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At least in this uniform, Broncos look a lot better in blue than in orange.



As someone who thinks these unis haven't aged well, the Broncos actually looked good last night. I understand what they were trying to do when they made the Orange the primary, but that jersey only works as an alt. If they wanted an orange primary they shoulda went back to the old set or a modern update (like the Bills.)

The only thing is when they were primarily navy they couldn't be trusted to not go mono so often (I believe they're going mono-navy the other time they were these this year) so if they did ever switch back to Navy primary, Orange alt then the Navy pants need to burned.

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Totally agreed. I was very pleasantly surprised to see Denver rolling out in these. My first thought was, "I really missed this look". It's an opinion that's a product of being a 90's kid I'm sure, but that's the look I think of when I think of the Broncos, well before the orange set.

I grew up in the 90s, and I disagree. I mean I shouldn't. Two straight Super Bowls and the glorious end to John Elway's career should have made this look THE Broncos look for me, but it didn't. Which only reinforces my opinion of it as a trendy clown suit that wore out its welcome a long time ago. Either the classic Broncos look or a hypothetical third design that had some staying power would have been enshrined forever given what was accomplished between 1998 and 1999. Instead we got a uniform with a shelf life. And a team that doesn't realise it's long past.

Being a Chargers fan may have had something to do with it. The four-way AFC West rivalry was so vibrant for the longest time because team had their own unique colour scheme. Then San Diego went navy. Darker then the powder and royal blue, but it's still blue. So it's not unworkable. Then the Broncos went navy. And suddenly the AFC West consisted of two navy and white teams, a black and silver team, and a red and gold team. The whole thing started looking a lot more drab then it should have, considering Denver's history of orange jerseys. The current home set is better because it at least uses an orange jersey. It's still not good though.

Then again I watched a lot of NFL films as a kid. So maybe that has something to do with why I tend to think of the classic Bronocs uniform as the default look for the team. Still? They can't get out of their "right out of 1997" uniforms fast enough. They don't need to go full throwback, but something akin to what the Bills or Vikings did, using a classic look as the basis for a new design, would be a huge improvement.

Call me crazy, but the Clippers' new logos have actually started to grow on me...

Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome setting in as a fan of the team...

That's probably it :P:upside:

I'm really not sure how anyone can like that look given everything we know about how it came about. The insistence on rushing a rebrand out before one could be properly implemented. Outsourcing the work to another NBA team's design department. The team having to pull stuff from their :censored: to tie what they got into the aesthetic history of the Clippers franchise.

Ultimately it's all subjective and if you, or anyone else, just likes it because you like it then that's cool. I'm just saying that it all just seems so indefensible once you realise where it came from.

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I can totally get where you're coming from there. I think for me, the first time I ever remember watching the Broncos was Super Bowl XXXII, and I grew up in Southeastern Utah which is heavily Broncos territory. Every Broncos fan in my hometown even back then wore the new Nike stuff (including my Grandpa). I just never saw the throwback stuff anywhere and don't remember having ever seen the old uniforms live on TV, so I guess I just got conditioned to equating the Broncos with navy and the Nike look. It may not be the historically correct look per se, but it's the only Broncos look I really know for myself and have any connection to, so to say. Even the current orange set is still a little jarring to me.

I totally would be fine with a freshening up of the look; I do agree with you that the overall design is past it's time. It's just more of a color thing for me, I just prefer the Broncos in navy and think of them first in navy, with orange secondary.


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Call me crazy, but the Clippers' new logos have actually started to grow on me. I still wish we went with a nautical/ship-themed logo and the old San Diego color scheme, but I think the logos we have translate better to the TV broadcasts (especially with all the different 3D effects ESPN and TNT use) than the old Lakers ripoff ever did.

I've also decided that I like the new red jerseys. I loved the old baseball-style scripts because, in addition to looking good, they stood out from the rest of the league. Likewise, the chest logo on the new red jerseys is also distinctive from the rest of the league and, on some strange level, just works.

Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome setting in as a fan of the team, but I'm not as vehemently opposed to the new look now as I was when it was unveiled.

The jersey's make me cringe, but yeah. It's just another bad logo in a league for of them.


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At least in this uniform, Broncos look a lot better in blue than in orange.


How's this for an unpopular opinion - Denver shouldn't have ditched the toilet bowl collars.


It matched the side panels so well that, if I didn't know better, I'd swear it was done on purpose. Their current collars are cartoonish and would be better off neutralized altogether a la Indy or Pittsburgh.

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At least in this uniform, Broncos look a lot better in blue than in orange.


How's this for an unpopular opinion - Denver shouldn't have ditched the toilet bowl collars.


It matched the side panels so well that, if I didn't know better, I'd swear it was done on purpose. Their current collars are cartoonish and would be better off neutralized altogether a la Indy or Pittsburgh.

Denver's entire set and Cincinnati's road uniforms are the only situations were I felt the toilet bowl collars worked.

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Time for a shocker. I hate the Toronto Maple Leafs current uniforms. All three of them. I find them extremely dull and boring and I think their old white alternate, their Winter Classic jersey, as well as their 80s jerseys are far better jerseys.

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The Leafs currently have the best uniform possible given their insistence on using the Ballard leaf.

I'm a fan of the 35-point leaf, but it may just be a bit too detailed to work today. The best option would be to combine the 1958-67 striping with the 67-70 leaf, using new text based off of the font used for Toronto subway signage (thanks, admiral).

The 1970s/80s look is never coming back because...Harold Ballard.

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