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2023 NFL Regular Season Through Super Bowl LVIII

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7 hours ago, FiddySicks said:

Also, just to be fair, a lot of my frustration stems from legit DECADES of the Niners missing out on that kind of guy due to a combination of some really dumb luck, and some really dumbass decision making on their part (Everything from taking Alex Smith over Rodgers to not pursuing Brady harder when he was just right there for the taking). 


I think you're letting this emotion dictate your critique of Purdy too much. Jimmy G and Purdy are far from the same QB. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely disappointed in this entire team (I was shouting way worse at them on my TV screen last night), but bringing in Jimmy G comparisons feel unwarranted. The term "game manager" has just lost its meaning at this point. There are two terms thrown at quarterbacks that the media decides to hate on: "game manager" if you're mostly a pocket passer, and "running back" if you're more mobile. Both terms are way overused (and "game manager" objectively should describe every quarterback).

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14 minutes ago, TBGKon said:

I bet if you counted from coin toss to final whistle she was on the screen for maybe no more than 2 minutes total.  Did you complain when Jay Z, Martha Stewart, Lebron, and others were on the screen too?


The Taylor Swift stuff is super weird.


It was novel at the beginning of the season, but she's the biggest touring American pop star. Of course she'll be on screen -- for essentially no time at all.


Also, she was huge for women coming to watch the game. Women I knew were significantly more interested than they otherwise would have been.

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1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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20 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

The Taylor Swift stuff is super weird.


Can someone explain to me why using Taylor Swift in cutaway shots is the worst thing to happen to the NFL since...well, ever?

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1 hour ago, ruttep said:


I think you're letting this emotion dictate your critique of Purdy too much. Jimmy G and Purdy are far from the same QB. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely disappointed in this entire team (I was shouting way worse at them on my TV screen last night), but bringing in Jimmy G comparisons feel unwarranted. The term "game manager" has just lost its meaning at this point. There are two terms thrown at quarterbacks that the media decides to hate on: "game manager" if you're mostly a pocket passer, and "running back" if you're more mobile. Both terms are way overused (and "game manager" objectively should describe every quarterback).

Thats ironic, because I’ve spent the last 30 years of my life having “discussions” with Niners fans who do just that in order to prop their guy up (I once had a heated conversation with a Niners fan about how Giovanni Carmazzi was “for sure gonna be the guy”🙄). 

And I’m not even saying Purdy is just another one of those guys. He’s been very solid for them and played a lot of “mistake free football”. I bring up the Jimmy G comparisons because I heard a helluva lot of that early in his Niners tenure, too. The shine wore off pretty quickly though. 

Niners window is probably pretty close to closing. They have an old roster with a ton of miles on their already banged up playmakers, and little cap room. I’m mainly just worried that they’re going to go into next season (which I think is their very last legitimate shot with this core) and they’re gonna have all of the same problems and questions they do now. Or worse, the league starts to figure out Brock Purdy a bit better, then the Niners are right back where they were in 2014-15.  


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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5 minutes ago, FiddySicks said:

Thats ironic, because I’ve spent the last 30 years of my life having “discussions” with Niners fans who do just that in order to prop their guy up (I once had a heated conversation with a Niners fan about how Giovanni Carmazzi was “for sure gonna be the guy”🙄). 

And I’m not even saying Purdy is just another one of those guys. He’s been very solid for them and played a lot of “mistake free football”. I bring up the Jimmy G comparisons because I heard a helluva lot of that early in his Niners tenure, too. The shine wore off pretty quickly though. 

Niners window is probably pretty close to closing. They have an old roster with a ton of miles on their already banged up playmakers, and little cap room. I’m mainly just worried that they’re going to go into next season (which I think is their very last legitimate shot with this core) and they’re gonna have all of the same problems and questions they do now. Or worse, the league starts to figure out Brock Purdy a bit better, then the Niners are right back where they were in 2014-15.  


I'll be honest, I don't think I'll ever be able to completely take emotion out of my thoughts on the 49ers. Especially not pertaining to a game and a season like this one. I appreciate the outsider's perspective that you bring, even if I don't agree with it. You're right in that our window is only open for so long. Trent Williams has not-so-subtly hinted that next season is likely his last. CMC's decline is gonna hit eventually. I don't know how much more George Kittle has left in the tank. I agree that this team is going to be pretty similar next season, and I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. They are objectively good enough to win a Super Bowl, that game was essentially a coin flip. I know the decline is coming eventually, which just makes the ending of each season that much more brutal.

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2 hours ago, Luigi74 said:

Right now Mahomes is on the level with Bradshaw and Montana, even though he has one less ring than them. 

Tell me you’ve never ever seen Terry Bradshaw play without telling me you’ve never seen Terry Bradshaw play. 

Come on dawg.   If Mahomes never played another down, no sane person would rank him equal or below Bradshaw. 

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12 minutes ago, BBTV said:

Tell me you’ve never ever seen Terry Bradshaw play without telling me you’ve never seen Terry Bradshaw play. 

Come on dawg.   If Mahomes never played another down, no sane person would rank him equal or below Bradshaw. 


Not even Bradshaw himself.  

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Regarding Purdy, game manager is a pretty accurate description. Let’s remember though when it comes to game managers: even Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson have rings.

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First off, yeah, lol @ Bradshaw. Second, It’s comparing a guy’s first seven years with other guys entire careers. It’s insane.  I mean, I guess people can use whatever criteria they want for GOAT conversations and Mahomes does need a bit more longevity, imo, but his resume through his first seven years is unmatched and, frankly, nobody is all that close. He’s well on his way.

