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NHL: Defunct Franchise Redesigns


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The snout perspective issue has been addressed, but I have one more thing to point out. The 'swoosh' that comes out of the circle is much too close to where the other ear would be, and the way it protrudes it looks like one ear is much longer than the other and is sticking out of the circle. It looks odd.

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I'd love to see the 3rd logo blown up. It looks like a great design. Great work on these.

The alternate is an all dark brown set, with some (slightly modernized) classical elements. The crest is a combination of a full body seal with a custom cursive wordmark. Hopefully, enough of the seal shows through for it to work. The primary logo's the sleeve patch.

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Wow! I really like the logo a lot! The colors aren't my personal favorite, but they are appropriate for the team. The only problem I see is that the striping on the away sweaters is the same as the Sharks. Otherwise, this is yet another amazing addition to this collection.


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This whole series has been great, but the Seals concept is just amazing. I love the alternate, some striping on the bottom would make it perfect. The regular home and away are great too, I really like the sleeve striping.


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#8: Oakland Seals

Oakland, CA // Relocated 1976


Kept them as the "Oakland" Seals instead of the "California" Seals, since we now have three other California franchises. And the interplay between a franchise north of the Bay (Oakland) and south of it (San Jose) would be nice. The colors sort of worked themselves out: a sea-foam green, a dark (almost charcoal gray) brown, and bright golden yellow. For the wordmark, I wanted something that was modern but inspired by their old curvilinear, rounded "Seals" wordmark.

The primary uniforms are very clean and simple. (Look Ma! No piping!) Curvy, reversed-color sections on the sleeves, and no superfluous logos. Green sweater at home.

The alternate is an all dark brown set, with some (slightly modernized) classical elements. The crest is a combination of a full body seal with a custom cursive wordmark. Hopefully, enough of the seal shows through for it to work. The primary logo's the sleeve patch.




(**) A+ quality work my friend. The third jersey is magnificent.


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Love the 3rd jersey for Seals. Just really well done take on a classic logo. Great series you've got going here.

NCFA-FCS/CBB: Minnesota A&M | RANZBA (OOTP): Auckland Warriors | USA: Front Range United | IFA: Toverit Helsinki | FOBL: Kentucky Juggernaut

Minnesota A&M 2012 National Champions 2013 National Finalist, 2014 National Semi-finals 2012, 2013, 2014 Big 4 Conference Champions


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I feel like I have to say this, because everyone else seems to think the exact opposite. I think the primary logo is light years ahead of the third crest. The seal looks like it was just swimming along and got caught in some fisherman's net... ironically the net spells 'Seals'. I love the jersey itself, but that logo is just not good. No offense, it's wonderfully rendered, it just feels cluttered and not hockey-like to me.

just my 2 cents.

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The third reminds me of the Sidewinders from minor league baseball, to a point. Well rendered, but a tad minor league.

Also, the wordmark doesn't quite match the depth of the primary. I'd add a black outline between the green and yellow on "Seals"


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As much as I've loved this series, I'm going to have to vote no on the Seals. The whole set just looks a little too minor league to me. I do like the primary logo a lot, but it just doesn't fit the uniforms to me. I also agree with mcrosby on the alt. uniform and logo. You gotta go back to the drawing board on that one.


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I really like the Seals primary. But I do agree with an earlier poster who pointed out the perspective of the nose is off. I like the color scheme but I think the dark jersey should be black to help that logo pop.

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Your skills are so pro it seams awkward to criticize, but the Seals concept is the the clunker of the group.

- The primary logo seams sketched and not finished to the level of your other work.

- The nose is out of perspective (already mentioned).

- The ears are of different styles.

- The eyes are zombie.

- The jersey colors are too 'florescent' for hockey.

- The logo fades into the background (already mentioned).

IMO this concept needs another stage of development before it's in a finished state.

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You've managed to do the impossible and make a seal look tough. I know I'm late to the party, but this series has given me some great catch-up reading. There's a lot of creative thought that shows in your explanations behind certain looks for certain teams and I admire that.


There comes a point when you don't stand for the constant heartbreak anymore, and walk away.

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