky width of the last set. 
  • Blue pants. The ideal scenario is two sets of blue pants – one set with the normal home stripe pattern and another to match the alternate blue helmet – but if we have to choose, I’m fine making the trade off of stripes for being able to wear them with everything.

All in all, they’re a significant upgrade from the last set and they cleaned up almost all the trouble spots. These new uniforms  get a rave review from this Lions fan…


🤌 (or, 8.9 out of 10)

Honestly how I feel. I do think if they got rid of the word mark on the chest and added blue pants to the black jersey I think the contrast would’ve been better for the blue helmets. Plus no more word marks interfering with the stripes make this a win in my books. 9/10

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26 minutes ago, HOOVER said:

You're wrong here because you simplified the problem. 


One of the things I'll never get tired of around here is someone saying an opinion is wrong.



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All roads lead to Dollar General.


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10 minutes ago, HOOVER said:


It looks like the Silver pants might:



Being at the reveal party, they for sure have a silver sheen to them that is not easy to see in most of the pictures.





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5 minutes ago, SFGiants58 said:

As others have said, it’s the perfect Panthers uniform. I’m fine with it for the Lions, but would love it for the Panthers.

Looks more like a U of Buffalo Bulls uniform than anything 

i have unquantifiable corpses on my conscience 

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44 minutes ago, HOOVER said:

You're wrong here because you simplified the problem. 



No, I'm not.


44 minutes ago, HOOVER said:


- If you have stripes on the Blue pants, they don't match the Silver helmet or White jersey.  If you do decide to put stripes on the Blue pants, then they either have to match the Primary jersey stripes or the Alternate jersey stripes, or you lose a combination.  So you make them solid and you can wear them with the Home, Away, or Alternate jerseys.  

- If you have stripes on the White pants, they should match the Away jersey.  But then, technically, they don't match the helmet.  And if you want to, for some reason, wear them with the Blue or Black jerseys, you have mismatched stripes.  


So, I see why they went solid on the White, Blue and Black pants.  Not that I love it, but I get it.  In an ideal world, they wouldn't have  Blue or White pants and they wouldn't have a Black uniform, but given the design challenge, this is the solution.



You're wrong here in thinking every instance of striping within the uniform has to slavishly match every other instance.  How about this... the stripes on the blue jersey match the stripes on the blue pants. The stripes on the white jersey match the stripes on the white pants. And the stripes on the silver helmet match the stripes on the silver pants. Round of applause,  take a bow, high fives all around, end of story.

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2 hours ago, simtek34 said:

First impressions: goddamn, the Lions (almost) did it! They did a great job with this. Going off the revealed combos, this is what they should wear.





(And if they have to wear BFBS, then Blue/Black/Blue/Black) 


I hope to god we see White on Silver with Blue socks at some point, but I'm worried it's not gonna happen. And considering we didn't see Blue on Blue at all, I have some hope that the Blueberry won't be seen.


From the rest of the revealed combos, the less Black on Black and White on White we see, the better.

I’m worried about the lack of white-over-silver too. Of course, when they wore that combo last year they insisted on wearing those stupid white socks. I can’t wait till the 🥶 trend goes away, or at least shifts to something that looks like actual ice 🧊. I could go for a light, icy silvery-blue joining somebody’s color scheme (although if the Broncos do that as rumored, it will no doubt look awful).  

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5 minutes ago, oldschoolvikings said:


No, I'm not.



You're wrong here in thinking every instance of striping within the uniform has to slavishly match every other instance.  How about this... the stripes on the blue jersey match the stripes on the blue pants. The stripes on the white jersey match the stripes on the white pants. And the stripes on the silver helmet match the stripes on the silver pants. Round of applause,  take a bow, high fives all around, end of story.

I agree with you, that's how I would do it.  But when the team wants a Blue helmet with Black/Silver stripes to wear with a Black jersey, you can't wear Blue pants with Silver/White stripes.  So, you either have 2 pairs of Blue pants, each with different stripe colors, or you have one pair of Blue pants with no stripes you can wear with the Blue, White, or Black jersey.

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23 minutes ago, Raith said:

Being at the reveal party, they for sure have a silver sheen to them that is not easy to see in most of the pictures.





I just listened to some of the videos taken from the reveal event, and the female interviewer did comment that the Silver pants have a sheen to them again.

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