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NBA Changes 2013-14 Season


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And on the heels of that....


"Naptown": interesting.

Thanks for going through all the trouble to make the list. I was curious about other NBA cities. It's surprising how clumsy and contrived most of them are. Pretty sure "Naptown" refers to the lack of things to do in Indy, though.

You won't get too much of an argument from me on that one. :P (Actually, there's a good amount of things to see and do around here...just not the "fast-paced" type entertainment atmosphere you'd find up in Chicago or out on the Bos-Wash.) That said, to answer another query, this is why India'NAP'olis is also nicknamed "Circle City" (here's another view). That's Monument Circle, right in the center of downtown. Quite nice, too.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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And on the heels of that....


"Naptown": interesting.

Thanks for going through all the trouble to make the list. I was curious about other NBA cities. It's surprising how clumsy and contrived most of them are. Pretty sure "Naptown" refers to the lack of things to do in Indy, though.

You won't get too much of an argument from me on that one. :P (Actually, there's a good amount of things to see and do around here...just not the "fast-paced" type entertainment atmosphere you'd find up in Chicago or out on the Bos-Wash.) That said, to answer another query, this is why India'NAP'olis is also nicknamed "Circle City" (here's another view). That's Monument Circle, right in the center of downtown. Quite nice, too.

Indy's not bad at all. Great mall. Conseco (or whatever it is now) Fieldhouse is an amazing place to watch basketball, despite the Pacers currently lifeless uniforms.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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And on the heels of that....


"Naptown": interesting.

Thanks for going through all the trouble to make the list. I was curious about other NBA cities. It's surprising how clumsy and contrived most of them are. Pretty sure "Naptown" refers to the lack of things to do in Indy, though.
You won't get too much of an argument from me on that one. :P (Actually, there's a good amount of things to see and do around here...just not the "fast-paced" type entertainment atmosphere you'd find up in Chicago or out on the Bos-Wash.) That said, to answer another query, this is why India'NAP'olis is also nicknamed "Circle City" (here's another view). That's Monument Circle, right in the center of downtown. Quite nice, too.

Indy's not bad at all. Great mall. Conseco (or whatever it is now) Fieldhouse is an amazing place to watch basketball, despite the Pacers currently lifeless uniforms.

Bankers Life Fieldhouse...although I have to keep consciously reminding myself of that. (I still call it Conseco, myself.) And yes, it is one helluva building. Especially when you get to conduct brigade PT in there. Fun times, indeed.

And if Circle Centre Mall is the one you're thinking of downtown (that goes into parts of four different buildings all at the same intersection), well...depending on the last time you were there, let's just say it's not really as "festive" as it was just two years ago.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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"Cream City": not bad. Cash *does* rule. I don't think we've matured enough as a nation to include a jersey with cream across the chest without inviting cheap jokes.

Touche. :blush:

New Orleans:

*"Nawlins": only if the jersey design is funky enough to merit the colloquial spelling.

* I addressed this before but I'll mention it again. Locals don't call it "Nawlins". People who refer to it as such are either:

  • Cajuns or
  • Out-of-towners trying go be cute.

People here do actually call it NOLA, N.O., New Awlins or better yet, New Orleans, hence the appropriateness of both New Orleans and NOLA being displayed on the Hornets/Pelicans jerseys.

Duly noted. So, stick with "NOLA," then.

While this trend might be annoying to purists, there *is* more of a history pulling these kinds of shenanigans in professional basketball than there is in the other major sports. Has an MLB team ever used a city nickname or abbreviation (not initials/monograms) on their jerseys akin to "The City," "ATL," or "Phila"?

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my God, that's even worse seeing the full image of the side panels. completely random!

the only redeeming thing is the DETROIT BASKETBALL ( maybe shoulda been DEEETROOOIT BASKETBAAALL ;) ) on the collar. thats a nice touch that needs to be in all 3 unis (sorry, Mr. D).

sir can u give me a high res look of MOTOR CITY wordmark? thanks!

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I Just hope Chicago doesn't do the same with Chi-town or Windy City ..still these are better than Spurs logo unis

I thought of that too. I hope this doesn't start a trend.

I love the idea. I bet young people would eat up jerseys that use city nicknames.


"Naptown": interesting.

Thanks for going through all the trouble to make the list. I was curious about other NBA cities. It's surprising how clumsy and contrived most of them are. Pretty sure "Naptown" refers to the lack of things to do in Indy, though.


"Magic City": somehow I don't see this one being used.

"South Beach": might as well. That's the only part of Miami any NBA player seems to talk about.

No to Magic City because of Orlando. "South Beach" would be a surprise because they play downtown, not in South Beach. "Miami" and "South Beach" are not synonymous, no matter how often they are used as such by sports media outlets. I'd compare it to using "Manhattan" to refer to the whole of New York City.

I don't know if this would work on a jersey, but "(The) 305" would sell like crazy. Younger Miamians love their area code.


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________ city to run with the whole my_______. Aka MySpace get it


*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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The justification for "los bulls," etc is that team names are considered proper names in Hispanic communities and therefore that's what they say. In that case, however, shouldn't "New York" be considered a proper name, or do they actually say "Nueva York?"

The Milwaukee Cerveceros, Bierbrauer, Birrai & Piwowarzy are not impressed.

Do Mexican baseball teams tack "Los" on their jerseys? If not, there is no justification at all. Just a matter of brand equity superceding fun and making the entire translated uniform idea pointless.

You mean it wasn't already pointless?

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