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NHL Jersey Discussion - 08-09 3rds

oakland ehs

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This coming from someone who's team name is the Flyers? Please explain to me what a Flyer is other than a made up word. Are we really questioning the authenticity of a logo in a league where you can find a penguin carrying a stick, a shark eating a hockey stick, a blue maple leaf or a team named the Kings that wore a queen's crown on their chest for over a decade? God forbid the Hurricanes do such a thing!

fly·er [flahy-er] Pronunciation Key


1. Textiles.

a. a rotating device that adds twist to the slubbing or roving and winds the stock onto a spindle or bobbin in a uniform manner.

b. a similar device for adding twist to yarn.

Main Entry:fli·er audio.gif

Variant(s):also fly·er \ˈflī(-ə)r\


Date:15th century

1: one that flies; specifically : airman

2: a reckless or speculative venture ?usually used in the phrase take a flier

3 usually flyer : an advertising circular

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Rumour has it that the Flyers were named after the Edmonton Flyers - who featured an airplane as their logo. I don't see the big deal with their name. They have a great logo and identity. Hockey logo's featuring wings are a very traditional theme as well.

As for Carolina I don't see the big deal with their name and logo making sense. Theyre not an original six team or anything. What difference does their name make with such a short history? How many people really know what a gale force wind warning flag looks like anyways?

That said the shoulder logo is pretty lame. Anyone that actually gets excited by it has to be a logo fanatic. There's nothing about it that makes it a classic.


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I don't like all these non-Flyers fans assuming where the name came from.


"...It was July 12th of 1966 that the details of the name the team contest was released. Ballots were available from Acme grocery stores. Top prize was a 21" colour TV, second and third prizes were a pair of season tickets and there were also 100 prizes of a pair of tickets. Behind the scenes, the team was also thinking of team name ideas. Quakers and Ramblers were considered, but they had connotations if one of the worst teams in NHL history and of the minor leagues. "Liberty Bells" were deeply considered, but there was a race track with that name. Other names considered were Lancers, Raiders, Knights, Sabres, Huskies, Blizzards, Bashers, Bruisers and Keystones.

It was on a trip back from a Broadway play that Ed Snider's sister, Phyllis, had the "eureka" moment of naming the team the "Flyers". It captured the speed of the game, had nice alliteration and would be short and nice to fit into headlines..."

"...Next, it was time to design the logo and jersey. Mel Richman Inc., a Philadelphia advertising firm was hired for that job where Tom Paul was the head of the project. It was artist Sam Ciccone that drew the logo. Four stylized wings attached to a slanted P with an orange dot to represent a puck. There were other designs, including a winged skate, but the winged P was by far the obvious choice. It was also Ciccone that designed the jersey to go with the logo. A stripe down each shoulder and down the arms also represented wings. The concept of the logo and jersey was the representation for speed..."


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Seriously, what do you care if the Carolina staff have to haul around a few pounds more of equipment?

Why would they need to do that? Their alt jersey will be worn only 15 times out of 85 this year, most of the time it will be at home. The extra set of shorts/helmet/gloves will be shelved until they are used. Unless of course, they dumped the red pants. Maybe everybody's unaware of that.

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I don't like all these non-Flyers fans assuming where the name came from.

It was on a trip back from a Broadway play that Ed Snider's sister, Phyllis, had the "eureka" moment of naming the team the "Flyers". It captured the speed of the game, had nice alliteration and would be short and nice to fit into headlines..."

I think it's on the 25th Anniversary video that Ed Snider eludes to the "flying down the ice" aspect of the name. To add to what's been said (and to hopefully stop the misnomer among people not familiar with the team) it has nothing to do whatsoever with planes, pilots or anything aeronautical. I think we would have seen the spelling as fliers had that been the case...

JerseyDatabase.com - I'm that guy...

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Sabres third jersey photo confirmed.

The blue on the logo is actually the same shade as the jersey. The different fabrics made it stand out more in the photo.

Well then, I'd say we're 2-1 on the third jerseys so far. That Boston one just isn't very inspired, is it?

Closed circuit to the Buffalo Sabres: you don't HAVE to put numbers on the front, you know.

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Sabres third jersey photo confirmed.

The blue on the logo is actually the same shade as the jersey. The different fabrics made it stand out more in the photo.

Well then, I'd say we're 2-1 on the third jerseys so far. That Boston one just isn't very inspired, is it?

Closed circuit to the Buffalo Sabres: you don't HAVE to put numbers on the front, you know.

There was the big idea that the NHL was considering front numbers mandatory...not sure if anything else panned out. It also might have went the way of tucking in the jerseys too.

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Sabres third jersey photo confirmed.

The blue on the logo is actually the same shade as the jersey. The different fabrics made it stand out more in the photo.

Well then, I'd say we're 2-1 on the third jerseys so far. That Boston one just isn't very inspired, is it?

Closed circuit to the Buffalo Sabres: you don't HAVE to put numbers on the front, you know.

There was the big idea that the NHL was considering front numbers mandatory...not sure if anything else panned out. It also might have went the way of tucking in the jerseys too.

Having front numbers NOT mandatory but still slapping them on occasional throwbacks that (obviously) never had them in the first place makes little sense to me, but oh, well.

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I think the Sabres look very good.They would have been better without the piping, but they're still good. The one thing that I think will bug me is that even though the pants will be the same color, the striping on the pants will be contrasting with the jersey striping.

The Bruins seems like it may be similar to the Blackhawks third. A black jersey that is solid, but will be boring with the all-black look. The lack of the hem stripe makes it even less interesting.


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It's truly amazing to me how a simple thing as leaving off the gold waist trim seen in the prototype photos


immediately changes this from potentially one of the coolest looking jerseys in the entire league into a stupid looking, overpriced sweatshirt.


He looks like he's saying;

"Yo, this would look awesome tucked in!!!"

I hate Reebok to no end.

I have two issues with the Hurricanes new alt. The grey on black shoulder logos are quite baffling. Why wouldn't they use the colored version?

Also, the grey on black waist stripe just isn't right at all. The hurricane warning flag is red with a black center. Shouldn't that be a given that you can't change? Now it's lost it's meaning and is just a dull colored geometric stripe.

Other than the greying out of those two elements, I like that one much better than most, especially since the Hurricane Flag is now the primary, which diminishes the stupidity of the upside down main logo.



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?You don?t like to see 20 kids punching 20 other kids. But it?s not a disgrace, It?s hockey.? - Michael Farber

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