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NHL Stadium Series Jerseys


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I'm ambivalent towards these new sweaters. Nothing too offensive, nothing too great either. I do think they'd be better without the chrome logos though. I was hoping the Ducks might use a different number font, as I'm not a fan of what they currently use. Oh well..

Question: Why the hate for the OC patch?

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At first sight, I'm a bit underwhelmed by the Ducks jersey, although I don't hate it. The chrome logo doesn't really work but it somehow doesn't look as terrible as it does on t-shirts. That said, seeing the webfoot D on orange makes me appreciate the current brand a bit more - I mean, there's only so much boring black and gold that I can take. An orange jersey was going to happen eventually, so I guess now's as good a time as any to bring one in. But here, I'm not sure if it's too much orange or too little of anything else. It could've used a shoulder yoke or some hemstripes to fill it out. Somehow I don't think the black side panels are enough, or even necessary.

Now, it might be because I'm not a local fan but I'm just not feeling the OC shoulder patch. I can see what the two teams were going for here with an LA vs OC thing, but to me it feels disconnected from the team identity. I know, the team uses orange as a colour because Orange County, and the team draws its fanbase primarily from Orange County. But this is equivalent to the Sharks sticking an arbitrary Santa Clara County shoulder patch on their uniform. Why not something more relevant to the Ducks identity, like a duck mask shoulder patch or an AD monogram?

I think the Kings fared off slightly better here. The striping is spot on. Grey is an odd choice for a base colour, yet somehow it works well. Again, the chrome logo is a letdown, but then I don't really like that Kings logo to begin with.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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I didn't quite share the "Ugh, chrome? RAWR, bad!" opinion that was floating around here prior to the unveilings...........but jeez does that Ducks logo look bad. The Isles' logo is okay, the Kings' logo works, but the Ducks'....should've left that alone.

It's refreshing to (finally) see the Ducks in orange, but something seems a bit off...it looks kind of empty.

Tradition is the foundation of innovation, and not the enemy.

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As I keep coming back here and staring at the jersey every 15 minutes or so, this occurred to me.

The D on the front is chrome. But the OC, which is done in the same style as the D is normally, is not chrome. It creates a bit of a disconnect. Now I'm not a huge fan of the chrome, but if they're going to do it, go all out. Chrome the logo, chrome the shoulder patch, hell, chrome the numbers. The Kings are ok in that department because their silver is a metallic thread so it kind of falls in line, but not so much on the Ducks.

Maybe the authentic will have some metallic-ness to the shoulder patch since it won't be that plastic garbage, but eh.



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Kings: Not bad at all. It looks pretty good for an experimental attempt at something different. They went with a silver jersey and......well I don't know if they nailed it, but they definitely did a fine job, no doubt.

Ducks: It's not the best of the bunch, but I'm fairly confident that it will look good in full uni, when the Ducks hit the ice. I also don't mind the trend of laces being tied in a bow from the inside. If you're going to try something different, these are the jerseys to try them out on...

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I just realized why I don't like the Ducks' sweater. It reminds me a lot of the North Stars:


The NHL really doesn't need anymore unoriginal ripoffs of other teams' looks. Also, the "OC" shoulder patch is awkward and way too horizontal.

Careful, you might hurt yourself reaching.


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That Ducks shoulder patch.

How cute, Orange County thinks they are people.

I was in class when I saw the Ducks shoulder patch and I burst out laughing. Sorry, Ducks fans.

This is something we're still going to do? OK then. Don't be sorry. I mean why on earth would a team want to appeal to a large majority of its fanbase? The horror!

Well, I thought you guys didn't like being referred to as "The OC" so I didn't expect it to go over too well with Ducks fans.

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I don't really mind all the orange in the Ducks' jersey, but if I had a time machine, and could only use it for strictly trivial purposes, I'd travel back to when Southern California was being settled, and convince everyone to plant eggplants instead of oranges. And since the Gold Rush worked up north, maybe mine for some jade, as well.

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That Ducks shoulder patch.

How cute, Orange County thinks they are people.

I was in class when I saw the Ducks shoulder patch and I burst out laughing. Sorry, Ducks fans.

This is something we're still going to do? OK then. Don't be sorry. I mean why on earth would a team want to appeal to a large majority of its fanbase? The horror!

Well, I thought you guys didn't like being referred to as "The OC" so I didn't expect it to go over too well with Ducks fans.

Well the "uppity" OC people don't like it, the rest of us could care less. We live in Orange County. The problem is not so much being referred to as "The OC", as much as it's in some people's mind being labeled as airheads/stupid people from Laguna Beach, that's the problem.



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I just realized why I don't like the Ducks' sweater. It reminds me a lot of the North Stars:


The NHL really doesn't need anymore unoriginal ripoffs of other teams' looks. Also, the "OC" shoulder patch is awkward and way too horizontal.


PotD May 11th, 2011
looooooogodud: June 7th 2010 - July 5th 2012


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That Ducks shoulder patch.

How cute, Orange County thinks they are people.

I was in class when I saw the Ducks shoulder patch and I burst out laughing. Sorry, Ducks fans.

This is something we're still going to do? OK then. Don't be sorry. I mean why on earth would a team want to appeal to a large majority of its fanbase? The horror!

Well, I thought you guys didn't like being referred to as "The OC" so I didn't expect it to go over too well with Ducks fans.

Well the "uppity" OC people don't like it, the rest of us could care less. We live in Orange County. The problem is not so much being referred to as "The OC", as much as it's in some people's mind being labeled as airheads/stupid people from Laguna Beach, that's the problem.

Right. There's a big difference between simply "OC" and "The OC".



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That Ducks shoulder patch.

How cute, Orange County thinks they are people.

I was in class when I saw the Ducks shoulder patch and I burst out laughing. Sorry, Ducks fans.

This is something we're still going to do? OK then. Don't be sorry. I mean why on earth would a team want to appeal to a large majority of its fanbase? The horror!

Well, I thought you guys didn't like being referred to as "The OC" so I didn't expect it to go over too well with Ducks fans.

Well the "uppity" OC people don't like it, the rest of us could care less. We live in Orange County. The problem is not so much being referred to as "The OC", as much as it's in some people's mind being labeled as airheads/stupid people from Laguna Beach, that's the problem.

Right. There's a big difference between simply "OC" and "The OC".

Still, there's no reason to use either. Just say Orange County.

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That Ducks shoulder patch.

How cute, Orange County thinks they are people.

I was in class when I saw the Ducks shoulder patch and I burst out laughing. Sorry, Ducks fans.

This is something we're still going to do? OK then. Don't be sorry. I mean why on earth would a team want to appeal to a large majority of its fanbase? The horror!

Well, I thought you guys didn't like being referred to as "The OC" so I didn't expect it to go over too well with Ducks fans.

Well the "uppity" OC people don't like it, the rest of us could care less. We live in Orange County. The problem is not so much being referred to as "The OC", as much as it's in some people's mind being labeled as airheads/stupid people from Laguna Beach, that's the problem.

Right. There's a big difference between simply "OC" and "The OC".

Still, there's no reason to use either. Just say Orange County.

On a shoulder patch?

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