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Which Teams' Caps Are Worn The Most Where You're From?


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Detroit Tigers caps are everywhere in Toledo.

I mean it's basically the last Ohio city before you reach Michigan, so it's understandable. But damn. hah.



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New York Yankees caps are damn-near everywhere in the UK. And only because of its "gangsta" appeal. :rolleyes: And this is despite the fact that nobody cares about baseball over here.

In addition to that, a couple of other random MLB teams including the Braves, White Sox and Dodgers sometimes pop up. I also see EPL teams West Ham United, Arsenal and Manchester United on a regular basis.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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I live in Western Massachusetts, and by law you have to wear a Red Sox cap (usually an authentic, but a fashion Red Sox cap works). However, if you're Hispanic (and therefore outnumbered 100-1), you MUST wear a Yankees cap - usually a fashion cap.

People are weird, but I've got my Red Sox cap.

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Hmmm...interesting. I'd say of the time I spent between down home, Pittsburgh, Baltimore/DC and now central Indiana, the ones I've actually seen the most (disregarding the Yankees) are those of the Pittsburgh Pirates and Cincinnati Reds. That probably has more to do with the color than anything, though. And oddly enough, even when I was in Pittsburgh, I really never saw many Steelers caps (other than the draft hats) worn by anyone. Always found that strange, especially with as rabid as Steeler Nation is.

Someone mentioned upthread that the Colorado Rockies cap is quite popular in the B'more area. I know that has to do with the color...this should go without saying, but purple is quite the popular color around here.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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I live in Kentucky, a college sports state. By far the two most common caps are KENTUCKY and LOUISVILLE.

Pro sports loyalty in this state is literally all over the map. In general, people in western Kentucky (Murray, Paducah) relate to St. Louis, in northern Kentucky (Lexington, Covington) to Cincinnati, in the Louisville area to Indianapolis, and in southern Kentucky (Bowling Green) to Nashville. Not sure about eastern Kentucky. But any and all pro sports are dwarfed by what happens with UK, and to a lesser extent, with U of L. As someone who appreciates MLB and the NFL, it's frustrating.

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New York Yankees caps are damn-near everywhere in the UK. And only because of its "gangsta" appeal. :rolleyes: And this is despite the fact that nobody cares about baseball over here.

In addition to that, a couple of other random MLB teams including the Braves, White Sox and Dodgers sometimes pop up. I also see EPL teams West Ham United, Arsenal and Manchester United on a regular basis.

True dat. It's almost exclusively Yankees in my area, mostly worn by under-25s. I'd guess that 99% of the people wearing it would have no idea that the Yankees are even a team, let alone what sport they play.

I also see a fair few EPL caps, but it tends to be Wolves and Aston Villa mainly (not surprising in the area I live).

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I live in south Arlington, so there are a ton of Rangers caps around. Cowboys come in a close second, with the University of Texas, Dallas Mavericks and mentally slow Yankees and Red Sox caps in third. UTA caps are becoming more viable, but you couldn't pay me to wear anything from there.

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The 1st two letters of my hometown are L and A. Also, LA is the abbreviation for Louisiana.

And LSU caps are very popular here <_< (Roll Wave!)


If you hadn't noticed, Chawls loves his wrestling, whether it be real life or sim. :D


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Here in Boise, it's Broncos, Broncos, and Broncos, with some Broncos thrown in for variety. There is the occasional Vandal cap. For pro teams, I'd have to say I see more Yankees hats than any other team. I'm always wearing a Mariners cap, and those are a lot more rare here than I would have expected.

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Someone already took the Chicago suburbs, so I'll go with my temporary home of Champaign. U of I caps are definately most common. After that is a mix of Cubs and Cardinals hats, I'd say it's 70/30 Cubs. Then it's just various MLB hats for the most part (there's a Whte Sox stuff.)


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These are all pretty cool to hear. So mostly do you guys think people wear them for the look rather than fandom? I guess that could make sense in the case here with the abnormally large number of Blue Jays caps in Utah.


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These are the caps in suburban Maryland...

1. Yankees (wayyyyy to many Yankees fans out here)

2. Red Sox (ditto)

Not sure where you live in Maryland, but I'm not sure they are actually Yankees or Red Sox fans. I think its more of the "lax bro" fashion that popular in Maryland.

Here's a few things I've noticed. The Orioles "O's" cap has been surprisingly popular since the team introduced it. Cartoon bird Orioles hats are also very popular (I own an orange panel one that is my favorite to wear). Also the new Ravens sideline cap is very popular (the new flat brim style). I personally think they ugly and would never buy one. However I've talked to quite a few people the past couple of weeks and everyone wants one. I've yet to meet someone who shares my point of view. Nationals and Redskins hats are also seen, but I live closer to Baltimore, so they are rare for me to see.

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the ones I see fairly often are the Brewers glove, the current M, Cubs, Packers, Badgers, and the occasional Bulls, Bucks, Cowboys and Bears. And before I forget about it, there's also the occasional Braves cap. I know one thing though, if the Texas Rangers ever introduced an R cap, a boatload of Racinians would get one. Much like Chawls' Dodger caps in Louisiana example, sure it aint our team, but it's our letter.


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it's whatever sports team is closest (or winning) to your area. Not that hard of a question

Given the responses I've seen, I don't think so. Unless the Yankees are close to London or the Blue Jays to Logan, Utah.


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