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The annual MLB postseason bandwagon thread


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No need to bandwagon (Rangers fan), though I don't believe they'll get to the Series again. Too many pitching questions.

I'm surprised at the Rangers hate, yet not surprised. I just hope they don't end up the MLB's version of the Buffalo Bills. If/When they're not in it, I'd definitely be behind the Nationals.

And Still Mighty, thank you for proving the Rangers/Angels rivalry is real. At least we can both beat up on the Astros for... Ever.


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Probably going with the A's, O's, and Reds. The Nats are a good story but I can't root within the division and I feel like the DC area students up here have done the Caps-to-Nats bandwagon swap and it's gotten kinda annoying (granted the Orioles bandwagon has also filled up, but I feel as if the Nats bandwagoners just simply swapped their Ovechkin t-shirt for a Harper t-shirt)


Twitter: @RyanMcD29

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Any combo of A's or Orioles vs Nationals or Reds would make me very happy.

Anything involving the Yankees or Cardinals would make me very unhappy.

Anything else I am basically indifferent towards.

1 hour ago, BringBackTheVet said:

sorry sweetie, but I don't suck minor-league d

CCSLC Post of the day September 3rd 2012

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I will not watch if the World Series comes down to Yankees-Cardinals. Not only are those two completely undeserving fanbases, but also, that's just not a fun matchup to watch two recent winners play each other. It's why the Phillies-Yankees series in 2009 was such a snooze.

For tonight I am bandwagoning with the Braves and Orioles.


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Orioles and Reds...then everyone else. I am a big O's fan (its been a long wait) and the Reds are my 2nd favorite NL team. The Phillies are my home team and favorite NL team so I will not be rooting for the Braves or the Nats. And one last thing...I HATE THE YANKEES.

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I want to see either the A's or Orioles against the Braves. It would be great to see Chipper win it all that year. But I really don't care too much who it is as long as the Cardinals aren't there.


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I don't want the Nats to win just because of the Strasburg Situation. There is never a guarantee that they'll be back in the playoffs after this year. Pitch your top pitcher!

Once again, you realize that his doctors said that if Strasburg pitches any more his arm will tear again and require another surgery, no?


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I have a complex algorithm that takes into account multiple factors. I look at how much I enjoy visiting the city, recent success, fan support, players, uniforms, whether or not the team in question is the Yankees or Braves... I put it all in then I just go with what my gut says.

1) Oakland

2) Cincinnati

3) Baltimore

4) Washington

5) San Francisco

6) Detroit

7) St. Louis

8) Texas

9) New York

10) Atlanta

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I don't want the Nats to win just because of the Strasburg Situation. There is never a guarantee that they'll be back in the playoffs after this year. Pitch your top pitcher!

Once again, you realize that his doctors said that if Strasburg pitches any more his arm will tear again and require another surgery, no?

A team's goal every year should be to be the champion. They were pretty short sighted with how they handled the situation. Have his first start later in the season.

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1. Orioles - I grew up going to O's games. Behind the Angels, they're easily my 2nd favorite baseball team.

2. Tigers - Diehard Lions and Wings fan. I love that city.

3. Oakland - I liked Rickey and Canseco a lot as a kid. They're division rivals, but I've never minded the A's. Plus, I still love those yellow alts.

4. Reds - I don't hate them, I guess. Mesoraco played wiffle ball at my house years ago (his cousin is my neighbor). I guess they're 4th.

5. Giants - Again, I don't hate them.

6. Cardinals - I used to be a big Cards supporter when Jim Edmonds was there. Since then, I don't really care about them. I'm all for a new champion.

7. Braves - If they were still alive, they'd go here by default.

8. Yankees - They're not 9 or 10. Ichiro should get a ring, even if it is in New York.

9. Washington - I'd put them last if ot wasn't for the Rangers. I simply hate Bryce Harper.

10. Rangers - Bitter Angels' fan here.

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