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What is the best "new" NFL Rivalry?

Brave-Bird 08

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I don't really see Falcons vs Eagles as much of a rivalry at all. I don't know anyone around here who gets any more excited about watching that game than they would watching them play the Bucs or 49ers or some other non-division non-elite team.

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Falcons-Buccaneers could become a big rivalry, but for now the only real good rivalary the Falcons have is the Saints. I contend its the best rivalary nobody talks about. These teams have been going at it 45 years now, and even when both were terrible, which was mopst their 40 year histories they wanted to beat each other.



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Ravens/Steelers and Jets/Patriots are really the top ones going right now in my eyes. I don't really watch NFL outside of what the Eagles are doing, but I watched most of last night's Ravens/Steelers game just because of the recent history between the two teams and how much they legitimately despise eachother. Most "rivalries" are just between fans, and the players couldn't care less. Match ups like these (and a few others) are legit feuds between teams and in some cases coaches.

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Why are there two totally separate threads for this? I was just confused not to see my reply here but that's because it was in the other one.

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No love for Redskins Cowboys?

What about that rivalry is "new?"

I think he was referring to the "We all know about..." part of the original post, and I agree. When I think Cowboys, I think Redskins and not 49ers. That was a rivalry from 1981 until the mid-90s only, while the 'Skins rivalry goes back many decades. But I'm off-topic. If you count the Ravens as a new franchise, and I guess technically they are, then Stealers-Ravens is the best new rivalry.

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I think up until this year, the Colts and Patriots were fun. Of course you had Manning v. Brady, but those 2 teams were annually flirting with 10-0, 11-0 seasons. The amount of weapons each team had and the way they could just find players and make them look great was incredible.

Other than that, I think the Raves and Steelers have a nice thing going. Not just because they are divisional rivals, but they are both built on a strong defense that can regularly win games for them if needed. They have some weapons on offense, but they aren't considered the really big guns in the league (I guess Ray Rice could be the exception). They both have quarterbacks who aren't the most talented, but are just asked to manage a game. Don't turn the ball over TOO much, don't make TOO many mistakes, just keep the offense somewhat consistent while the defense slams the door.



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Most "rivalries" are just between fans, and the players couldn't care less.

True and the worst part about it is that some fans take that :censored: way too seriously. When I lived in Syracuse, I would go to the local bar that catered to Browns fans and a few other teams to watch the game every week. At least one actual fist fight broke out almost every week. Steelers fans would start trouble with Browns fans and vice versa. And it wasn't limited to just fans of those two teams. I saw Vikings fans fight with Packers fans, Cowboys fans fight with just about anyone, and so on. Without fail, it always started as "good natured ribbing" and ended up getting violent. All of which I'd be happy to write off as just drunk idiots acting like drunk idiots if it weren't for the fact that 99% of the fights were over "defending the honor of their teams."






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Most "rivalries" are just between fans, and the players couldn't care less.

True and the worst part about it is that some fans take that :censored: way too seriously. When I lived in Syracuse, I would go to the local bar that catered to Browns fans and a few other teams to watch the game every week. At least one actual fist fight broke out almost every week. Steelers fans would start trouble with Browns fans and vice versa. And it wasn't limited to just fans of those two teams. I saw Vikings fans fight with Packers fans, Cowboys fans fight with just about anyone, and so on. Without fail, it always started as "good natured ribbing" and ended up getting violent. All of which I'd be happy to write off as just drunk idiots acting like drunk idiots if it weren't for the fact that 99% of the fights were over "defending the honor of their teams."

Right, but the second part of my post was explaining why the modern Steelers/Ravens and Jets/Pats rivalries are so good, and that's because the players and coaches seem to actually feel the same way as the fans do. Same with Eagles/Giants. They legitimately seem to hate each other, which in this era of unions, free agency, TV commercials, etc., is becoming more and more rare. Of course, it also helps when both teams are really good. No matter how much you might hate another helmet, lopsided matchups are only rivalries from the underdog's perspective.

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Best "new" rivalry? Define rivalry.

I don't think you can truly have a rivalry unless you play a team on a regular basis. Now, with the NFL schedule formula being what it is, teams often wind up playing non- division conference opponents in their conference rather often (Falcons-Eagles, 49ers-Lions, Saints-Bears, whatever). But for my money, the only true rivalry is going to be with one or more teams in your division.

That being said, the 1993-2002 period of expansion, team relocation and divisional realignment has led to some good "new" rivalries.

-- Steelers-Ravens is no doubt the first that comes to mind. In a way, it's sort of taken the place of the old Browns-Steelers rivalry, mainly because the Ravens (on the whole) have been the more competitive team since the Cleveland/Baltimore move/expansion.

-- The whole NFC South thing also comes into effect, as jayjackson has mentioned. Saints-Falcons is a great "old" rivalry as Tank pointed out, and while Carolina was in the "old" NFC west with those two, all match-ups other than Saints-Falcons can be considered new rivalries: Saints-Bucs has certainly become a good new rivalry, Saints-Panthers is pretty big, Falcons-Panthers, Falcons-Bucs, Panthers-Bucs, etc.. It also helps that the division is always pretty tight and the division winner seems to rotate on an almost even basis.

-- Don't really have a feel for the whole NFC West "new rivalries" deal. Don't know if it's because since the division entered its current incarnation in 2002 a couple of teams have either been occasionally way up (Super Bowl Seahawks and Cards) or as in last year, all being way down. Maybe it's because this division is the NFC's equivalent of the "Island of Lost Toys"-- teams spread far apart geographically and with no joint history...

-- Nor do I get a sense of the AFC South rivalries deal. Up 'till this year, Indy has dominated that division since the 2002 realignment.

-- Patriots-Jets: is this really a "new" rivalry? They have been in the same division since before the merger. Is it considered a "new" rivalry just because they're both pretty good at the same time?

It is what it is.

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-- Patriots-Jets: is this really a "new" rivalry? They have been in the same division since before the merger. Is it considered a "new" rivalry just because they're both pretty good at the same time?

It's been a pretty consistant rivalry going back about 15 years ago when Bill Parcells left New England and brought key players (Curtis Martin) with him to New York -- continued with the Bill Belichick head coaching saga in 2000 -- and also had legs with Eric Mangini and "handshake-gate" several years back. The NYJ-NE rivalry has picked up again recently because the Jets are again competitivie, Rex's mouth, 44-0, and last year's playoff game.

So yeah, the Jets-Pats rivalry is not totally fresh, but the same can be said for the Steelers-Ravens rivalry. IIRC, Pittsburgh had their fair share of run-ins with the Ravens back when they were called the Cleveland Browns.


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