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32 minutes ago, BBTV said:

Tell me you’ve never ever seen Terry Bradshaw play without telling me you’ve never seen Terry Bradshaw play. 

Come on dawg.   If Mahomes never played another down, no sane person would rank him equal or below Bradshaw. 

It's about winning not stats, Bradshaw won 4, was MVP in 2 of them, and beat historic defenses in 3 of them.

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Not much to add at this point that hasn't been said. I'm rooting against KC moving forward. They've gotten rings and have become a new dynasty when we could be benefitting from an age of parity, or at the very least, more teams playing for titles besides San Francisco and them. 


I tire of their faces and while the first two were fine, this one has been the limit. I'm sure though Mahomes gets at least one more in this decade and continues the comparison talk to Brady, which is kinda weird because once New England was finally done I was more confident we'd need to wait at least another decade or two before we'd see a team get to a Super Bowl a bunch of times within a decade or so.

Was it a good game? No. But it was a fun one and I guess that's all we can ask for. 

"And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday." 

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2 hours ago, LMU said:

Regarding Purdy, game manager is a pretty accurate description. Let’s remember though when it comes to game managers: even Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson have rings.


Trent Dilfer sucked.  Brad Johnson might be a better comparison, at least right now.  I think that as long as Shanahan is around, Purdy will have a better career than Brad Johnson and become more than just a "game manager", but for now that's probably where he's at.


I haven't thought of Brad Johnson in a long time, but I think Purdy's decision making may be even better (though he does tend to make at least one insane cross-body cross-field backfoot pass (that should be picked) each game.)  His mobility is also better than what I thought it was.  


1 hour ago, BottomlessPitt said:

Comparing eras is subjective. If you put Brady or Mahomes in the 70's and 80's and they have to play by the standard rules of those eras, they might be taken out on a stretcher. 


Doing it in the salary-cap era is more impressive to me, though I can't ding anyone for excelling within the rules of their time.


I just think that Bradshaw's job was more "don't lose the game" (more than that, but kinda that), while their defense was winning the games.  He also had HOFers at RB and WR, and basically the whole defense.

I have nothing against Bradshaw, but he wasn't much more than Brad Johnson but on a team full of HOFers.  I'll stick by my guns that no rational person would say that Terry Bradshaw > Patrick Mahomes.  


If we were starting a new league where players from all time could be drafted (while in their primes), there's no draft in which Bradshaw is selected ahead of Mahomes.  None.  I'm not sure there's many scenarios in which 3 QBs are selected ahead of him, unless someone's seen the old timers like Unitas or Staubach and feels they were better in their primes than Mahomes is right now.

If Mahomes retired today, the Sandy Kofax exception would apply, and he'd be in the HOF.  Without question.

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Putting Bradshaw on Pat's level is obviously silly, but calling Bradshaw a game manager is simple ignorance (no offense meant) of how that Steelers team operated. Terry was a menace come playoff time, called his own plays, and was the leader of that locker room. Once the Mel Blount Rule was implemented halfway through his career he started slinging the football, the Steelers offense scores 35 and 31 in back-to-back Super Bowls, he wins MVP both times, and wins the regular season MVP in '78.

With that said, he did greatly benefit from a being in a fantastic situation. Put him on the 70s Patriots and he isn't making the HOF.  But he was most definitely not just along for the ride. Compare the tapes of Bradshaw in Super Bowl XIII with Brad Johnson in XXXVII. It's night and day.

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1 hour ago, BBTV said:

Doing it in the salary-cap era is more impressive to me


People always say this, but the salary cap hasn't been much of an obstacle for dynasties at all. They're worse than they were before the cap. We just went from 20 years of the Patriots to the next 20 years of the Chiefs with no break in between. And it's just as malleable as the NBA's salary cap in practice. Look at the hoops that Saints have been jumping through to magically stay compliant every offseason for the past 12 years.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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4 hours ago, BBTV said:

Tell me you’ve never ever seen Terry Bradshaw play without telling me you’ve never seen Terry Bradshaw play. 

Come on dawg.   If Mahomes never played another down, no sane person would rank him equal or below Bradshaw. 


In Bradshaw's defense, he played in an era when this stuff was common.



If someone did any of that to Mahomes, they'd probably be suspended for life.

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6 hours ago, infrared41 said:


Can someone explain to me why using Taylor Swift in cutaway shots is the worst thing to happen to the NFL since...well, ever?

 I mean, I think you know exactly why people find it off putting. It’s the commodification. These two had some mutual interest in each other and as soon as that got public everyone pounced on it like piranhas, and have spent the entire season trying to cram these stories down our throats in an attempt to make every single dollar they can off of it. It’s just yet another example of how empty and meaningless so much of our society has become always been. People date, I don’t need a sales pitch or a reminder of the effects it has on the bottom line. 


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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6 hours ago, TBGKon said:

I bet if you counted from coin toss to final whistle she was on the screen for maybe no more than 2 minutes total.  Did you complain when Jay Z, Martha Stewart, Lebron, and others were on the screen too?

LeBron or Jay-Z were on screen maybe once during whole game? And Swift was almost every single time when Chiefs had possession or right after Kelce was shown. C'mon, It's a Super Bowl not Swift Bowl.


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1 hour ago, BBTV said:

I have nothing against Bradshaw, but he wasn't much more than Brad Johnson but on a team full of HOFers.


Tell me you've never seen Terry Bradshaw play without telling me you've never seen Terry Bradshaw play. I was there and he was much more than "Brad Johnson but on a team full of HOFers."

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