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Here's my outsider's opinion of O.Co.

It's a complete dump. If you go into the stadium from the BART station, you have to cross a narrow pedestrian bridge that has a big choke point in the middle where a gate locks. That choke point, as well as all along the sides of the bridge, have so many people with bootleg merchandise sprawled out that it takes a good twenty minutes to make it through the mosh pit. Oh, and that bridge crosses over a sewage runoff channel.

As you go down ramps to get to the main concourse, you encounter the metal detectors that they use for Raider games stacked against the wall surrounded by caution tape. At the same time, the extra seats for when the Raiders play? They're randomly thrown in a few piles in the parking lot.

The main concourse, when you finally get to it, is so cramped that even if you show up early, it takes forever to get to your seat because of people loitering or relatively short lines extending three-quarters of the way across.

The seating itself, especially if you're in the first few rows, is so far down from the concourse that by the time you get down that far, it's not even worth going back for any sort of food.

The view with Mt. Davis is atrocious, as is the fact that the areas surrounding both foul poles consists of a giant staircase to nowhere. And that tarp that they cover the upper deck with? It's already completely stained and faded.

Oh, and the scoreboards? They were out of date in 1992 and completely microscopic.

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Read that this morning in the SF Chronicle. Yeah pretty much Mayor Quan, the Oakland City Council and the Coliseum Joint Powers Authority are all nitwits. By the way Mark Davis shouldn't be owning a pro sports franchise much less anything else.

Am I the only one who sees how similar these two look?


Did Al Davis marry his cousin, it looks like some inbreeding there.

Ask yourselves, do you really want a guy with a Bam-Bam haircut running anything?



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The Raiders just yesterday released something to the effect that they're working on a deal to demolish the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum and put up new stadia for the A's and Raiders on the site. By 2018.

To which someone in the City of Oakland said something to the effect of it's either a bluff, or "they're on crack."

You can't help but laugh.


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The Oakland City Council approved an amended lease to which the JPA approved last week. City Council President Patricia Kernighan, who is not seeking re-election this fall, was the one who authored the amendments to the lease. The vote was 5-2-1 with Councilwoman Desley Brooks abstaining.

The city claims that the amendments do not change the financials within the lease which the JPA approved.

The Alameda County Board of Supervisors, who have yet to discuss the JPA approved lease, does not meet until July 29.

So all parties are still where they were when the season started...nowhere.

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They have had that website up since August, so in terms of finally a start, I'd say No.


"Breathtaking" and "Cutting Edge" are typically synonyms for expensive in sport facility terms and nobody seems interested in giving the Rays neither land nor money to assist in construction, this is just the cost of a domain name. 

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22 hours ago, Dolphins Dynasty said:

"How do you imagine your ballpark?"


One that isn't a dome.

Sorry, but there are ways to have a roof that lets the light in.  Look at that new Vikings stadium, and ive even heard that that clear material can support grass growth with the sunlight.  A retractable roof that will be used sparingly is an increased cost that isn't needed.


Add some ability to allow fresh air inside and I'm good.

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53 minutes ago, AstroBull21 said:

Sorry, but there are ways to have a roof that lets the light in.  Look at that new Vikings stadium, and ive even heard that that clear material can support grass growth with the sunlight.  A retractable roof that will be used sparingly is an increased cost that isn't needed.


Add some ability to allow fresh air inside and I'm good.

I wonder if a design similar to the new Atlanta stadium could be done for baseball.  I think a roof like that would look great in Tampa.





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1 hour ago, AstroBull21 said:

Sorry, but there are ways to have a roof that lets the light in.  Look at that new Vikings stadium, and ive even heard that that clear material can support grass growth with the sunlight.  A retractable roof that will be used sparingly is an increased cost that isn't needed.


Add some ability to allow fresh air inside and I'm good.


I meant a completely enclosed dome, like Tropicana Field itself.

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